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Alternative Therapy Review: Reiki with Helen Walker of Walker Wellness, Pickering Brook.

I’m always looking for new and exciting ways to balance my mind and body, chill out and de-stress in general. I’ve tried comedy nights, virtual reality therapy, ongoing yoga, sublime massage and more…!

Suffice to say that when Helen Walker from Walker Wellness contacted me to trial the ancient art of reiki , I was very keen to test out its supposed relaxing qualities, and funnily enough I just so happened to have it done on the day I had a job interview!

For those who don’t know:

“Reiki is a natural form of healing therapy. It uses non-invasive gentle touch. This form of therapy aims to increase energy levels and promote relaxation and wellbeing.”

For more detailed information I have found this to be an excellent & simple resource: Reiki @ Better Health Channel.

My session started with the gorgeous Helen answering any questions I had, then popping on some relaxing music and asking me to lie on my back, I was then covered with towels (very comfy!) and the reiki began.

Over the next hour and a half her hands moved lightly over my body, starting from the head, and stopping at various points to help release the energy stored in these places!

Throughout the experience I felt deeply relaxed and nearly fell asleep a few times (which never happens to me during treatments).

Afterwards I was advised to increase my water intake, the same as after a massage, and to note any changes I felt within myself.

I felt very relaxed and went in and smashed the job interview, funnily enough the woman interviewing me was a big fan of reiki too!

If you are looking for an alternative treatment that has been conclusively proven to assist with stress reduction and relaxation then I would definitely recommend giving reiki a go, especially with Helen, as she has a beautiful energy and is extremely passionate and knowledgeable about the practice.

Walker Wellness … for a healthy body, mind and spirit; naturally, safely, effectively.
Combined Therapies
Tel/Fax: 9293 7247
Mob: 0400 999 785

Be well,



Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Conor Mines, Perth Food Blogger.

Conor runs the successful food blog

First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself!

I’m in my mid-late twenties (some may argue the “mid-“ is stretching it a bit these days), completing the final year of my PhD in environmental engineering, and these days find myself spending most of what time I have left over in the day either talking about, reading about or writing about food.

Although I love to bag it, I love living in Perth but regular travel is necessary for my mental health.

Tell us about your daily beauty routine.

It’s really very basic, and sometimes I wonder when I’ll become a proper grownup and start wearing makeup to work and using night creams. I cleanse, tone and moisturise in the morning, then normally wear a SPF-ed tinted moisturiser through the day.

I’d love to say I drink gallons of water a day and always get at least 8 hours of restful sleep but this is rarely the case! Herbal teas keep my water intake at somewhat acceptable levels and coffee keeps my body from punishing me too much about the amount of sleep I let it have.

What’s the one beauty treatment you can’t live without? And your favourite place to have it done?

After discovering its joys about a year ago, I am an IPL convert. It’s like magic. Smooth, smooth magic. I was getting it done at Erazer in Claremont and found them to be really good, but my last treatment was done at Hairfree Centre in Booragoon after seeing it promoted on Wellness WA.

Who do you trust with your hair in Perth, and why?

I go to Steve at LASH in Inglewood. He always does a great job, is really affordable, is fun to talk to, never berates me for how long I leave it between visits and he makes decent coffee. He also keeps his magazines up to date, and I never have to resort to reading about Simone Warne or Bec Hewitt.

Favourite budget / at home beauty treatment?

I bought an epilator on eBay a few years ago and have found it to be a great way to save money on leg waxes without having to resort to shaving. It’s a bit old and only works when plugged into the wall, but it’s not like I’d want to go do it down at the park or something anyway.

Natio Tinted Moisturiser RRP $17.23

Your three, absolutely cannot live without, favourite products?

Toothpicks – my teeth gaps are on a constant mission to embarrass me, and I always have toothpicks on hand to thwart their plans.

Natio Tinted Moisturiser – it adds a bit of colour to my face while protecting me from the sun.

Facial Wipes – these are perfect for lazy people who want to keep their face clean, and are a godsend at the end of a big night out.

Do you have any secret tips you use to keep looking / feeling great?

Smile 🙂

What beauty treatment/ wellbeing activity would you love to try but haven’t yet? (Due to time, money, scared etc!)

I’m curious to see how my body and mind would respond to being in an Isolation tank. While I’m not overly afraid of suffering from claustrophobia inside one, I am apprehensive about paying good money to potentially spend an hour being bored and trying to stop thinking about what I need to buy at the supermarket, how badly I need a haircut, how I really should book myself in for another IPL treatment etc.

Describe a typical day of eating for you.

Eating is one of my main priorities in life, and there is some part of my brain that is constantly thinking about my next meal, even while I’m eating my current meal.

My typical day will start with breakfast of a bowl of steel cut oat porridge with assorted fresh fruits, natural yoghurt, stewed rhubarb and a sprinkling of dried fruits on top.

Lunch will be something like sushi, a wrap and salad, or an enormous chicken or tuna salad.

My standard boring dinner is some sort of embarrassingly large stir fry with a huge amount of vegetables and a protein such as chicken, tofu or fish. I am also constantly snacking throughout the day, and can fade pretty quickly if I have to go very long without sustenance.

Describe your fitness routine.

Given that one of my favourite pastimes is eating, and I am not blessed with magical genes, I maintain a decent fitness routine in order to fit into my clothes and also to keep myself strong and healthy.

Despite the mostly horrendous music, I’m a big fan of the Les Mills group fitness classes. I do Body Pump three times a week and Body Step twice a week when it suits my schedule. I’ve also recently set myself the potentially ridiculous goal of running the half marathon component of the Busselton Half Ironman in May of next year, so have just started doing interval training once a week, and a “long run” once a week. So far my definition of “long” is 10km, which isn’t even half a half marathon. I’m glad May is a long way off, and that Busselton is nice and flat.

