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Product Review: Comvita Skincare for Bright Skin, Intense Hydration and Eczema Fighting Ability!

I am going to start straight off by going out on a tangent and then I will quickly get to the point of this review, which, for the record, is of a few lovely Comvita products. I tend to suffer pretty badly from hay fever in the spring-time months and after a particularly bad bout this year I decided to look into how I could stop feeling like my life force was slowly dripping out of my eyes, ears and nose every time I stepped out of the house. One of the coolest suggestions was from a naturopath who said I should have a spoonful of honey (the real deal kind of stuff) every morning. Apparently the natural pollens and…ah…bee juices (?) would help build up my resistance to the outside world which I believed was trying to kill me.

I thought this woman was a genius, but guess what? Turns out other people have been onto this honey idea for a while. Example; Claude Stratford (aged 63, go Claude!) started the whole Comvita line by making and selling a range of bee products from his home.

His goal, ‘to produce natural products that work, and acting in a way which preserves the environment for generations to come’ is something that I can really get behind, so for the purposes of this review (see I told you I would get there in the end) I tried the Brightening Moisturizer, the Intense Hydrating Mask and the Medihoney Eczema cream.

I don’t think there’s much that’s been left out of the Brightening Moisturizer (RRP $44) – Olive leaf extract, liquorice root extract (for brightening), rosehip, macadamia, sunflower and soybean oils AND shea butter. AND SPF 15. I heartily applaud any moisturizer that has an SPF in it. What an added bonus. This moisturizer is thicker than your average bear but its not greasy and its doesn’t leave a slimy residue, which means you aren’t left looking shiny. I loved it. An instant addition to my use-everyday beauty products.

The Intense Hydrating Mask with Manuka honey (RRP $50) is a very light mask that kind of just looks like a really heavy moisturizer. You can leave it on for a while and then rinse it off or you can keep it on overnight for something a bit more…as the name states…intense. The Manuka honey in the product is there to slow down the signs of ageing by targeting the skin’s elasticity. I really enjoyed it for its hydrating prowess; in these dry summer months this would be a friend indeed for those of you who are feeling the heat! Heaven knows your skin is feeling it too.

I have left the Medihoney Eczema Cream (RRP $13.95) ’til last, because in my opinion it’s the most successful. What I am about to tell you…I do not know why I am publishing this on the Internet, but what the hey it might help others right?

I have one fingernail that I call Howard. It’s my middle finger on my right hand, and up until recently I thought we were going to lose Howard. I thought he was going to fall off. For some unknown, ungodly reason I was getting such bad eczema underneath my finger nail (ew ew ew gross I know) that it was pushing my fingernail (my poor Howard) off of my body. It was awful, it was painful and it was just plain old weird (why only one fingernail?) But guess what? The Medihoney Eczema Cream saved my Howard!

He has rejoined his nine other brother and sisters back where he belongs and things are looking good! I’ve tried many, many different products and I am being absolutely honest with you when I say that this is the first thing to really work. It might be the medical honey or the coconut oil, the evening primrose oil, the aloe vera or the vitamin E present in the product but whatever the magical ingredient I don’t live in fear of having one ugly nail-less finger.

♥ Medical Manuka Honey

The bees and I have been triumphant! Now I cant wait to try that spoon full o’ manuka honey next year when the fever of hay rears it’s ugly head once more…

In the meantime, you can get the three products I mentioned (plus many more) here:

Have you tried medical honey before? Got some eczema that wont budge? Lets chat about it!

Review by Adriane, Wellness WA contributor & slightly embarrassed owner of Howard.

Be well,


Perth Online Beauty Media (POBM!) Event Wrap-Up and Reviews!

♥ POBM Gals ♥

This Sunday just passed was the culmination of months of organising and planning, the result? The first Perth Online Beauty Media event! So what exactly is POBM? Well it’s a group of girls (no guys…yet!) from Perth / WA who blog and write online content related to beauty and wellbeing. There’s plenty of us, and it was high time that we all stepped out from behind our respective computer screens and got together for an afternoon of networking and strengthening of the online beauty media industry in WA.

