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Product Review: Alchemy Gingko and Jojoba Intensive Moisture Vitamin Masque.

Am I the only one that craves that kind of hair that you have when you first leave the hairdressers? That hair that just seems to behave so well, sit so damn fine and even sustains the nastiest of weather conditions? That hair that just… well… that just doesn’t seem to be yours? I’m sure I’m not the only one. I think I’m not alone in this quest for this thing that I seek …yes friends… manageability .I’m also pretty sure its got something to do with your hair being a consistent team player and I’m doubly pretty sure that that has got a whole lot to do with keeping it in tip top condition.

Something that I have discovered recently that can really help with this is your humble hair mask (and you thought they were only for your face!) and what better time to take a look at one now that Summer is upon us and the sun, sea and pool are going to try their dandiest to lure your tresses into all out fuzz ball mode. Alchemy has such a hair mask currently on the market, namely a ‘Gingko and Jojoba Intensive Moisture Vitamin Masque’ . While being paraben and sulfate free (this means no irritants that cause the product to foam up) as well as containing protecting ingredients such as avocado oils and white tea, this product is all about giving you that manageability that we all so badly need/want/desire. Who would’ve thought we would go to so much bother for a bunch of dead skins cells…

So the deal with this is

♥ Wash your hair
♥ Towel dry it
♥ Put this all over your hair and then leave it for anywhere from 5 minutes to overnight.

I didn’t do the overnight option (the thought of rolling around on my pillows and sheets made the clean freak in me, just…freak) but I did try the more manageable 5- 30-minute spell.

Basically, this works. The longer you leave it the better. And why shouldn’t it? Anything as thick as this and filled with as many good things as this AND kept on your hair for longer than you would leave your average conditioner is going to work. It makes sense right? It makes your hair sit better, feel smoother and lighter (not weighed down by too much product) and it smells so lovely. Addictively so! (I used the whole bottle in three weeks because I wanted my hair to smell like this forever). This product can be used as often as you like UNTIL you gain that manageability and then twice a week from then on.

It’s suitable for straight hair, permed hair or coloured hair, its Australian owned, vegan and it’s not tested on animals. Now- if there’s not something that appeals to you out of ALL OF THAT, then have a great time trying to manage that rat bag head of hair of yours until you come to your senses.

Alchemy Gingko and Jojoba Intensive Moisture Vitamin Masque retails for $17.95.

Article by Adriane Daff, I’ve seen her hair. It’s good.

Be well,


Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Hans Bruechle, Artist.

Hans Bruechle

First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself!

I’m a 24 year old, youngest child of 8 who loves Guitar Hero and enjoys turning up to costume parties dressed inappropriately. I also draw and paint a lot and I’m starting up my own clothing label, I love to cook, and I do plenty of exercise in between epic Xbox sessions.

Painting by Hans

Tell us about your daily beauty routine.

The secret to a classic, timeless beauty is your wake-up time. If you’re waking up before the crack of 10:30 then you’re not doing your face any favours. After that it’s a regulation shower (with shower gel not soap), shave, moisturize with Palmer’s Cocoa Butter, do the hair, brush your teeth with whitening toothpaste and then maybe a nap cos you’ve just worked so hard on looking like you’ve just woken up.

What’s the one beauty treatment you can’t live without? And your favourite place to have it done?

As a guy I don’t really indulge in “beauty treatments” mostly because I feel uncomfortable and out-of-place in beauty salons. I feel like I should be talking with the other Mums about how school fees have just gone up again or whether Katy Perry really has had a boob job. But I do enjoy a haircut at Obsession in Gwelup pretty frequently. They’re all really nice people with good senses of humour and the artwork on the walls was done by me.

Who do you trust with your hair in Perth, and why?

Again it’s Obsession in Gwelup. And I don’t know if “trust” is the right word because that implies that my hair is some sort of precious gift that must be handled with care and respect. Like virginity. I go to Obsession because they do really good haircuts and I like all the people who work there. It’s not even close to my house!

Favourite budget / at home beauty treatment?

I feel like I’m letting these questions down because, as a guy, my beauty regime focuses on 80% hair, 15% teeth and shaving, and 5% miscellaneous. But I am a fan of Palmers Cocoa Butter. Especially now cos as it heats up I’m at the beach all the time. Also sunscreen.

Your three, absolutely cannot live without, favourite products?

In all of life it’d have to be my limited edition Hannah Montana box set but in the self-beautification world it’s:

1. Redken “Rough Clay” hair product
2. Palmers Cocoa Butter moisturiser
3. Gillette Mach 3 shavers (although they are more expensive than buying a child from another country).

Do you have any secret tips you use to keep looking / feeling great?

