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Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Kitty Campion, Renowned Medical Herbalist / Naturopath.

First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself!

35 years ago I embarked on a life long journey of being a medical herbalist, initially diagnosing with iridology and over the years to the extensive training in six different styles of bodywork as well as training in further diagnostic methods using bio-resonance in Germany. During that time I have had the privilege of working with more than 30,000 patients and it was 20 years into this journey when I began further training in emotional intelligence and metaphysical law. I came to Australia 2 years ago on a permanent Distinguished Talent Visa in order to teach Emotional Intelligence, a 28 module course which is filling up quickly. My next class starts on 9th June. I’ve also just submitted my 10th book ‘The Handbook of Mind/Body Healing’ to a publisher in Sydney and am embarked on my 11th ‘A Revolutionary Guide to Healing Depression’.

Kitty works at Perth Natural Medical Clinic (PNMC).

Tell us about your daily beauty routine. (please include specifics about brands/products used)

Five minutes dry skin brushing followed by a brief hot then icy cold shower. Ren moisturiser (Ren products available on Strawberry NET) and Green People deodorant, together with Dr Organic aloe vera moisturiser.

What’s the one beauty treatment you can’t live without? And your favourite place to have it done?

I attend mi:skn salon in Lord Street, Mt Lawley for weekly facial acupuncture. Francesca Perino is a fantastic therapist trained in five element acupuncture so the treatment is holistic and she only uses natural products on the skin.

Who do you trust with your hair in Perth, and why?

To date I have not yet found a hairdresser to suit me and I am still searching.

Favourite budget / at home beauty treatment?

I use a Korean Chi machine which increases oxygen throughout the body and aids in relaxation.

Your three, absolutely cannot live without, favourite products?

Ecover shower gel
• Ren Global Protection Moisturiser (available on Strawberry NET)
• Yves St Laurent Fuchsia lipstick

Do you have any secret tips you use to keep looking / feeling great?

Daily meditation, a guaranteed way of emptying out all stress in the body and mind.

What beauty treatment/ wellbeing activity would you love to try but haven’t yet? (Due to time, money, scared etc!)

Eco friendly spa retreat for weekend

Describe a typical day of eating for you.

Morning liver flush – consisting of freshly pressed carrot, celery, lemon and ginger juiced with a couple of tablespoons of hempseed oil blended in.

Lunch – Fish/Meat and mixed green salad with balsamic dressing.

Afternoon Tea – Goji berries and nuts

Dinner – Meat/Fish and six seasonal vegetables plus 2 squares of Green & Black 85% organic chocolate. Sometimes half a bar! Lots of filtered water,the odd soy late or Rooibos tea.

Describe your fitness routine.

About to embark on a recently purchased aero pilates reformer bench. Hoping to do 3-4 times a week.

Do you take part in any alternative therapies or take supplements? If so, discuss.

I am a natural therapist and therefore take full advantage of weekly treatments of acupuncture and various bodywork.

How do you like to relax? What are your favourite ways to de-stress?

Art House Movies, British Detective Series, eating out with friends and enjoying fine wines.

Thanks so much to Kitty for taking time out of her extremely busy schedule to participate in our wellbeing routine! If you’re interested in reading more about her, I found this great article on the Perth Natural Medical Clinic website.

Be well,


Perth Online Beauty Media (POBM!) Event Wrap-Up and Reviews!

♥ POBM Gals ♥

This Sunday just passed was the culmination of months of organising and planning, the result? The first Perth Online Beauty Media event! So what exactly is POBM? Well it’s a group of girls (no guys…yet!) from Perth / WA who blog and write online content related to beauty and wellbeing. There’s plenty of us, and it was high time that we all stepped out from behind our respective computer screens and got together for an afternoon of networking and strengthening of the online beauty media industry in WA.

It was an amazing day, held at the gorgeous Djurra Day Spa in Fremantle, with healthy raw food pizza and sweets provided by The Raw Kitchen and beautifying drinks by Emma & Toms. A host of other generous sponsors supplied items for the goodie bags (links below)!

I’ve decided to share some of the less formal photos, scroll down and check out the behind the scenes action, as well as a whole heap of blog posts from our attendees which go into a bit more detail! Enjoy!

Bloggers arriving at the lovely Djurra Day Spa!

Online beauty media girls receiving their amazing Aveda blue oil treatments


3 of my writer gals, Kelly, Jacqui & Adriane, chowing down on some raw food 🙂

Megan from Beauty in the Sky trying some raw pizza, and looking very cute!

