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Beauty and Wellbeing Crushes: My Current Skincare Heroes!

Hola amigos! I thought today I’d share with you some of the products that I’ve been using pretty religiously over the last few months. I’m very lucky to be able to try a whole host of different skincare and beauty products, however when I find something that I keep reaching for, I know I’m onto a winner.

These four products have been keeping my skin very clear and glowy recently, along with the supplements that my naturopath has prescribed me.

So here we go!

Ren ClearCalm 3 Clarifying Cleanser

This cleanser is marvelous for combination skins like mine. A lot of the time when I see clay cleansers I think “Ack, too drying” but this isn’t the case with the Clearcalm, it’s very gentle. The 3 is in the product name because it’s meant to work on the three areas of breakout formation – excess sebum, buildup of dead cells and blemish causing bacteria. I’d have to say I agree! Am totally loving it and reccommend it whole-heartedly! Especially when used in conjuction with…

Clarisonic Mia

As previously mentioned, I feel that this is the major reason my skin has been so good to me lately. Breakouts have SERIOUSLY diminished and my skin is smoother than it has been…well, forever. Used twice a day it has my skin beaming (be careful not to use it on any active pimples (the ones with any pus in them…!) though, as it can spread the bacteria and cause more zits. Once they’ve settled a bit it’s fine! The Clarisonic is also the perfect precurser to…

Rosehip oil

I’m always raving about rosehip oil, it can do no wrong in my eyes! Once my skin is smooth and clear from the above two steps, I massage three drops of RHO into my skin at night (I prefer an SPF moisturiser during the day). It works it’s miracles overnight… and in the morning I wake up with even clearer and glowy-er skin. Seriously a miracle prod! It’s packed with vitamin c, and reduces scars, dryness, pimples and even works on oily skin. WHAT CAN’T IT DO? Well it can’t make you a green smoothie unfortunately, but I hear it’s in the pipeline.

Dermalogica Daily Microfoliant

When I want to mix things up a bit and give my skin a break from the Clarisonic, this is my go to. It’s a rice-based enzyme powder which you add water to, then apply to your face for some at-home microdermabrasion! It’s really helpful for brightening and smoothing the skin, and works particularly well on any breakout/blackhead prone areas due to the salicylic acid content (pimple kryptonite). It’s a cult beauty product the world over, and I love it too.


90 Minute Gem Inspiration Massage @ Cove Spa – super dreamy, christmas is coming and this would make an AMAZING gift!

Echolife Facial Mist Giveaway! – just in time for summer… get into our latest comp!

Product Review: OPI Muppet Collection – Kermit, Miss Piggy and the gang are waiting to hang out on your hands and toes.

Restaurant Review: Yongs Green Food, Melbourne – Take a trip interstate to this incredible restaurant that’s worth the airfare in itself.

Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Jade Jurewicz, Wellness WA Contributor – One of our most popular articles of ALL TIME! Find out why so many people want to read about Jade’s fabulous wellness routine.

Much love to everyone!

What are your favourite skincare heroes at the moment?

Be well,



Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Jade Jurewicz, Wellness WA Contributor.

First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself!

I’m Jade, my life is currently a jumble of PR and journalism assignments, audio book downloading, Tutti Frutti frozen yogurt obsessing, planning to start planning my wedding, reading some very serious literature (which could also be defined as chick lit) lusting over the bikini’s whilst working in Tigerlily and writing for Wellness WA!

The most amazing place in Leederville (Perhaps all of Perth!)

Tell us about your daily beauty routine.

I feel as though I was born without the make-up and beauty obsession that seems to be present in most women’s genes! My daily beauty routine is simple and I stick to a product once I find it works for me. I use Kora Organics face products, tinted moisturizer for the day as I rarely wear foundation and a thicker night cream before bed. Morning and night I apply Bio Oil to the small pimple scars on my face (it’s been a life saver following my small unwelcome stint of adult pimples last year!) and Rosehip oil has recently joined by beauty routine, it’s been fantastic so far.

Morning and night after my shower I lather myself in Natio ‘Wellness’ Body Lotion as it smells delicious, just like summer! Make-up wise I have a very simple routine; on top of my Kora tinted moisturizer I apply bronzer and mascara, Paw Paw on the lips during the day and for special occasions I love my Nars velvet matte lip pencil in Cruella, such a lush red (beware it is not boyfriend friendly, they should not be expecting any kisses after application!).

What’s the one beauty treatment you can’t live without? And your favourite place to have it done?

