Posts belonging to Category 'Wellness Tips'

Mangoes and Avocados are in Season and CHEAP!!

There’s not much better on a supermarket adventure than suddenly realising the fruits and fresh foods you adore have come into season and you can spend a ridiculously small amount to fill your trolley with a delicious, vitamin packed fruit feast.

In this case mangoes and avocados are our triumphant heroes.

I’ve previously written about the benefits and joys of eating lots of avocados, they are one of my favourite products for healthy skin.

They are also amazing for the body in times of stress due to being packed with B-Vitamins (known stress reducers!).

Most stores are selling them for under $2 so there is no excuse not to get these globes of green goodness onto your plate and I’ve included a recipe idea below!

Now to mangoes, beautiful yellow-orange tropical wonders. These guys have been delighting me at work for the past few weeks, making my keyboard all sticky (oops) and generally being very sweet and refreshing. A few days ago I came across some perfect HUGE PINKY SKINNED ones at Subiaco Farmer Jacks for only $1.99!!

You know it’s Summer when the mangoes are out in force, try reaching for one at 3pm instead of that Mars Bar, it’s probably cheaper right now too!

To celebrate the abundance of these two loves of mine, I’ve decided to share with you a delicious little recipe, behold:

Mango & Avocado Salad


1 x large, ripe mango
1 x large, ripe avocado
1 x can of butter beans (organic if possible)
A few sprinklings of dried cranberries.

For optimum effect make this salad after just completing a fantastic yoga class and revel in the amazing feeling that both are giving you. That’s where I’m at right now!

Cut / slice up the avocado in your preferred method, slice n dice your mango to make it look pretty like the one pictured above (instructions on how to do so), rinse your butter beans thoroughly, mix all the ingredients together and then sprinkle a generous serving of dried cranberries.

Voila. Totally tasty and healthy Summer snack / light dinner.

What are your fave Summer fruits?

Do you have any recipes for yummy fruit based salads I should know about?

Please share below!

Be well,



Weekly Wellness Gems.

Hiya! Monday morning calls for some extra assistance this week and we’re here to throw some (hopefully) inspirational little shiny morsels into your hands and let you run with them…

So, I once again present to you the weekly round-up of all the best beauty, health & wellbeing related links that have crossed my path this week, hope you enjoy! xo

My Own Journey to Fitness & Wellbeing – a few people have been asking lately so I thought I’d re-post this one. I’m currently about to take up a personal trainer which was one of the things on the list… exciting times ahead for my fitness!!

How to be Fabulous in Three Easy(ish) Steps – well worth a look, the three steps are not as hard to come by as you’d expect…

How do you cope with the judgey judgey voice in your head? – Sarah Wilson lets us into her brain and also looks at a few ways we can combat our nasty inner voice.

Did your breakfast sabotage your skin today?

How to Eat Before and After a Workout – from Healthy Bitch Daily (!!)

Why You Should Apply Sunscreen First – seriously you must watch this one, I learned heaps! A really interesting video that explains the science (in an easy to understand way) of why applying sunscreen first is vital. Must must must watch! provides a list of meat alternatives search-able by brand and state!

Why Happiness is Something We All Need to Invest in from the ever-lovely Yasemin from PRIMPED. Loved this one.

10 Instant Mood Boosters – do some now!

Self Care Tips for Busy People – and that’s most of us.

Mummies Point to Man Made Cancer – thousands of years ago cancer was almost non-existent… food for thought.

Hope you enjoyed this weeks installment, I think there’s something for everyone!

Be well,



Product Review: Aesop Sage and Zinc Facial Hydrating Cream SPF 15.

The sweet, sweet product in question.

So. Summer’s coming. And you know as well as I do that it’s going to get freaking hot. And that sun is going to be beating down on your face like it’s nobody’s business. So let’s talk about what you are going to do to protect yourself…

I don’t really think I should have to say ‘wear sunscreen’ I think if you have any common sense at all you’ve got that bit by now. But, I do probably think it’s worth reminding y’all to wear it everyday. And here’s where things get a little tricky. Because Sunscreen is so thick it can be a bit rough on the skin on your face to wear it everyday, it can be a bit oily and it doesn’t really smell that great either, not to mention if its SPF 30 it can actually make your face look a weird shade of white (right guys?) so I understand if you’d think of skipping out on wearing it everyday.

Enter; Aesop’s Sage and Zinc Facial Hydrating Cream SPF 15 . Ordinarily I would not even seek out a sunscreen product like this (what’s the point?) but I was buying shampoo and they gave me some free samples. And I was really impressed. The texture wasn’t oily and the smell didn’t make me feel like I was at a sports carnival (interestingly enough the sage leaf/sandalwood smell that doesn’t do it for me in the shampoo really works for the sunscreen) and it has micronised zinc oxide in it which means it’s actually forming a barrier between your skin and the sun but it doesn’t cause whitening or clogged pores. Perfect for everyday use all year round. This is one product that moved from sample to staple in my life. And I’m so glad.