Adele (our naturopath for the day), Rebecca from Bride in White & Ali from Creatures of Commonplace trying some of the ‘Radical Action’ juices!

Jane from Flourish Magazine and I about to find out if we’re zinc deficient with a zinc test!

Adriane checking out which goodies to pick in the beauty product swap!

♥ ♥ ♥

Find out what everyone else though with this amazing array of blog posts below!

Dempeaux – Perth Online Beauty Media #POBM
Amgoorie – Perth Online Beauty Media #POBM & haul post!
Creatures of Commonplace – POBM, way better than CHOGM
Beautifully Glossy – Perth Online Beauty Media Event – POBM!
Don’t you know April Rose? – Perth Online Beauty Media Event
Dont they know who I am? – Perth Online Beauty Media Event – watch us creep out from behind our computers!
Beauty in the Sky – POBM girls are doing it for themselves!
Beauty Down Under – POBM – Perth’s Online Beauty Meet Up
Coveted Canvas – Perth Online Beauty Media Event
Bride in White – POBM

Hope you enjoyed checking them out! 🙂 Can’t wait for the next event.

Be well,



Multi-tasking Magical Products!

♥ ♥

There’s a lotta love to be had for products that have more than one use, not only do you save money and time, but you also save on precious bathroom bench space, something which is worth an increasing amount these days!

Here are my three current favourites:

Jane Iredale Antioxidant Spray

Packed full of antioxidants and smelling like delicious oranges/tangerines, this product has a lot more uses than just pepping up your face on a hot day.

♥ Sets mineral makeup, of which Jane Iredale produce some pretty awesome varieties.
♥ Use to wet brushes to use with eyeshadow and make liquid liner, genius!
♥ Spritz over hair to control static.

The great news is that you can do all of this while smelling like summery citrus fruits. RRP $39.

Essential Kit Multipurpose Wonder Balm

This stuff beats regular paw paw balm! It’s certified organic, smells absolutely amazing – kinda like a chocolate orange, and 100% of the ingredients are from a natural origin. Plus NO animal testing or animal products and it’s made in Australia! SIGN ME UP 🙂 It even tastes yummy… should you accidentally (or not so accidentally) lick your lips.

Can be used for…

♥ Lip balm, smoothing eyebrows, giving your cheeks a highlighted glow, moisturising nails & cuticles, a thick body moisturiser, smoothing flyaways, soothes dry heels, protecting cuts, shaving… AND under wetsuits on long swims apparently!!!

It’s fast becoming a staple and comes with me everywhere. So much love! RRP $22.95.

Tisserand Ethically Harvested Lavender Oil

I’ve only just started to really get into essential oils and candles, but have always had a soft spot for lavender. Ah, quell-er of stresses, easer of sleeps! It’s always been good to me, and I’ve recently discovered that it has a lot more uses than I initially thought, lets have a look:

♥ A natural way to take the sting out of burns
♥ Super successful zit zapper – have been hitting this one up a lot lately, and it’s working!
♥ 6 drops on a damp flannel to help a headache
♥ Disinfectant for cuts & to help new skin grow
♥ And of course, a few drops on the pillow to de-stress & help you fall asleep 🙂

What are your favourite multi-tasking beauty & wellness products? Share with us below!

Be well,



Wrap up of the past week: Outdoor cinema picnics, Christmas, Holidays!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! I hope you had an amazing time with family, friends or yourself, and that your wellbeing hasn’t suffered toooo much over the silly season 🙂

Outdoor Cinema Picnics

Behold above, a little picnic feast that I took to go and see Crazy, Stupid, Love (Ryan Gosling anyone?) at the Moonlight Cinemas in Kings Park.

It’s such a gorgeous setup, all nature-y and very relaxing, hopefully I can get down there again sometime soon. The picnic feast included: pikelets with preservative free jam, pitted kalamata olives, fruit salad, raw apple juice (the BEST!) and my friend brought along banana bread, water crackers and apricots and cream cheese salad. Love me a healthy feast 🙂

Christmas (and amazing Christmas candles!)

I wish I’d written about this gorgeous festive scented candle prior to Christmas so everyone could have run out and picked one up!

The White Christmas Candle by Palm Beach Collection smells in-cred-ible and I’ve been burning it non-stop since December 1. It’s a soy candle scented with orange, cinnamon and clove, with 80 hours burn-time and is guaranteed to melt the heart of even the most hardened grinch. Pictured above lighting up our $5 tree! The candle retails for $37.95.


