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Day Spa Review: Omnilux and Visia Face Analysis, Skin Deep Medi-Spa, Perth CBD.

A slightly more relaxing portrayal of Omnilux.

I’ve been intrigued with Omnilux for quite a while now, but nothing quite cemented the interest like hero dream-bebe Zoe Foster and her unforgettable words at the PRIMPED look book event last year:

“You can drink 48 tequila shots and still have glowing skin”

Well then. We by no means suggest you do such a thing, but it’s good to know the option is there.

With this little thought wailing around in my brain for the past 12 months, along with some unshakable pimples and a desire for clearer skin – I bit the light therapy bullet and booked in for a sesh of Omnilux at Skin Deep Medi Spa in the CBD.

A photo of me having my Visia Analysis done… 😉

First up though, I had my skin analysed by Lauren, the spa manager, with a Visia Skin Analysis machine. For those of you who hate close-ups, you’re not going to like this! However I see it as a necessary evil to help uncover what the main areas of skin concern are. So a bunch of photos are taken from all angles with your head in the machine and once finished you’re shown the pics and talked through the problem zones.

My personal areas of concern were dehyrdation around the eyes, uneven skin tone and acne bacteria, mostly on the chin 🙁

A regime of both Omnilux red (collagen & lymphatic stimulating & healing) and Omnilux blue (acne bacteria destroying, pow pow) is recommended, as well as some light chemical peels and exfoliation suggested (but I don’t think I’m quite ready for the peels yet!)

♥ ♥ ♥

Twenty four hours pass and I’m back in the medi-spa for my first Omnilux treatment (the red one to start with)…gulp!

A hop, skip and a double-cleanse later, I’m lying on the treatment bed with my hair in a disposable cap waiting to make friends with this piece of machinery that is promising me pretty skin.

The first thing to note is that the lights sit just a couple of centimeters above your skin, unlike in the image above where it’s shown to be about 30 centimeters away. I’m a bit claustrophobic so I asked the therapist to stay with me during my first treatment and she was more than happy to do so. As it turns out, if you feel that it’s too close they can move it back a bit, or you can wiggle down out of it for a minute.

Secondly, even with little goggles on and my eyes closed – THE LIGHT IS SO BRIGHT! It gets better after a few minutes but I hadn’t read about that anywhere so was surprised.

Throughout the treatment I’m aware of a slight warmth, but it doesn’t feel hot.

The twenty minutes pass pretty quickly with chatting, and you can probably bring in your iPod if you like, or just relax to the peaceful music that is piping through the spa.

A vitamin B serum is applied to my skin, which apparently helps, as well as a moisturiser. For Omnilux to be most successful, you need to have two treatments a week for a month, and then you can dial it back to once a month. It takes a few sessions to really start seeing a difference, but today I’ve felt that my skin might just be looking that little bit better already…


Time will tell though, and I’m excited to continue on my journey to Zoe Foster worthy skin.

Omnilux revive (red) is $95 a pop & Omnilux blue $75, they’re not cheap, but if they do as promised I’ll be more than happy to keep making the room in my budget.

I went to the Skin Deep Medi-Spa located at:

Shop 4 Central Park Building
777 Hay Street, Perth
Western Australia 6000
T. (08) 9226 2997

Or you can find another salon in Perth that provides Omnilux here!

Have you tried Omnilux yet? Would you? Do you have any other questions for me? Comment below!

Be well,



Day Spa Review: Full Body Massage – Revive Day Spa, Mount Hawthorn.

Revive Day Spa, Mt Hawthorn

After visiting Thailand a year ago, I have recently become nostalgic for the hour-long-full-body-massage. Bearing in mind that these are around 20 times the price here in Perth, I browsed various internet sites for the best value I could find and ended up at Revive Day Spa, Mount Hawthorn early on a Saturday morning.

Upon entering I was ushered into a comfortable, dimly lit lounge area where I filled out a personal information sheet regarding any medical conditions and the like. I was then greeted by the massage therapist, taken to change into a dressing gown and slippers and taken into the massage room.