Do you take part in any alternative therapies or take supplements? If so, discuss.

Although I have a good diet, I take a daily multivitamin and fish oil supplements in case I’m somehow missing any vital nutrients. I went through a sustained period of getting regular acupuncture, and found it very beneficial for many reasons, but have fallen out of the habit at the moment. I also can’t go long without a neck/shoulder massage and treat myself whenever I can, which is never often enough.

Any questions for Conor?!

Be well,


Winners: Al’chemy Competition!

It’s been two weeks since we ran the Al’chemy Competition and it’s time to announce the wonderful winners…!

Now you see, there is only one main prize (a bumper hair care pack worth $90), but two of the answers thrilled me so much that I will be giving away a tube of the Alchemy Gingko and Jojoba Intensive Moisture Vitamin Masque to the lucky runner up!

Drum roll please…


Mia, aka starletskye, for her adorable recount of stealing dollops of shampoo & condish from Mum and this amazing set of words…

“Waking up every morning to the sight of those familiar black tubes and bottles with the endearing little botanical pictures and then squeezing a portion into my hand, to then massage through my depressed locks, my shower stall steaming up and filling my senses with the beautiful out-of this world scents…!!! That is heaven to me!
This prize would make my hair happy for that reason and If my hair had the ability to smile it would be walking around all day with a 10,000 mega watt smile, bursting with happiness.”

Just wow Mia! Please e-mail me your postal details and we’ll get your shower heaven started ASAP!

Runner Up!

Ghabby, for her ‘Unfinished Fairytale’ poem! Seriously check it out, the last comment here, very creative! Please e-mail me your contact details and I’ll send out the Masque to get your hair all fixed from Prince Charming and his wayward hair climbing maneuvers!

Thank you so much for entering everyone! It was a real joy to read them all.

We’ve got a new comp coming up next week to stay tuned!

Be well,



Weekly Wellness Licks!

♥ oh, love! ♥

Hello, hello, hello! It’s Friday and that means we’re here to serve you a whole plate full of links to keep your brain ticking and your day moving along smoothly (& quickly!).

It’s been pretty chilly the last few nights and I’ve been warming up with some games of tennis, the first time I could only play for 20 minutes, then again for 20 minutes the second time… but yesterday an hours worth of tennis entered my life and I couldn’t be more pleased with my tiny fitness gains!

I’ve also been enjoying some apricot, sultana & date muffins that my sweet mum made! SO DELICIOUS and I will try and find the recipe to share 🙂

Cast your eyes over these beauties my friends…

♥ “One day, you’ll be just a memory for some people. Do your best to be a good one.” – a really sweet quote, that happens to make me a bit sad!

Diva Goes Green – Tres excellent health blog! She has some great smoothie recipes too! Nom nom nom.

Adrenal Fatique the Unanswered Illness – an article by an acquaintance of mine, Stuart Watkins, who just so happens to be an amazing personal trainer / yoga instructor / all round good guy! This article he wrote for Crazy Sexy Life is a great read! Also, he’s from Perth and is an ambassador for Lulu Lemon & runs free yoga classes there on Tuesday nights in the city store!

A Study on the Benefits of Massage found that the levels of cortisol in the blood decrease, and the levels of serotonin and dopamine in the brain increase. It’s Amazing for stress reduction, have you had a massage lately?!

Yoga Study – yoga has now been proven to reduce stress & anxiety over other forms of exercise, like walking. We yoga lovers already knew this, but it’s great to have some scientific evidence to back it up. If you’re stressed and haven’t tried yoga, maybe now is the time?!

Blackmores Ask a Naturopath – an amazing free service where you can ask a naturopath anything, and receive a comprehensive and detailed reply for free! Of course they are going to recommend Blackmores products, but I’ve personally used this service and found it extremely worthwhile. So try it out if you’ve got some pressing questions but can’t afford an in person consult.

A Little PH Refresher Course – find out about PH and how if affects your body.

The Three Best Efficiency Tips I’ve Ever Found – by Sarah Wilson.

Have you been drying your hair wrong all these years?!

Vegan in Perth – A blog about being vegan in Perth, whodda thought? Very good, applause, smiling cows.

Natures Greatest Superfood – I want to try this, where can it be found in Perth does anyone know?!

WIN PRIZES WITH WELLNESS WA (YES THAT IS US!!!!) the competition ends on Monday darlin’s. GET INTO IT! x

That’s all for this week!

Do any of these tickle your fancy?
Are you a vegan in Perth?
Have you been blow drying your hair wrong?
– Confession, I am critically bad at blow drying my hair! I need an intensive training course in the art, does this exist?!

Be well,



Cheap / Free: New Section.

♥ ♥ ♥

We’re pretty used to paying to keep ourselves looking and feeling great. Gym memberships, massages, yoga classes, personal trainers, haircuts, dancing, waxing, boot camps… the list goes on! It seems keeping fit and polished automatically comes at a price, and over time you could find your wallet mourning the loss of yet another $17 for an hours worth of movement or $100+ to be hair free for just a month.

Fear not my loves, while staying in shape, looking great and working towards optimum wellbeing are ENTIRELY worthwhile endeavours, they don’t have to be expensive if you don’t want them to be!

We’re here to shine some coin-saving lights in our new segment ‘Cheap / Free’! We’ll be highlighting fantastic places in Perth to participate in all things wellbeing related.

As always though, we’ll only be focusing on places that we think are high-quality and would personally recommend.

Stay tuned for our first article on a nifty little late night exercise spot in the Western Suburbs that just happens to be completely free… well I never!

Please share your tips for cheap / free health & beauty in Perth!

Be well