Again, my lack of beauty obsession genes must be noted! However I get my waxing done by Alexandra at Vanilla Beauty in Highgate; our constant gossiping almost takes most of the pain out of waxing. Other than that I love ‘Jade time’ which can only be described as a few wonderful (and necessary) hours spent catching up on all of the girly things I’ve put off whilst writing essays and drinking too much coffee; at home hair treatments, face masks, nail painting, eyebrow plucking…. this list could go on for quite awhile!

Who do you trust with your hair in Perth, and why?

Unfortunately I’ve never had a hairdresser I’ve adored enough to stick with. After impulsively dying my hair black as a teenager it’s remained that similar shade until a hair dressing friend did an amazing balayage dye on it. I’m excited to have this color for summer, wearing it messy and ‘I just came back from the beach’ like (even on the sad days I can’t make it down for a dip).

Favourite budget / at home beauty treatment?

Basically any product used during Jade Time. Most purchased at that illusive place where you discover you basically need everything on every shelf and spend far too much money- Priceline. I recommend a thick and nourishing hair treatment once a week, like the Pantene one I’m currently using, to leave in for a good hour whilst drinking red wine and watching Kids Masterchef (or your reality T.V of choice) to make your hair feel super smooth and healthy. Also this may sound rather odd (but it works I promise!) lather your feet in a thick moisturizer or body butter then wrap them in glad wrap and pop some socks on for around 15 minutes. It leaves your feet feeling soft and lets them know you appreciate them for holding you up all night in your new coral wedges!

Your three, absolutely cannot live without, favourite products?

They would have to be Bio Oil, Kora tinted moisturizer and Rosehip Oil.

Do you have any secret tips you use to keep looking / feeling great?

I’ve found balance is the best tip I could give for looking and feeling great! I discovered over my 23 years that this is the case with most aspects of my life, without balance there is that little, annoying feeling that something isn’t quite right! It’s an ongoing process to find that perfect balance between right and wrong, work and social life and the most important………. how many pieces of chocolate should be devoured on a Sunday night?

♥ Dark chocolate and raspberry cupcake at Mrs S in Maylands, delicious.

What beauty treatment/ wellbeing activity would you love to try but haven’t yet? (Due to time, money, scared etc!)

I would love to go on a yoga retreat, such as one that Samudra in Dunsborough offers, I can’t begin to imagine how relaxed a few days of yoga, eating amazing fresh food and being in the fresh air would feel! I would also love to be treated to a full day at a lush day spa, no expenses spared. These however can only be achieved in the near future if I win lotto. In the meantime I’ve been meaning to try pilates and bikram yoga (I’ve been too lazy/scared to try both!).

♥ One of my favourite café’s

Describe a typical day of eating for you.

I try to maintain a healthy and balanced diet, making room for necessary treat’s of course. I have an unhealthy obsession with porridge and muesli, I’m literally excited to wake up every morning to eat a big bowl of one of the two! I’ve been on the search for Perth’s best muesli for a while now, so far Boucla in Subiaco is winning. Most mornings I have porridge cooked on the stove with cinnamon, pear, sunflower seeds and honey. Throughout the morning 1 or 2 coffee’s is a must and some almonds or fruit. For lunch it’s usually a chicken salad or wrap and more nuts, fruit or muesli bar in the afternoon. Dinner can be an array of things!

♥ Bircher muesli on a recent trip to Melbourne.

My staple dinner ingredients consist of avocado, lentils, pumpkin, chicken, quinoa or Israeli cous cous, coriander or basil and I love rice noodles (not all together of course!). I love cooking and my favourite meals to cook at the moment would be chicken tagine’s with chickpeas and cous cous, fish or chicken with lots of mango salsa, big pots of dahl with roasted veggies or tasty summer salads. On lazy nights my partner and I have take away Japanese or one of the delicious ready-made meals from the Herdsman. I also love to go to the Subiaco farmers market on the weekend and browse the stalls with my little cup of bircher muesli or try new Perth café’s. On the ‘treat’ side I love frozen yogurt or icecream, dark chocolate, Flipside burgers or anything smothered in honey (or even honey on a teaspoon!).

♥ My friend and I stretching for the City to Surf

Describe your fitness routine.

Being a poor uni student a gym membership unfortunately doesn’t make it into my budget. However I am a huge fan of walking for both fitness and to avoid public transport. I walk home around 3 days a week from work, the 40 minute journey becomes even more of a work-out whilst wearing my small-heeled Tony Bianco boots! Walking dates with friends is always a nice way to spend time catching up, especially when frozen yogurt is waiting at the end. I jog around a park near my house then power walk to Mooba to get coffee around 3 mornings a week too. After my first beach visit in forever last week I’ve also been inspired to start yoga or pilates class, starting next week I promise!