Covered by a towel I lay on a comfortable table surrounded by candles in a dark room. I noticed it was warmer here than at other day spas, where I was covered in goose bumps. The music was a sort of generic Chillout Mix with some questionable remixes; however it was a change from the usual ‘Sounds of the Jungle’ that day spas tend to play. The therapist started with a decolletage and scalp massage; then worked her way down my right arm, leg, foot and back up the left side.

As she concentrated on particular pressure points and muscle attachments, I could tell there was a background of thorough training in massage therapy. I was then told to lie on my stomach and was asked if there were any particular areas of my back to be focussed on – to which I replied ‘all areas’. This ended pleasantly with a hot towel placed on my back to remove the massage oil.

When the massage sadly came to an end I was asked to dress and escorted back to the lounge, where I was provided with herbal tea and a fruit salad. I was pleased to be given time to recover, as by this stage I was feeling extremely groggy yet very relaxed. The therapist saw me out and in my half-asleep state I tried to show my gratitude for what was a really enjoyable experience.

Revive Day Spa
have two locations:

Shop 2 416-418 Oxford St Mount Hawthorn

Ph: (08 9201 0971)


295 Albany Highway Victoria Park
Ph: (08 9355 1199)

They provide a range of services from facial and skin treatments to nail care; as well as tanning, waxing, hydrotherapy and of course massage.

At $95 for an hour long massage they are reasonably priced in comparison to other massage services, and offer many spa/beauty packages that are great gift ideas. Their full range of products and services is available at

Review by Catherine; a young medical professional who knows the importance of massage, be it in Thailand or Mt Hawthorn!

Beauty & Wellbeing Crushes: Oxygen Facials, Vegan Cinnamon Chocolate & UDO’s Oil!

Gooooood mornin! I hope that your day has gotten off to a wonderful start, and you’re feeling fired up with feelings of positivity, calm and a deep sense of wellness. It’s time for one of my fave segments – beauty and wellbeing crushes! I absolutely love sharing my latest wellness finds and things that are firing me up (in a good way!). There’s a lot this week, so lets get started!!

Oxygen Facial at Cove Spa

“I can’t live without having a weekly Oxygen facial – Intraceuticals facials leave my skin glowing and radiant! When I want to look my best I find a body massage beforehand also works wonders.” – Miranda Kerr.

It was with this pinnacle of testimonials in mind that I headed to Cove Spa in South Perth for a 90 minute oxygen facial, because lets be real, who in their right mind doesn’t want skin like the gorgeous MK? My experience didn’t disappoint. While I can’t afford them every week, after 90 minutes of cleansing, facial massage, serums & having the oxygen applied to my face, my skin was looking a LOT glowier than it was before.

I also have to pay special tribute to my therapist, Melissa, who is one of the top two facialists that I’ve experienced in Perth. It was truly something special! Highly recommended! $195 for 1 hour 45 mins.

Cute Cloud Chopping Boards & Raw Vegan Cinnamon Chocolate

HOW CUTE IS THIS AMAZING NEW BREAD BOARD I JUST PICKED UP FROM MR SPARROW?!?! I am seriously in love, and if I’m being honest will probably not be using it to chop too many things on because it’s just SO cute! But it will be making appearances on the blog, so watch this space! It’s from Germany, and I had to wait 2+ months for it to be re-shipped, but I am in love.

The second excellent thing in this photo is the little block of raw, handmade, vegan, organic (phew) choccy from Pana Chocolate – who have just changed their name from Conscious Chocolate, thus the old wrapper. I was sent the brand new cinnamon flavour to test out and it’s delightful. If you love chocolate and are looking for a healthy alternative then this is your go to!

O&M Haircare

How cute are these milk-bottle-esque shampoo and conditioner containers from Original & Mineral (O&M)? Pretty darling if you ask me! They look very cute lined up in my shower. And also on my balcony, as above.

