Articles from January 2010

A little make-up adventure.

After some busy times at my new job, far too frequent trips to the vending machine (you can’t put Twisties, Atomic Tomato, Cheese & Onion chips in a money operated glass box and not expect me to want all three on a daily basis) plus not getting enough rest, my skin has sadly seen better days.

Buoyed by my first paycheck, I decided to treat myself to a little shopping spree and first up on the agenda: foundation & lipstick!

Being a combination of albino + brown freckles makes it difficult to find a colour match that doesn’t a) wash me out to ghost-face land OR b) look too caked on and cover my kisses from the sun.

There was no-one to be found @ the Shiseido counter, I was interested in the brand because I’ve heard it’s very popular with Asian women, of which I am not, but my skin is more yellow based and they apparently have a variety of lighter shades.

Next stop Chanel, where the lady unfortunately told me they don’t have many pale shades – she was very helpful though and tried to help me out as best she could, but my skin proved too “English Rose” (I wish) for Chanel’s range of foundations.

After wandering around a bit more, contemplating the pros & cons of an electric essential oil vaporizer & deciding against it (for now…!), I moved onto the Lancome counter.

Greeted by a lovely girl, Jess, who tried a total of 4 different foundations on me! After doing my whole face with one of them that I thought was suitable, I ran off to the full length mirrors as it’s always so hard to tell with the tiny ones they give you.

Decided against it as it seemed a bit too dark, so she re-did my face in another colour that suited muchhhh more! I definitely recommend going away and looking at your skin in various different mirrors before committing to buying any one product, especially when they cost $82, as this one did!

The foundation I ended up getting was the one pictured above, Lancome Colour Ideal Precise Match Skin Perfecting Makeup. Bit of a mouthful.

I really want to find cheaper alternatives but I feel like it’s almost impossible for my skin, Cover Girl, Maybelline & Revlon all don’t really suit… HELP?!

Next up I re-bought a long-time favourite of mine, Clinique Butter Shine Lipstick in Poppy Love! A very sheer lipstick, great for paler skins & lips. Looooooove the finish, texture, colour – everything!

While this is obviously marketed at babies, I was pretty keen on the idea of sleeping like one so into my hands it went. Had a bath with it tonight & it really is relaxing! Fingers crossed on the uninterrupted sleep, but we’ll see ; )

And so concludes my shopping adventure! Feel free to tell me your favourite make-up brands & favourite bath treats.

Be well,


Beauty Salon Review: Microdermabrasion @ Ella Retreat Salon (Ella Bache), Floreat Forum.

Treatments undertaken on: 10th, 17th, 24th November 2009

Aside from the obvious rewards of being on the Baskin Robbins email subscriber list which entitles me to one free icecream scoop per year, this is absolutely the most rewarding subscriber list I have found myself on: Ella Express.

I’ve long been an Ella Bache user, but in recent times have found it to be a little expensive for the contents of my purse. This is more a reflection on my own personal financial situation, but that is a can of worms that is best left unopened. Let’s just say that being on this particular database has been a lifesaver and a joy.

So anyway, back to the whole Microdermabrasion thing. Every so often, I’d get an email from Ella Express with some kind of special they are advertising. This could be a Napoloeon makeover session, waxing deal, facial special, whatever. All good and I’ve taken them up on a number of these. I’d been thinking about trying micro for a while but it was unfortunately out of my price range given that they advise you do them in a series of sessions.

Then I got the email: Half price microdermabrasion for the month of November. Hurrah! I promptly booked in for 3 sessions, each costing $60.

The first session was interesting as I’d never had the procedure done and didn’t quite know what to expect. Firstly she cleansed my skin, did the microdermabrasion, then popped on a soothing mask for about 15mins before removing and moisturising. It took about an hour, was quite relaxing and the beautician explained everything well. She also did a skin analysis under the black light and showed me my problem spots and what I could do about them. I was very happy with the result and my skin felt very smooth, clean and even had a glow to it.

The second and third sessions were done by a different beautician who did all the above with the only difference being that while the soothing mask was on, I was given a very lovely hand massage. This was a nice touch! Who would have thought a hand massage could be so relaxing?

The salon itself, was well-presented. The music was fine, your typical relaxation cds I guess and the room smelled all essential oil-like, which I love. The lighting was perfectly dimmed and the bed very comfy, to the point where I could have just rolled over and snoozed the rest of the day away. I don’t think that’s allowed though.

The whole experience was very positive from my perspective, my skin tone visibly improved after 3 sessions and I am eagerly awaiting the next email I receive alerting me to this half-price deal again. As much as I was very pleased with the experience and result, it still remains out of my price range for the time being, but hope that this won’t always be the case.

Editors note: I have personally viewed Sheridan’s skin & it indeed, was glowing after her treatment sessions! I was very impressed & am extremely keen to try this procedure myself – Annette

Sheridan is an enterprising lass who runs music quizzes around Perth, check out “The One Thing Quiz” for more details!

Essential details:

Floreat Forum WA
Floreat Forum Floreat, Western Australia 6014

Phone: +61 8 9284 9777


Opening hours:

Mon – Wed & Fri: 9.00 am – 5.30 pm
Thursday: 9.00 am – 9.00 pm
Saturday: 9.00 am – 5.00 pm

Ella Bache products are available online at StrawberryNET!

This town aint big enough for the both of us…

Dear Wellness interested friends!

Firstly, let me apologise for the lack of action around these parts over the past week… Wellness WA is currently undergoing some changes that will be revealed VERY SOON!

A brand new look, some exciting collaborations, projects & competitions are a few of the things we have planned…

Please bear with us while these changes are taking place! In the meantime, why not join the Wellness WA Facebook Page?! With over 200 members in a week, it’s growing strong & it will be the first place to find out about special offers, comps & tips!

Also, check out the comments & experiences on the fish pedicure article!

Take care during this super warm month!

Be well,


Merry New Year :)

Hello sweet loves!

It appears the New Year is upon us & what better way to celebrate than by listing some health, beauty & wellbeing goals for the next 365 days!

The year is full of opportunity for all of us and we need to squeeze, squeeze, squeeze every last drop of it we can!

Some personal goals include, but are not limited to, the following…

Eat more avocados and sprouts – for glowing skin and general health (avos) & bucketloads of fresh enzymes, nutrients & minerals (sprouties).

More protein! – I’d have to say that this is the part of my vegetarian diet where I fall down. I need to work on including more chick peas, lentils, tofu, nuts etc in my diet EVERY DAY and not just sporadically! I think this will be useful for getting stronger & fitter as well, which is my next goal!

Fitness – Yoga classes (trying for 2-3 x a week), dancing (1 x a week), strength work (personal trainer) & just generally being more active and doing things like swimming & bike riding!

Get the recommended 6 weekly hair appointments – I’m so bad with my hair! Poor neglected little strands that they are, they need some serious loving & this year I’m going to tend to them like a Mother to a newborn. This means less GHD as well… eeeep…we’ll see how that goes!

Regular massage – I’m going to partake in massage AT LEAST monthly, if not more (oh please!). I’ll be writing lots of review articles & talking your ear off on the benefits of massage. Absolutely adore it! I should also be taking a Swedish Massage course sometime this year, so I can provide the favour back to my loved ones 🙂

And the list goes on… there are many more things I’d like to improve on, but those are a few of my top picks!

What are your New Years Resolutions?
If there are any that we can help you out on, let me know in the comments!

Be well,