Do you take part in any alternative therapies or take supplements? If so, discuss.

Once upon a time I spent days googling vitamins in hope to find that miracle supplement that would leave me feeling like I’d just finished a yoga class then snacked on a fresh, organic salad filled with every possible super food known to man. However after purchasing a mixture of vitamins in which I thought would offer me this utopia feeling, after 2 weeks I began to forget taking them and after a month they were pushed to the back of my bathroom cabinet (I am yet to discover the miracle supplement).

How do you like to relax? What are your favourite ways to de-stress?

I’m lucky in that my partner is one of the most relaxed people I’ve ever met, so I’m hoping that a little bit of his talent has rubbed off on me (although X-Box is not my idea of relaxation). I enjoy taking relaxing walks to get coffee at Louie Baxter’s or smoothies at the Subiaco weekend markets (with extra honey!), reading a book or lying down on the couch and watching whatever series I’m currently addicted to. I also enjoy writing for myself when I can, without deadlines or expectations. For the past few years I’ve been trying to write a novel however don’t expect to see it on shelves anytime soon, I’m still only 20 pages in! I’ve also found it beneficial to keep a positive outlook on life, taking a few spare minutes each day to take a few deep breaths and put things in perspective- this is very necessary during the last weeks of the uni semester believe me!

Thanks Jade! We love having you as a writer @ Wellness WA. Read more of Jade’s articles here!

Be well,


Product Review: Peter Thomas Roth Sulfur Cooling Masque.

I went through a stage where my skin was a war zone. I was doing all the right things with my usual winning combination of a gentle cleanser (Cetaphil) and oil-free moisturiser (Kiehl’s) plus exfoliating twice a week, plus guzzling water and eating right – but my skin was ready to do battle and I needed to stand up to it.

I needed something new and I needed it fast, the pimples and blocked pores were not budging. I tried numerous toners to try and dry out the spots, but nothing was working. So I went deep into the trenches (Kit Cosmetics, my favourite source of beauty arsenal) and asked them to pull out the big guns… I was originally there to source another product, but the salesperson put me on to Peter Thomas Roth’s Sulfur Cooling Masque ($51.95) when I explained my predicament. She was totally on the money.

Just one of the soldiers in this hard working product.

As soon as I put the clay-textured masque on my skin, I could feel the cooling effect. With sulphur and eucalyptus doing the double team on my pimples, the inclusion of aloe had their back and made sure the rest of my skin didn’t dry out. Although I did only put this masque on the affected areas, there’s no point in shaking up innocent civilians in your ploy to take out the bad guys.

After about 10 minutes of letting the masque set and do its damage, my skin was finally being led to happier pastures. I kept up the masque twice a week for a month and my skin has cleared to a point where I am really happy with it.

Now I think there were some sneaky terrorists, in the form of hormones, playing a role in this battlefield, but the Sulfur Cooling Masque was on the frontline when it counted and I’m saluting its efforts. It’s a product well worth a try if you are having skin issues, particularly in the T-zone and I highly recommend it.

Are there any products that have done a stand out job on your own skin warzone? Or perhaps you live and die by a product that keeps your skin a neutral territory – fill us in!

Review by Lisa O’Neill, a former-triathlon wannabe now revelling in the joys of yoga, sleep ins and the elimination of waistbands as she awaits the arrival of her first baby.

Bali Day Spa Review: Away Spa, W Retreat and Spa, Bali – Seminyak.

For those who are in the knoW, W Hotels are a chain of worldwide luxury hotels. When I first heard of them, I was intrigued to read that celebrities Heidi Klum and Seal had stayed at the newly opened W Hotel in Bali, Seminyak (where we stayed). From then on, I was very eager to try out the treatments on offer at the on premises amazing sound beauty and wellness centre, the ‘Away Spa‘ and receive some star treatment! I was pleasantly surprised, I was Whisked away by the atmosphere and facilities they have on offer.

Located on the ground level of W Retreat is the exotic looking entrance to the spa. “Whatever, Whenever” is their motto and it’s no wonder because it’s open 24/7 and is the first of it’s kind. The path to the spa is surrounded by water and colourful stones imprinted with “wish” and “hope” which is what W hotels is about, little surprises that delight! The friendly staff greet us as we step in the door and soon after we are introduced to our individual therapists before our 4 hour long appointment. The only requirement for our Pimp Me Up package is “dress to impress and we do the rest”, and they certainly took care of the rest, because for the next 4 hours we were treated to something very special.