A lot of exercise and good food. And some sun! Not too much and don’t get burnt but just get out there and be active. I try and go to the gym 3 or 4 times a week and on the off days I swim – either in a pool at Melville Aquatic or in the ocean. Apart from that I do a bit of running, surfing, cycling, and kicking the footy around with mates.

As for food, don’t be a nazi about it (I can’t stand people who count calories and ration out portions of salad like it’s a horrifying school camp). But at the same time don’t go nuts on the fast food either. Eat fresh food that you cook yourself but still enjoy that quarter pounder at 4 in the morning when you’re tanked.

Hans getting his chest waxed. (Note: May actually be Steve Carell)

What beauty treatment/ wellbeing activity would you love to try but haven’t yet? (Due to time, money, scared etc!)

I’ve never had a manicure/pedicure. I don’t really want one but it was only thing I could think of that didn’t immediately freak me out. Come to think of it, I don’t think I could handle someone touching my feet like that. I actually got my chest waxed last week for a TV show and that definitely sucked. Think 40 Year Old Virgin but with me complaining like a little girl.

Describe a typical day of eating for you.

Fruit salad with yoghurt for breakfast (if I even wake up in time for breakfast…seriously), then normally some pasta or a big roll for lunch. I am actually a fan of Subway for lunch. And then for dinner I’ll cook something. Could be anything but I prefer pasta and rice dishes that fill me up and then I’ll have leftovers for tomorrow’s lunch.

Describe your fitness routine.

It’s fairly standard – I go to the gym during the middle of the day for about an hour (it is one of the benefits of not having a “proper” job) and do weights, but not a lot of cardio. Then in the evenings I’ll usually go for a run near my house and on Tuesdays and Thursdays I get up at 5 and swim a couple of k’s at Melville Aquatic Centre.

Do you take part in any alternative therapies or take supplements? If so, discuss.

I’m not a big fan of alternative therapies – if you can’t fix it with a Panadol, it probably can’t be fixed – kind of attitude which I know is a bit dumb. And the only supplement I take is protein powder after I come back from the gym. I’m not fully into the whole world of protein and weight-gain supplements but I do use it. And that’s it. No multivitamins, or fish oil or rhinoceros testicle. That’s a thing, right?

Be well,


Mangoes and Avocados are in Season and CHEAP!!

There’s not much better on a supermarket adventure than suddenly realising the fruits and fresh foods you adore have come into season and you can spend a ridiculously small amount to fill your trolley with a delicious, vitamin packed fruit feast.

In this case mangoes and avocados are our triumphant heroes.

I’ve previously written about the benefits and joys of eating lots of avocados, they are one of my favourite products for healthy skin.

They are also amazing for the body in times of stress due to being packed with B-Vitamins (known stress reducers!).

Most stores are selling them for under $2 so there is no excuse not to get these globes of green goodness onto your plate and I’ve included a recipe idea below!

Now to mangoes, beautiful yellow-orange tropical wonders. These guys have been delighting me at work for the past few weeks, making my keyboard all sticky (oops) and generally being very sweet and refreshing. A few days ago I came across some perfect HUGE PINKY SKINNED ones at Subiaco Farmer Jacks for only $1.99!!

You know it’s Summer when the mangoes are out in force, try reaching for one at 3pm instead of that Mars Bar, it’s probably cheaper right now too!

To celebrate the abundance of these two loves of mine, I’ve decided to share with you a delicious little recipe, behold:

Mango & Avocado Salad


1 x large, ripe mango
1 x large, ripe avocado
1 x can of butter beans (organic if possible)
A few sprinklings of dried cranberries.

For optimum effect make this salad after just completing a fantastic yoga class and revel in the amazing feeling that both are giving you. That’s where I’m at right now!

Cut / slice up the avocado in your preferred method, slice n dice your mango to make it look pretty like the one pictured above (instructions on how to do so), rinse your butter beans thoroughly, mix all the ingredients together and then sprinkle a generous serving of dried cranberries.

Voila. Totally tasty and healthy Summer snack / light dinner.

What are your fave Summer fruits?

Do you have any recipes for yummy fruit based salads I should know about?

Please share below!

Be well,



Weekly Wellness Gems.

Hiya! Monday morning calls for some extra assistance this week and we’re here to throw some (hopefully) inspirational little shiny morsels into your hands and let you run with them…

So, I once again present to you the weekly round-up of all the best beauty, health & wellbeing related links that have crossed my path this week, hope you enjoy! xo

My Own Journey to Fitness & Wellbeing – a few people have been asking lately so I thought I’d re-post this one. I’m currently about to take up a personal trainer which was one of the things on the list… exciting times ahead for my fitness!!

How to be Fabulous in Three Easy(ish) Steps – well worth a look, the three steps are not as hard to come by as you’d expect…

How do you cope with the judgey judgey voice in your head? – Sarah Wilson lets us into her brain and also looks at a few ways we can combat our nasty inner voice.

