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Blueberry, Banana and Cashew Butter Smoothie!

Just a quick one! I’ve just discovered a great new smoothie and wanted to share it with you.

Blueberry, Banana & Cashew Butter Smoothie.

♥ 2 x small-medium ripe bananas
♥ 2 large cups of cold filtered water
♥ 1 x cup (or more!) frozen blueberries
♥ 1 x heaped teaspoon of Organic Cashew Butter (yum yum yum)

Mix this all up in your blender for a minute, it’ll make 2 large glasses full. I love the extra bit of creaminess that the cashew butter gives it and it’s a great way to add some extra protein.

I think I’ll be rockin’ this smoothie before and after workouts as I felt pretty good after drinking this pretty purple drink.

If you try it out let me know what you think!

Be well,



Wellness WA Christmas Wishlist!

We wish you a Well Christmas!

With less than one month to go, I thought it was high time to spread the word about what I’d like to be receiving under my little faux-pine tree come December 25th… feel free to steal any of these ideas to show your loved ones!

1 ♥ The health, wellness & happiness of all of those who are dear to me. This goes without saying, but is nice to remember and put at the top of my list 🙂

2. ♥ Spa Pedicure at Bodhi J Day Spa ($75) ! This place is fast becoming a favourite of mine, 100% natural and organic prods are used, and the staff are lovely. I’ve never had a spa pedi before and my feet are feeling a little sad, so receiving this would make them grin (if they had mouths…)!

3. ♥ Full Body Massage at either Cove Spa, South Perth ($105) or Nourishe, Claremont ($50). I LOVE MASSAGES! Love love love. There, I said it. If you’ve yet to experience one, I can recommend either of these two places to send you to relaxation heaven.

RRP $49.

4. ♥ Philosophy Under the Mistletoe Holiday Gift Set – four mega-tasty sounding Christmas themed glosses in peppermint bark, candy cane, pink frosted cookie & cherry christmas. Lips will be sorted for the next 6 months!

RRP $58

5. ♥ Philosophy Ice Cream, You Scream Gift Set – Okay, this one is almost impossible to say no to. Vanilla icecream paired with butterscotch drizzle and caramel drizzle and these guys can be used as a body wash, bubble bath OR shampoo. What?! Limited Edition makes this as good as under the tree already, if I don’t receive it then it will be my gift to myself! 🙂 YUM!

RRP $ 45

6. ♥ Philosophy Have a Cherry Christmas – What can I say? I’m addicted to the Philosophy range, how can you blame me when their gifts are so flippin cute?!

Cherry scent has always been a favourite of mine and Cherry Christmas satisfies both the lips and the body with its ultra red lip gloss and sweet n tangy body wash / bubble bath / shampoo. Delish! x

7. ♥ Health and Beauty Magazine Subscriptions – Specifically Good Health and Wellbeing Magazine, my two favourites!

8. ♥ The Geography of Bliss by Eric Weiner (RRP $ 24.95) – A book I found out about from The Happiness Cocktail, basically the author travels the world to discover what countries are happiest, which ones aren’t and possible links between the two. Fascinating stuff.

9. ♥ 10 Class Pass for Yoga Moves – This yoga studio is currently topping my list of favourite places to do yoga in Perth. The quality of instructors is extremely high and it’s a really zen little environment just across from a lake. The 10 class pass would make sure I get down there more often!

Carrot, Zucchini & Parsnip Frittata Fingers… yes please.

10. ♥ A Personal Vegetarian Chef – To the best of my knowledge this doesn’t exist in Perth, but please feel free to prove me wrong. PLEASE!!! ; )

I could go on all day but better wrap it up at 10!

Tell me, whats on your Christmas Wishlist?

Be well,



The Importance of Having a Delicious Body Wash that Makes You Feel Amazing.

The scents we surround ourselves with have a huge impact on how we feel, the other day I came across (for the first time in a looooong time) the earthy, metallic smell of sprinklers on a hot day and was immediately taken back to age 7, running around the backyard through sprinklers with a friend.

I’m sure you can think of some too! The smell of Mum’s moisturiser, freshly baked biscuits, the perfume of an old lover… scents are powerful little molecules!

It’s with this in mind that I propose we all need to have the most fantastic soap / body wash possible, one that makes you want to run to the shower and never leave, filling you with feelings of hope, pleasure and wellbeing.

So! I’d like to invite you into my shower to have a mosey around and check out some of the beautiful body washes that are currently rockin’ my world…

Philosophy Melon Daiquiri Shampoo, Bubble Bath & Shower Gel!

Starting out with one of my absolute faves! Melon Daiquiri means I’ve been smelling like tangy melon for months now and absolutely love it. My mouth is actually watering writing about it!

Cinnamon Buns Shampoo, Bubble Bath & Shower Gel!

My 2nd Philosophy go-to makes my morning shower smell like a warm bakery (and also makes it incredibly difficult to leave!), this one is currently not available through Australian online stores, but you can find it at Sephora if you love the sound of it.

If you’re not aware of the Philosophy range of products you MUST do yourself a favour and check them out!

Coming in an amazing range of true-scents, you’ll wonder how you ever got by without smelling like your favourite fruit or dessert, I’ve previously had the Raspberry Sorbet & Strawberry Milkshake flavours and can highly reccomend them too 🙂

This Works! In the Zone.

Blending Frankincense & Eucalyptus scents, In the Zone by This Works is like a pep-talk for when you’re feeling exhausted or run down. The newest addition to my crowded shower, ITZ has carved a place among my top used products because it’s perfect for all your pre and post busy day issues.

Don’t want to be awake? It helps invigorate and get your morning off to a fab start.