O&M claim to “reduce the chemical load” on your hair, and their products are free of many of the harsh chemicals found in traditional salon haircare. I tried the cutely named Maintain the Mane shamps n condish and really enjoyed them. They don’t leave my hair quite as silky smooth as your usual suspects, but that’s because there’s no silicon in them, which is what gives that shiny sleek look. I’ve found if I rub a couple of drops of jojoba oil in my hands then smooth over my hair and blowdry afterwards then my hair looks pretty darn good.

I’d definitely recommend O&M products for anyone interested in taking some steps towards more natural haircare!

New Lululemon Pants

I’m in love with my new yoga pants. I feel like a blue tiger cub when I wear them, and they are SO SO comfy. I also picked them up on sale, $69 down from about $99! WIN! 🙂

Sun Warrior Protein + UDO’s Oil

I’ve recently added these two nifty products to my smoothie routine and they are doing wonders!

UDO’s oil is a product that I’ve wanted to try for a loooooong time. It has the optimum blend of omega 3, 6 & 9 essential fatty acids that your body needs to be healthy, and my brain is always a little more switched on when I’m including a tablespoon of this stuff in my smoothie. It’s a lot more mellow tasting than just plain flaxseed oil on it’s own, too. Plus it has the added benefit of vitamin e + you can use it in a number of ways, including drizzling it on veggies (YUM!). This is my go-to health oil now.

I bought the Sun Warrior Protein in vanilla flavour, and it’s a great way to add a little sweetness to smoothies with tangy berries (such as raspberry) in them. It’s 100% raw & vegan, which is exciting, and since I’m currently on a bit of a fitness kick I feel like it’s a great way to add a bit of post-workout protein into my diet! It costs $70-75 for a 1kg bag, pricey, but it’s a pure product, so if you’re looking for the healthiest possible protein powder then this may well be it.

What are you crushing on wellness-wise this week?

Be well,



Beauty and Wellbeing Crushes: My Current Skincare Heroes!

Hola amigos! I thought today I’d share with you some of the products that I’ve been using pretty religiously over the last few months. I’m very lucky to be able to try a whole host of different skincare and beauty products, however when I find something that I keep reaching for, I know I’m onto a winner.

These four products have been keeping my skin very clear and glowy recently, along with the supplements that my naturopath has prescribed me.

So here we go!

Ren ClearCalm 3 Clarifying Cleanser

This cleanser is marvelous for combination skins like mine. A lot of the time when I see clay cleansers I think “Ack, too drying” but this isn’t the case with the Clearcalm, it’s very gentle. The 3 is in the product name because it’s meant to work on the three areas of breakout formation – excess sebum, buildup of dead cells and blemish causing bacteria. I’d have to say I agree! Am totally loving it and reccommend it whole-heartedly! Especially when used in conjuction with…

Clarisonic Mia

As previously mentioned, I feel that this is the major reason my skin has been so good to me lately. Breakouts have SERIOUSLY diminished and my skin is smoother than it has been…well, forever. Used twice a day it has my skin beaming (be careful not to use it on any active pimples (the ones with any pus in them…!) though, as it can spread the bacteria and cause more zits. Once they’ve settled a bit it’s fine! The Clarisonic is also the perfect precurser to…

Rosehip oil

I’m always raving about rosehip oil, it can do no wrong in my eyes! Once my skin is smooth and clear from the above two steps, I massage three drops of RHO into my skin at night (I prefer an SPF moisturiser during the day). It works it’s miracles overnight… and in the morning I wake up with even clearer and glowy-er skin. Seriously a miracle prod! It’s packed with vitamin c, and reduces scars, dryness, pimples and even works on oily skin. WHAT CAN’T IT DO? Well it can’t make you a green smoothie unfortunately, but I hear it’s in the pipeline.