As I look around the brightly lit blue massage room, there are robes and slippers prepared for us in the corner. There are two massage tables on a platform infront, and shower facilities behind. After changing into a robe, my therapist asks me to choose 6 out of 10 coloured bottles. These bottles are filled with aromatherapy oils to be used in the massage. After 5 blissful days in Bali, I felt refreshed and energised so I pick 6 vibrant colours, which turn out to be the most zesty scents. I chose a bright orange that smelt like an orange being spritzed into a bottle. This playful little gesture of picking colours added another element to the W spa experience. My therapist made sure to check with me that each scent was okay before applying the oils to my body. Uncertain about the bright blue light at first, I quickly get used to it after the first few minutes of my soothing 90 minute aromatherapy massage.

After a few refreshments the therapist explains to me what is next – the very luxurious Diamond Dust Scrub. The Diamond Dust Scrub is made from actual diamond dust particles and is an exclusive blend. At first it felt quite cold but further into it the scrub was invigorating. My therapist scrubbed my body from head to toe, front and back. A short time later, I stepped into a nice hot shower and rinsed off the scrub, I could still see flecks of diamonds on my skin and it shimmered in the blue light.

Next step in our pimping process, a 24-karat gold wrap. Yes you heard (read) right, a blend of 24-karat gold in a hydrating lotion, massaged on to our exfoliated skin to add moisture while experiencing a bit of glitz and glamour. When the therapist slathered the gold wrap on to my skin, I snuck a peek at my arm and I could see flecks of gold and squealed excitedly to myself. The lotion had a thick consistency and felt soft on my skin was massaged over my entire body. After about 20 minutes I rinsed off (yes shock horror!) the gold lotion in the shower. Hoping that not all the gold had gone down the drain, I came out of the shower and noticed my skin had gold flecks and it was shimmering in the light. A truly unique experience! It’s also good to know that the blend of ingredients in W’s own scrubs and lotions are 100% natural.

Some of the products used in our treatment.

After the whole body treatments, my face was treated to a Bright Eyes facial using a mixture of Priori and W’s products. The Priori range of anti-aging products contain ingredients that are ideal for cleansing and exfoliating the skin and they used a moisturiser that protects and hydrates for more than 8 hours. The Priori eye-serum firms and boosts weary and tired eyes, rich in spirulina, witch hazel and comfrey extracts, thus the Bright Eyes name (not to be confused with the band). A spritz of the ‘Away’ facial mist in a lavender scent to finish the facial, refreshing and light, they also sell the products to take home with you in the salon.

Some of the heavenly face mists.

At last when I opened my eyes, I felt like a goddess that had just woken from a deep slumber, refreshed and rejuvenated. Our therapists took such care with our hands and feet and gave us the most amazing manicure and pedicure using OPI colours. Words can’t even describe how I was feeling after 4 hours of indulgence, it was a truly one of a kind experience.

One of the lovely therapists.

To top off the 5 star treatment, we were served gourmet style tapas in the spa’s dining room accompanied by a choice of a smoothie, alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverage.

And if you thought that wasn’t enough, the spa also has a hot stone bath and cold jet set vitality pool to keep your relaxed, so you don’t have to stop there.

With an extensive list of treatments offered there are endless possibilities at Away Spa & Retreat in Seminyak/Bali, and you’ll come out feeling like a million bucks, (or literally worth a million bucks after the over the top gold wrap!) it is certainly worth the trip.

W also provide the SWEAT Fitness Centre which is also open 24/7. The gym is fully equipped with treadmills, cross-trainers, weight machines, yoga mats and speed ropes for gym junkies that like to go on holiday and keep up with their exercise routine. They also offer personal trainers as part of their Whatever/Whenever service at any time of day. Where else can you get that kind of service?

I would like to extend my gratitude to W hotels and their absolute commitment and accommodating staff and Wellness WA for giving me the opportunity to review this wonderful spa, an ideal escape for a honeymoon or a getaway with a girlfriend for a well deserved break.

Ambience: Sophisticated and Luxurious
Spa Dining: Light Snacks and Drinks at Chill Bar and Decompression Lounge
Special Facilities: 5 Treatment Rooms, 2 Spa Suites, Nail Lounge, and Hair Salon
Spa Hours: 24 Hour
Cost: 4,600,000 aka roughly $495 AUD
More Information: Pimp Me Up

Have you ever been to a spa in Bali? Any other recommendations for us? Share your knowledge below!

Review by Kelly-Anne, newly awakened Balinese princess. Photos by Tegan Taudigani.

Be well,


Beauty and Wellbeing Routine: Bonnie Doran, Fashion Blogger @ Bonnie Friday.

First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself!