Did your breakfast sabotage your skin today?

How to Eat Before and After a Workout – from Healthy Bitch Daily (!!)

Why You Should Apply Sunscreen First – seriously you must watch this one, I learned heaps! A really interesting video that explains the science (in an easy to understand way) of why applying sunscreen first is vital. Must must must watch! provides a list of meat alternatives search-able by brand and state!

Why Happiness is Something We All Need to Invest in from the ever-lovely Yasemin from PRIMPED. Loved this one.

10 Instant Mood Boosters – do some now!

Self Care Tips for Busy People – and that’s most of us.

Mummies Point to Man Made Cancer – thousands of years ago cancer was almost non-existent… food for thought.

Hope you enjoyed this weeks installment, I think there’s something for everyone!

Be well,



Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Hannah McGrath, Two Bucks til Wednesday, Stylist.

♥ First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself!

I’m a stylist who makes one half of All Of The Above Creative and one third of Two Bucks ‘Til Wednesday. I love inventing stories, characters and adventures to give depth, intrigue and innovation to fashion photography. I’ve worked for publications such as The West Australian, Frankie Magazine and X-press Fashion, as well as for the Perth Fashion Festival (as the Fremantle event coordinator and stylist), Scene and Viviens modelling agencies, Pigeonhole, Two Bucks ’til Wednesday, Awoke on a Whale Heart, Paper Skye, Little Gracie and Lonely as a Cloud, among others. Check out my blog at

♥ Tell us about your daily beauty routine.

I wash my face with QV wash and moisturise with Cetaphil. I used to use more harsh cleansers, as I used to get bad breakouts, and never believed something as simple as QV could be ok, but my skin is better now than it’s ever been (this also might be just because I’m not a teenager any more, though…)

♥ What’s the one beauty treatment you can’t live without? And your favourite place to have it done?

I’ve never had any sort of beauty treatment at a salon or spa or anything, actually.

♥ Who do you trust with your hair in Perth, and why?

I cut and dye my own hair as I’ve been a penniless student for the past four years! (this also might have something to do with my answer to the previous question!) Head Studio did mine for me a few years ago for a hair show and they are super brilliant, so if I was going to go anywhere I would go to Marie.

♥ Favourite budget / at home beauty treatment?

Ha, everything! Ok, this is probably terrible, but it works: putting a little dab of toothpaste on pimples over night! It totally works.

♥ Your three, absolutely cannot live without, favourite products?

Batiste Dry Shampoo is my favourite thing ever. I have a fringe and fine hair and it keeps it fresh and voluminous… Plus, it smells pretty. Also, Papaw ointment and white eyeliner.

♥ Do you have any secret tips you use to keep looking / feeling great?

Drink lots of water! I drink a whole lot (maybe too much? Can you drink too much water?), but am bad because I buy bottled water. My next purchase will be one of those big re-usable bottles. I also usually go to be and wake up pretty early, and nearly always get 8-10 hours sleep a night.

♥ What beauty treatment/ wellbeing activity would you love to try but haven’t yet? (Due to time, money, scared etc!)

I wouldn’t mind having a pedicure, but feet in general are pretty ugly things so I’d feel bad for the person doing it…

♥ Describe a typical day of eating for you.

I’ve always been a grazer, so I kind of eat constantly. For breakfast I normally have porridge, muesli or eggs on toast, and a banana, and always a large coffee (the real thing, never instant).

I then generally snack on things like biscuits and fruit and almonds throughout the morning, then maybe have something like sushi (if I’m on the road) or elaborate toasted sandwiches (if I’m at home) for lunch. And of course, the occasional McDonalds, because I’m not even going to lie; it’s frigging delicious.

Then again I generally snack all afternoon on perhaps strawberries, snow peas, chocolate and various other unhealthy things. I normally cook dinner for my family, things like delicious creamy pasta and veggie curries are my favourites and therefore the things I mostly make.

And I can’t live without dessert! Custard, cake or Tim Tams.

And actually, I just planted a veggie garden so am hoping to eat my own produce soon!

♥ Describe your fitness routine.

Um… incidental exercise?! Haha. My job involves lots and lots of running around all over the place and climbing stairs with loads of heavy bags of clothes and shoes and such, so that’s all I really do. I catch public transport wherever possible, which means I walk a fair bit I suppose.

♥ Do you take part in any alternative therapies or take supplements? If so, discuss.

Not really. I find one of the best things to do to clear my head when I’m stressed is to go op shopping. It calms me down, the music is ever too loud or shout-y and the little old ladies are generally the sweetest, most welcoming people around. Op shopping’s my therapy! But honestly, more than anything else; hanging out with my wonderful boyfriend and my three amazing best friends who make me immeasurably happy in every way.

Thanks Hannah, if anyone has any questions please leave a comment!

Be well,