Dermalogica Daily Microfoliant

When I want to mix things up a bit and give my skin a break from the Clarisonic, this is my go to. It’s a rice-based enzyme powder which you add water to, then apply to your face for some at-home microdermabrasion! It’s really helpful for brightening and smoothing the skin, and works particularly well on any breakout/blackhead prone areas due to the salicylic acid content (pimple kryptonite). It’s a cult beauty product the world over, and I love it too.


90 Minute Gem Inspiration Massage @ Cove Spa – super dreamy, christmas is coming and this would make an AMAZING gift!

Echolife Facial Mist Giveaway! – just in time for summer… get into our latest comp!

Product Review: OPI Muppet Collection – Kermit, Miss Piggy and the gang are waiting to hang out on your hands and toes.

Restaurant Review: Yongs Green Food, Melbourne – Take a trip interstate to this incredible restaurant that’s worth the airfare in itself.

Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Jade Jurewicz, Wellness WA Contributor – One of our most popular articles of ALL TIME! Find out why so many people want to read about Jade’s fabulous wellness routine.

Much love to everyone!

What are your favourite skincare heroes at the moment?

Be well,



Wellness WA Christmas Wishlist!

We wish you a Well Christmas!

With less than one month to go, I thought it was high time to spread the word about what I’d like to be receiving under my little faux-pine tree come December 25th… feel free to steal any of these ideas to show your loved ones!

1 ♥ The health, wellness & happiness of all of those who are dear to me. This goes without saying, but is nice to remember and put at the top of my list 🙂

2. ♥ Spa Pedicure at Bodhi J Day Spa ($75) ! This place is fast becoming a favourite of mine, 100% natural and organic prods are used, and the staff are lovely. I’ve never had a spa pedi before and my feet are feeling a little sad, so receiving this would make them grin (if they had mouths…)!

3. ♥ Full Body Massage at either Cove Spa, South Perth ($105) or Nourishe, Claremont ($50). I LOVE MASSAGES! Love love love. There, I said it. If you’ve yet to experience one, I can recommend either of these two places to send you to relaxation heaven.

RRP $49.

4. ♥ Philosophy Under the Mistletoe Holiday Gift Set – four mega-tasty sounding Christmas themed glosses in peppermint bark, candy cane, pink frosted cookie & cherry christmas. Lips will be sorted for the next 6 months!

RRP $58

5. ♥ Philosophy Ice Cream, You Scream Gift Set – Okay, this one is almost impossible to say no to. Vanilla icecream paired with butterscotch drizzle and caramel drizzle and these guys can be used as a body wash, bubble bath OR shampoo. What?! Limited Edition makes this as good as under the tree already, if I don’t receive it then it will be my gift to myself! 🙂 YUM!

RRP $ 45

6. ♥ Philosophy Have a Cherry Christmas – What can I say? I’m addicted to the Philosophy range, how can you blame me when their gifts are so flippin cute?!

Cherry scent has always been a favourite of mine and Cherry Christmas satisfies both the lips and the body with its ultra red lip gloss and sweet n tangy body wash / bubble bath / shampoo. Delish! x

7. ♥ Health and Beauty Magazine Subscriptions – Specifically Good Health and Wellbeing Magazine, my two favourites!

8. ♥ The Geography of Bliss by Eric Weiner (RRP $ 24.95) – A book I found out about from The Happiness Cocktail, basically the author travels the world to discover what countries are happiest, which ones aren’t and possible links between the two. Fascinating stuff.

9. ♥ 10 Class Pass for Yoga Moves – This yoga studio is currently topping my list of favourite places to do yoga in Perth. The quality of instructors is extremely high and it’s a really zen little environment just across from a lake. The 10 class pass would make sure I get down there more often!

Carrot, Zucchini & Parsnip Frittata Fingers… yes please.

10. ♥ A Personal Vegetarian Chef – To the best of my knowledge this doesn’t exist in Perth, but please feel free to prove me wrong. PLEASE!!! ; )

I could go on all day but better wrap it up at 10!

Tell me, whats on your Christmas Wishlist?

Be well,