I’m a fashion blogger, freelance journalist and law student from Perth, WA. Writing and fashion have always been my two passions, and now I am able to indulge them through the same avenue! My blog, Bonnie Friday focuses on mainly Western Australian designers, boutiques and personalities. Recently I was flown to New York to cover New York Fashion Week for Nokia and! Since then I have realized that fashion media is what I really want to get into. Now all I have to do is chase the opportunities!

Tell us about your daily beauty routine.

I’m a person who is starved for time. Between working, studying and trying to build a journalism/styling portfolio, I don’t have time for a lengthy beauty routine. In the shower I use Bliss body wash which I bought in New York and a Nivea facial toner. After my morning shower I moisturize with an Olay cream and if my skin needs a little bit of extra TLC I use a Lancome moisturizing and de-stressing gel or the SkinCeuticals Hydrating B5 gel. In the evening I repeat my shower beauty routine and cleanse my face with a Clearasil cleanser. I also use the Garnier eye roll-on day and night to control puffy circles.

What’s the one beauty treatment you can’t live without? And your favourite place to have it done?

I can’t live without eyebrow shaping. I believe it’s a simple treatment that can make a huge difference when it comes to framing your face. I have my eyebrows shaped at the Benefit Eyebrow bar in Myer. The ladies there take it seriously and are really professional. I’ve never been anything less than 100% satisfied!

Who do you trust with your hair in Perth, and why?

I get my hair done at Bangs Salon on Murray Street. My hair stylist Naomi has just left for Melbourne so I am a little distraught, but everyone there is amazing. They know exactly what I want even when I say things like “you know, I want hair like Lara Bingle” and the prices are really reasonable!

Favourite budget / at home beauty treatment?

You don’t have to spend a lot on treatments for your hair. There are so many products out there that provide the same results at home as the salon! I deep condition my hair with a Schwarzkopf deep condition about once per month. The results are amazing and I bought the tub for around $10 a year ago!

Your three, absolutely cannot live without, favourite products?

I live for my Bliss body wash. There is something really soothing about stepping out of the shower, feeling clean and smelling like orange blossom! Maybe it is also because it reminds me of my trip to New York! I’ve also just run out of my SkinCeuticals Hydrating B5 Gel which is like liquid gold! I have never found a product that has been so great for my skin. Thirdly I have issues with puffy circles around my eyes. Since trying the Garnier eye roll on I will never go back. I know some people are dubious about the benefits but even if the caffeine has no effect, the results are soothing and hydrating. I have noticed a marked difference in the skin around my eyes!

Do you have any secret tips you use to keep looking / feeling great?

Drinking lots of water and eating well is essential for looking and feeling great, but it is no secret! I suppose I try to be positive as much as I can. I think that makes a huge difference in how you look and feel. Happiness is by far the best beauty therapy!

What beauty treatment/ wellbeing activity would you love to try but haven’t yet? (Due to time, money, scared etc!)

I would love to try Bikram yoga because I have heard so many great things about it. I’m not sure though if I would be able to handle the heat… literally!

Describe a typical day of eating for you.

I usually get breakfast with my morning coffee in the city to save time at home. I’m a little bit naughty and will often have a muffin or a croissant! Lunch depends on whether I am at work or uni. At work I will often have an avocado roll or a pesto chicken wrap from Croissant Express. At uni I can’t go past the rice paper rolls at Café 55 in Fremantle! I try to cook every night and keep it as diverse as possible. A couple of regulars are rice with butter chicken, and veal ravioli in a creamy tomato sauce!

Describe your fitness routine.

On a good day I’ll try to do 30 minutes of cardio on top of my daily running around. I never drive to work so that means I get at least 40 minutes of fast walking each day. When I get home I play with the dog in the front yard or workout to the Zumba video I got for Christmas.

Do you take part in any alternative therapies or take supplements? If so, discuss.

I take a Vitamin B supplement which helps me to keep my stress under control and seems to put everything into perspective. Whenever I call my Mum to tell her about an issue I’m having she asks me “Have you had a Vitamin B lately?” It may sound silly but it’s true, Vitamin B is really important for me to ensure I balance my stress!

How do you like to relax? What are your favourite ways to de-stress?

Nothing beats a holiday to Rottnest. I can never be stressed on Rottnest Island – lazing around in the sun, riding my bike around the island and swimming in the crystal clear waters! That’s rarely an option though so for day to day de-stressing I take a deep breath, go for a walk and have some “me” time. I also think it’s important to spend some quality time with my family and partner when I’m feeling stressed. Sunday is my ultimate relax day because I lounge around with my partner and our dog watching movies and talking about our weeks!

Thanks to Bonnie for sharing her beauty & wellbeing routine!

If you’d like to ask Bonnie any questions, you can do so in the comments below 🙂

Be well,