While giving presents is better than getting… getting is still pretty good! This Xmas I swooped a lot of awesome goodies, including:

♥ Super-cute brown vegan-leather bag with bow! I’m going to be rocking this hard next year when I go to school, it’s perfect for carrying a few books! From Herbivore Clothing (I don’t think they stock it anymore, but it’s a fantastic website for vegan goods)
The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science – I’ve wanted to read this for a while now, it’s all about neuroplasticity and how the brain can change at any time to overcome previous limitations, such as depression, anxiety, and even strokes.
12 Month Frankie Magazine Subscription – yay! I will be knowledgeable on all things indie & cute for the next year.
♥ Organic chocolate covered macadamias.
♥ $60 voucher for Bodhi J Day Spa – this will be going towards a much needed massage 🙂
♥ Money towards a term worth of yoga classes.
♥ Oil burner + ‘study’ oil which I’ll need for next year!
♥ Some jewellery with stones that are useful for focusing on study. (not pictured)
♥ 2 different caffeine free teas and a really cute floral mug to drink them from!
♥ An Endota ‘Massage Magic’ value pack (thanks Endota!)
♥ A book on smoothies and juices (not pictured)
♥ A copy of Russh magazine (not pictured)
Kit Cosmetics Cheek & Lip Tint (not pictured)

So I think it’s fair to say I cleaned up! Lots of wellness goodies in there too so I’m very pleased 🙂 I also gave some great gifts which were received with smiles and hugs, which was the best!

What did you get/give for christmas? Share your highlights below!

Be well,



Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Jade Jurewicz, Wellness WA Contributor.

First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself!

I’m Jade, my life is currently a jumble of PR and journalism assignments, audio book downloading, Tutti Frutti frozen yogurt obsessing, planning to start planning my wedding, reading some very serious literature (which could also be defined as chick lit) lusting over the bikini’s whilst working in Tigerlily and writing for Wellness WA!

The most amazing place in Leederville (Perhaps all of Perth!)

Tell us about your daily beauty routine.

I feel as though I was born without the make-up and beauty obsession that seems to be present in most women’s genes! My daily beauty routine is simple and I stick to a product once I find it works for me. I use Kora Organics face products, tinted moisturizer for the day as I rarely wear foundation and a thicker night cream before bed. Morning and night I apply Bio Oil to the small pimple scars on my face (it’s been a life saver following my small unwelcome stint of adult pimples last year!) and Rosehip oil has recently joined by beauty routine, it’s been fantastic so far.

Morning and night after my shower I lather myself in Natio ‘Wellness’ Body Lotion as it smells delicious, just like summer! Make-up wise I have a very simple routine; on top of my Kora tinted moisturizer I apply bronzer and mascara, Paw Paw on the lips during the day and for special occasions I love my Nars velvet matte lip pencil in Cruella, such a lush red (beware it is not boyfriend friendly, they should not be expecting any kisses after application!).

What’s the one beauty treatment you can’t live without? And your favourite place to have it done?

Again, my lack of beauty obsession genes must be noted! However I get my waxing done by Alexandra at Vanilla Beauty in Highgate; our constant gossiping almost takes most of the pain out of waxing. Other than that I love ‘Jade time’ which can only be described as a few wonderful (and necessary) hours spent catching up on all of the girly things I’ve put off whilst writing essays and drinking too much coffee; at home hair treatments, face masks, nail painting, eyebrow plucking…. this list could go on for quite awhile!

Who do you trust with your hair in Perth, and why?

Unfortunately I’ve never had a hairdresser I’ve adored enough to stick with. After impulsively dying my hair black as a teenager it’s remained that similar shade until a hair dressing friend did an amazing balayage dye on it. I’m excited to have this color for summer, wearing it messy and ‘I just came back from the beach’ like (even on the sad days I can’t make it down for a dip).

Favourite budget / at home beauty treatment?

Basically any product used during Jade Time. Most purchased at that illusive place where you discover you basically need everything on every shelf and spend far too much money- Priceline. I recommend a thick and nourishing hair treatment once a week, like the Pantene one I’m currently using, to leave in for a good hour whilst drinking red wine and watching Kids Masterchef (or your reality T.V of choice) to make your hair feel super smooth and healthy. Also this may sound rather odd (but it works I promise!) lather your feet in a thick moisturizer or body butter then wrap them in glad wrap and pop some socks on for around 15 minutes. It leaves your feet feeling soft and lets them know you appreciate them for holding you up all night in your new coral wedges!

Your three, absolutely cannot live without, favourite products?

They would have to be Bio Oil, Kora tinted moisturizer and Rosehip Oil.