It was an amazing day, held at the gorgeous Djurra Day Spa in Fremantle, with healthy raw food pizza and sweets provided by The Raw Kitchen and beautifying drinks by Emma & Toms. A host of other generous sponsors supplied items for the goodie bags (links below)!

I’ve decided to share some of the less formal photos, scroll down and check out the behind the scenes action, as well as a whole heap of blog posts from our attendees which go into a bit more detail! Enjoy!

Bloggers arriving at the lovely Djurra Day Spa!

Online beauty media girls receiving their amazing Aveda blue oil treatments


3 of my writer gals, Kelly, Jacqui & Adriane, chowing down on some raw food 🙂

Megan from Beauty in the Sky trying some raw pizza, and looking very cute!

Adele (our naturopath for the day), Rebecca from Bride in White & Ali from Creatures of Commonplace trying some of the ‘Radical Action’ juices!

Jane from Flourish Magazine and I about to find out if we’re zinc deficient with a zinc test!

Adriane checking out which goodies to pick in the beauty product swap!

♥ ♥ ♥

Find out what everyone else though with this amazing array of blog posts below!

Dempeaux – Perth Online Beauty Media #POBM
Amgoorie – Perth Online Beauty Media #POBM & haul post!
Creatures of Commonplace – POBM, way better than CHOGM
Beautifully Glossy – Perth Online Beauty Media Event – POBM!
Don’t you know April Rose? – Perth Online Beauty Media Event
Dont they know who I am? – Perth Online Beauty Media Event – watch us creep out from behind our computers!
Beauty in the Sky – POBM girls are doing it for themselves!
Beauty Down Under – POBM – Perth’s Online Beauty Meet Up
Coveted Canvas – Perth Online Beauty Media Event
Bride in White – POBM

Hope you enjoyed checking them out! 🙂 Can’t wait for the next event.

Be well,



Product Review: Skin Virtue Pure Nourish Range.

If Skin Virtue was a person, a girl let’s say, even a friend of yours- she would be the kind of girl who looks better without makeup, the kind of girl who really does make it work in just a t-shirt and jeans (it’s a myth that this is easy), she would have that kind of hair that always sits just right with a slightly windblown look and when you ask who her hairdresser is, she says ‘oh I don’t really have one, I don’t even dye it’.

When you visit her apartment it’s minimalist in a way that makes you want to go home and burn all your things so you can start again. She serves you vanilla ice cream and it is the simplest, best thing you have ever eaten.

♥ Skin Virtue reminds me of Girls like THIS!

Simple and effective. Skin Virtue is one of those no fuss brands of skincare that I think would appeal to the people out there that just aren’t interested in trawling through all the fads and trends and BS.

There are two ranges; the ‘Super Clear’ Range for acne-prone skin and the ‘Pure Nourish’ Range for anti-ageing. Easy, aint it?

I trialed the ‘Pure Nourish’ Range designed to help combat changes associated with ageing, environmental damage and even social stresses (like me trying to make a t-shirt and jeans look good maybe?) There are five products in the range, Pure Cleanse, Pure Resurface, Pure Protect Fluid, Pure Nourish Cream and Pure Line Repair, one range with all the products that you could possibly need to protect your skin cells and help reduce the signs of ageing. But how?

Well…by eliminating the appearance of wrinkles, under-eye circles, and discolouration of course! The blend of natural active ingredients including your usual suspects of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants combines with botanical and marine extracts to lock in moisture and support your skins natural tissue reconstruction process all leading to skin with improved appearance, tone and texture, lucky you.

My favourite was the Pure Resurface, a beautiful exfoliator in the lightest of pinks with only a hint of a floral bouquet in the scent that is gentle enough to use as often as you like. Superb.

I’m not going to claim that Skin Virtue are doing anything especially new or with ingredients that you’ve never heard of but they are taking the modern classics and they are doing them well at an affordable price and in a decent size. And who doesn’t want to be that effortless?

For more info visit:
Stockists, buy online.

Review by Adriane Daff, who is in fact selling herself short. I bet the little fox looks fabulous in jeans and a white tee – ED.