Rough day at the office? In the Zone is there massaging your shoulders and telling you you’re a trooper.

Feeling run down or just exercised your butt off? The little white bottle is smiling at you knowingly.

I adore it and I think you will too.

While these body washes may be a little more pricey than your $5 number from Woolies, (Philosophy – RRP $38 & This Works RRP $48) I believe it’s worth the price to have an amazing smell and experience that will last you long past the time you’ve hung up your towel (or in my case, left it on the floor in a heap) and I haven’t personally found a cheapie that gets me going quite like these guys!

Philosophy & This Works products available from Mecca Cosmetica, online and in store.

How about you…

What’s your favourite shower gel / body wash?

Do you like to spend up or be thrifty when it comes to cleaning yourself?

Would love to hear!

Be well,



Product Review: Milky Foot!

Milky Foot

After a long winter of hibernating beneath boots and tights, my feet were looking a little rough and neglected. Not being the kind of girl to shell out $80 on a pedicure, I was eager to try ‘Milky Foot’. This product claims to create milky smooth feet without any scrubbing or exfoliating, with just one application. It sounded too good to be true!

After washing my feet I cut open the two packages and slipped my feet into the gel-filled plastic pouches, putting socks on over the top. There was quite a strong chemical smell to the gel, similar to hair bleach, which made me worry a little as to whether this would burn. However after my 60-90 minutes of foot-soaking I was relieved to see I still had all ten toes. I took off the plastic pouches, rinsed my feet and hands and commenced the waiting game.

‘Milky Foot’ claims to begin working in about 5-10 days, and after 5 days I noticed skin beginning to peel from the areas of hard skin. It was pretty unpleasant to look at, and I endured around 5 more days of skin slipping from the soles of my feet. After the peeling subsided I was left with the results promised, and now have heels as soft as a baby’s behind.

Applying ‘Milky Foot’ was very easy, and I liked the fact that there was no hard work involved. If you can live with peeling feet for around a week, I would recommend ‘Milky Foot’ as an effortless alternative to home or salon pedicures.

It retails in selected pharmacies for $29.95 (small) or $34.95 (large).

Or can be purchased online here: Buy Milky Foot!

Review by Katy Lock

Be well,


Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Gillian Campbell, Make-Up Artist and Stylist.

First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself!

I have recently moved back to Perth after spending the past year working in NYC, where I worked as a freelance make-up artist for film (worked with Cannes Film Festival Winner, Elodie Bouchez), in addition to managing the marketing department at fashion showroom APARAT.

Since moving back to Perth at the beginning of the year, I have resumed my career as a freelance makeup artist and worked on the Cloudstreet TV mini-series, several commercial campaigns (LotteryWest, The West Australian and Chevron), and have had editorial in SCOOP, The West Australian and Frankie. Although this keeps me relatively busy, I am also the Marketing Manager (Business Development) at HALO Lighting, an independent Architectural Design Lighting Consultancy that my Dad started in April this year.

Work tends to take up most of my time but I try to keep a balance, making sure I take the time to go to the beach, see my family and friends, and keep in touch with local exhibitions and gigs.

Tell us about your daily beauty routine.

I try to keep things simple with my personal routine, as my days are usually pretty busy. I always cleanse morning and night with a gentle cleanser (Cetaphil) as I have very sensitive skin and I moisturize with a hydrating cream (Ego QV cream).

I have tried several other products but I have hypersensitive skin and find base products without fragrance work best for me. I make sure I’ve always got Kiehl’s SPF 15 lip conditioner (Available at StrawberryNET) on hand as I often tend to work out on location and I use Giorgio Armani’s Hydra Glow Foundation as it also contains an SPF 15.

What’s the one beauty treatment you can’t live without? And your favourite place to have it done?

To be honest I find the beach to be my favourite beauty treatment. Salt water seems to work wonders on my skin and hair. I just make sure I have my SPF and sunglasses in tow.

Who do you trust with your hair in Perth, and why?

Matthew Ingrahm at Head Office on Hay Street. Its all about the cut! Even in New York I found it hard to get a cut as good as his.

Favourite budget / at home beauty treatment?

Elizabeth Arden’s 8 hour cream – a mid price point $39 for an amazing product, which is great for dry skin. It can even be used on the lips!

Your three, absolutely cannot live without, favourite products?

MAC Eye Lash Curler – I don’t leave the house without curling my lashes. It’s all about keeping what’s natural (skin, brows, lashes lips) looking fresh.

Maybelline Full and Soft Waterproof Mascara – you can layer this mascara and it remains soft and doesn’t crumble. Waterproof is always best to hold lashes that have been curled.

NARS Casino Bronzer
– For darker skin tones like mine this bronzer keeps the skin looking sun-kissed and ready for Summer (lighter skin tones would use NARS Laguna Bronzer).

Do you have any secret tips you use to keep looking / feeling great?

Less is more! Nothing beats fresh healthy skin. Lots of water, SPF, and picking a cleanser and moisturizer that is right for your skin type will all help in the quest to feel great.

What beauty treatment/ wellbeing activity would you love to try but haven’t yet? (Due to time, money, scared etc!)

I’d love to go on a yoga retreat, but this requires time and research and my busy work schedule has been keeping me on my toes.

Describe a typical day of eating for you.

Eggs for breakfast are a must for me. I tend to drink a lot of water and steer clear from drinks that are high in sugar. Apart from that I tend to eat everything in moderation.

Describe your fitness routine.

I try to avoid driving where possible, so instead I walk or ride my bicycle. I also go dancing at least once a week.

Do you take part in any alternative therapies or take supplements? If so, discuss.