It retails for $43 for 40ml, which might seem a bit expensive but if you protect your skin from the sun now then you’ll save a ton later on. Think of it as an investment.

You can buy it from David Jones, Remedy in Fremantle or Leederville or if you like to do the online thing…

Adore Beauty Online Store .

Be well,

Adriane D.


Weekly Wellness Winks.

Nom nom!

Mondays can be tricky, so we’re here to help you rev up with a basket full of inspiring links and ideas to get you going!

Everyday Tips to Help Yourself De-Stress from BeGenki.

Feed Your Brain! – by Bridget Janes Health Diary, I loved this article so you should check it out!

Brocolli & Pine Nut Soup – a recipe that a friend of mine made and said was particularly DELICIOUS (and green)!

Spring Clean your Diet – Spring has sprung, if you need a helping hand with a tune-up, this article has you covered.

Easy DIY Detox Yoga Sequence – nuff said, do this!

Your mouth says chocolate, but what you really want is…

Bad Habit Breakers – learn how to help break naughty habits!

Bikram Yoga, the Good, the Bad & the Sweaty – over at PRIMPED.

Exercise Review: Bikram Yoga Perth – and while you’re at it check out our very own Bikram article if you haven’t already!

Hope you have some greatness planned for your week, right now I’m using a clay mask to exorcise the weekends sins from my skin and tonight I’m hitting up a yoga class & cooking up a mega vegetable feast!

Be well,



Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Adriane Daff, Actress.

Welcome to our BRAND NEW segment, where we will uncover for you all the secret tips & tricks that well-known and upcoming “Perthonalities” employ to keep them looking and feeling on top of the world (or Kings Park)!

If you have any suggestions for Perth based darlings you’d like us to interview, send through an e-mail and we’ll try and get them to shed some light on their health and beauty routines.

First up is Adriane Daff, actress and local pretty Perthie, she has worked in films, television and most recently two plays that received rave reviews, including “The Pride“.

Read on to see how she keeps looking great…

Tell us about your daily beauty routine!

Trying to remember to cleanse, tone and moisturize. Trying to remember to put on sunscreen. Trying not to touch my face throughout the day. Trying to do at least some sort of exercise. Trying to drink as much water as I can. Trying to get at least 7 hours of sleep. Trying to eat apples. I would describe the whole routine as ‘trying’.

Whats the one beauty treatment you can’t live without? And your favourite place to have it done?

IPL at The Beauty Gallery is pretty damn amazing. Mircrodermabrasion at the same place is also really good. And I like facials.

The best facials I’ve ever had in my life were at a place in the West Village in New York that I went to regularly up until about a year ago when I left America. My therapist was a very stern Eastern European lady (called something like Olga) and told me if I just drank more water and slept more it would make a huge difference. I wish I could go to her regularly. She was so matronly and matter of fact. I miss her.

Who do you trust with your hair in Perth, and why?

I trust anyone and everyone. I’m not too prescious about my hair (and maybe not too kind) but I feel like it’s the one thing that no matter what you do to it, it’ll always grow back. So you should dye it, cut it, do whatever you like to it because it’s only temporary. In saying that though nine times out of ten when I say to someone I love your hair they tell me they got it done at Head Studio.

Favourite budget / at home beauty treatment?

Visine eye drops. Eight dollars!

Juicy Tubes!

Your three, absolutely cannot live without, favourite products?

Lancome juicy tubes, Aesop sunscreen, Dior Diorshow mascara.

Do you have any secret tips you use to keep looking / feeling great?

Sleep and water drinking! Just like Olga said! Boring. But it works, I think.

What beauty treatment/ wellbeing activity would you love to try but haven’t yet? (Due to time, money, scared etc!)

One day I would like to go to a really intense day spa that lasts for maybe a week and is in a really remote part of the world and you do things like immerse yourself in snow/steam in a sauna/roll around in honey/get blasted with a high pressure hose and eat only rice two times a day. Something really harsh, just to see if it works.

Describe a typical day of eating for you?

I’m not so good with routine, I find it really hard to get into good habits. Food both bores me and overwhelms me. I try to eat things that I know are good for me but more often than not I don’t care enough. I’m working on it.

Describe your fitness routine.

Again I’m really bad with routine so I go through phases of exercise but things I always find myself going back to are walking (because it doesn’t feel like you are exercising) swimming and yoga. I recently started Bikram Yoga which I like because its mental and physical. And very challenging.

Do you take part in any alternative therapies or take supplements? If so, discuss.

Not really, I’m pretty cynical and ignorant when it comes to alternative therapies (I’m sorry to say). I try to remember to take calcium tablets but that’s about it!

Thanks Adriane!

Do you like our new section?

Who would you most like to have reveal their beauty / health secrets?

Any questions for our actress friend?

Be well,