Be well,


Product Review: Privé Concept Shampoo and Conditioner – In Pictures!

There is no better way to describe the effects of Privé’s Concept Shampoo and Conditioner than to explain in picture form how it transformed my hair after one of the most important hair events on my social calendar, Halloween.

I take Halloween pretty seriously. It’s all about dressing up and for me this year it was all about big hair, lots of teasing and a whole lot of hairspray over TWO nights of Halloween festivities.

♥ First Day of Halloween

♥ Second Day of Halloween

♥ Picture three. Day after Halloween/s

This shampoo and conditioner repaired my hair after treating it so abominably for two days, returning it to a state that was even better than before I teased the you-know-what out of it. My ends felt so good, was it the Amazon acai or the babassu oil? I don’t know, but there’s a combination of active ingredients in these products that really made my hair feel light yet voluminous, clean, soft, shiny and best of all…healthy.


If this productive was just effective, that would definitely be enough, but something that makes it unique is the texture. Both the shampoo and the conditioner squirt out like a foam (think shaving cream and you are pretty close) and then it turns into a gel RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR VERY EYES.

Both have a delightful lemon/lime citrus smell- the shampoo works up into a really great lather, and the conditioner works through the meanest knots in the world. Considering the performance of Privé’s Concept Shampoo and Conditioner in my hour of post-Halloween need I really have no choice but to give these guys an enthusiastic two thumbs up.

Visit their website for more info, usage tips (you can get way more out of this shampoo and conditioner because of the aforementioned non-aerosol mousse) and of course to BUY them, which I highly recommend. The Concept Vert Shampoo is $28 and the Concept Vert Conditioner is $30. They are also available at David Jones.

Oh wow, I just like knowing that I can fully indulge in Halloween without ruining my hair, don’t you?

Review by Adriane Daff, halloween costume, hair and makeup extraordinaire!

Be well,


Beauty Product Review: This Works, Perfect Legs Skin Miracle.

I think that legs are the 3rd best part of a woman. After personality (inclusive of wit and intelligence) and smile. There’s something about a leg that is so full of energy (well I guess that’s the muscles) and youthfulness. I just like them. It’s one of those body parts that people talk about ‘doing some work on’ before summer hits, and I think I kind of get that…you want your pins to look good! And like any human being you would probably be pretty interested if I told you there might be a shortcut to great looking 3rd favourite body parts, right?

This Works, the purveyors of modern natural beauty, have a product called Perfect Legs Skin Miracle. They just come right out and say it ‘perfect legs’, how do you like that? I admire their directness, that sure is finding the chase and cutting to it. Perfect Legs contains Vitamin C (which we all know by now helps skin repair itself) and Vitamin E (moisturizing and anti ageing) as well as possessing a dreamy bronze tone to leave your stems a light sun kissed hue. This colour is important, it is very light and a little shimmery (it comes out of the bottle a lot darker than it goes on) and is not a fake tan – it washes off and doesn’t smell. In fact Perfect Legs has a really nice fragrance involving patchouli, geranium, frankincense, rose, vanilla and clove. Beautiful.

♥ Arnica

AND, best yet, it helps with skin imperfections by evening out discolouration and scars. This includes bruises, thanks to our good friend arnica. And if you are anything like me, and as clumsy as they come, you will be rejoicing right now to hear that you can disguise the table-bumps and doorway scrapes quite effortlessly, now that it is the time of year for shorts and skirts!

Welcome to my legs after using the product.

I really enjoy using this product, you can make a commitment to applying it daily or put it on at the last minute to give your legs a pick me up before heading out the door (my favourite)- it’s a step up from a normal moisturizer but not quite as serious as a fake tan. It may just be ‘40 minutes on the treadmill’ in a bottle, and used in conjunction with a real exercise regime- WELL, then I am going to suggest you get those legs out and strut it girl!


Cost: $92 AUD

Where: Mecca Cosmetica Online or in store

What do you think, is this an enticing combination of a light moisturizer and a bit of colour or what?

Review by Adriane Daff, believer of (a) that women are more than the sum of their parts and (b) that even though (a) is true feeling good about your legs is pretty awesome too.

Be well,