Do you have any secret tips you use to keep looking / feeling great?

I’ve found balance is the best tip I could give for looking and feeling great! I discovered over my 23 years that this is the case with most aspects of my life, without balance there is that little, annoying feeling that something isn’t quite right! It’s an ongoing process to find that perfect balance between right and wrong, work and social life and the most important………. how many pieces of chocolate should be devoured on a Sunday night?

♥ Dark chocolate and raspberry cupcake at Mrs S in Maylands, delicious.

What beauty treatment/ wellbeing activity would you love to try but haven’t yet? (Due to time, money, scared etc!)

I would love to go on a yoga retreat, such as one that Samudra in Dunsborough offers, I can’t begin to imagine how relaxed a few days of yoga, eating amazing fresh food and being in the fresh air would feel! I would also love to be treated to a full day at a lush day spa, no expenses spared. These however can only be achieved in the near future if I win lotto. In the meantime I’ve been meaning to try pilates and bikram yoga (I’ve been too lazy/scared to try both!).

♥ One of my favourite café’s

Describe a typical day of eating for you.

I try to maintain a healthy and balanced diet, making room for necessary treat’s of course. I have an unhealthy obsession with porridge and muesli, I’m literally excited to wake up every morning to eat a big bowl of one of the two! I’ve been on the search for Perth’s best muesli for a while now, so far Boucla in Subiaco is winning. Most mornings I have porridge cooked on the stove with cinnamon, pear, sunflower seeds and honey. Throughout the morning 1 or 2 coffee’s is a must and some almonds or fruit. For lunch it’s usually a chicken salad or wrap and more nuts, fruit or muesli bar in the afternoon. Dinner can be an array of things!

♥ Bircher muesli on a recent trip to Melbourne.

My staple dinner ingredients consist of avocado, lentils, pumpkin, chicken, quinoa or Israeli cous cous, coriander or basil and I love rice noodles (not all together of course!). I love cooking and my favourite meals to cook at the moment would be chicken tagine’s with chickpeas and cous cous, fish or chicken with lots of mango salsa, big pots of dahl with roasted veggies or tasty summer salads. On lazy nights my partner and I have take away Japanese or one of the delicious ready-made meals from the Herdsman. I also love to go to the Subiaco farmers market on the weekend and browse the stalls with my little cup of bircher muesli or try new Perth café’s. On the ‘treat’ side I love frozen yogurt or icecream, dark chocolate, Flipside burgers or anything smothered in honey (or even honey on a teaspoon!).

♥ My friend and I stretching for the City to Surf

Describe your fitness routine.

Being a poor uni student a gym membership unfortunately doesn’t make it into my budget. However I am a huge fan of walking for both fitness and to avoid public transport. I walk home around 3 days a week from work, the 40 minute journey becomes even more of a work-out whilst wearing my small-heeled Tony Bianco boots! Walking dates with friends is always a nice way to spend time catching up, especially when frozen yogurt is waiting at the end. I jog around a park near my house then power walk to Mooba to get coffee around 3 mornings a week too. After my first beach visit in forever last week I’ve also been inspired to start yoga or pilates class, starting next week I promise!

Do you take part in any alternative therapies or take supplements? If so, discuss.

Once upon a time I spent days googling vitamins in hope to find that miracle supplement that would leave me feeling like I’d just finished a yoga class then snacked on a fresh, organic salad filled with every possible super food known to man. However after purchasing a mixture of vitamins in which I thought would offer me this utopia feeling, after 2 weeks I began to forget taking them and after a month they were pushed to the back of my bathroom cabinet (I am yet to discover the miracle supplement).

How do you like to relax? What are your favourite ways to de-stress?

I’m lucky in that my partner is one of the most relaxed people I’ve ever met, so I’m hoping that a little bit of his talent has rubbed off on me (although X-Box is not my idea of relaxation). I enjoy taking relaxing walks to get coffee at Louie Baxter’s or smoothies at the Subiaco weekend markets (with extra honey!), reading a book or lying down on the couch and watching whatever series I’m currently addicted to. I also enjoy writing for myself when I can, without deadlines or expectations. For the past few years I’ve been trying to write a novel however don’t expect to see it on shelves anytime soon, I’m still only 20 pages in! I’ve also found it beneficial to keep a positive outlook on life, taking a few spare minutes each day to take a few deep breaths and put things in perspective- this is very necessary during the last weeks of the uni semester believe me!

Thanks Jade! We love having you as a writer @ Wellness WA. Read more of Jade’s articles here!

Be well,
