♥ Recently, my hair has been getting real long. I’ve been growing it for ages in an attempt to get to a length...
Skincare Product Review: Gentle Exfoliant and Energising Conditioner – AEOS Skincare.
♥ Does anyone remember those fairy shops that you used to visit for birthday parties when you were little? They...
Alternative Therapy Review: EL8 Rhodiola Rosea Supplements.
♥ Cynic: A person who questions whether something will happen or is worthwhile. When it comes to herbal...
A Word of Warning About Deals Websites.
♥ The latest influx of ‘daily deals’ made available online to us beauty lovers can make you go a bit crazy. All...
Exercise Review: Vacu Power at Body D’vine, Midvale!
♥ When I first heard the words ‘vacu power’ I had images of a space age machine rolling over my body, whilst I...
Exercise Battle Royale: Fitness First Murray Street VS CBD Health Spa.
♥ Gyms stand for everything that makes me uncomfortable. Sweating profusely in public, wearing ugly shoes with...
Product Reviews: Intraceuticals Range!
Intraceuticals Lover, Miranda Kerr! Well, I’ll say this…Intraceuticals have no need to want for celebrity endorsement....
New Product Range: Super by Dr. Nicholas Perricone!
♥ You may have heard of super foods and a whole series of diets based around the fact that if you put these...
Beauty Battle Royale: Rodial Glamoxy Snake Mask VS Ella Bache Hydra-Revitalising Repair Balm.
♥ I guess this isn’t really a battle per se, I called it that for the sake of being dramatic - which is...