♥ POBM Gals ♥ This Sunday just passed was the culmination of months of organising and planning, the result? The first Perth Online Beauty Media event! So what exactly is POBM? Well it's a group of girls (no guys...yet!) from Perth / WA who blog and write...
2012, Work on Myself.
♥ Merry New Year! 2012 is finally here and there is so much that I'd like to squeeze out of it, so I thought I'd share my goals with you, and I would love to hear your goals as well 🙂 Main Goals ♥ Develop my sense of style When I was younger I had a...
2011, Making it happen.
♥ 2011 - thank you. You constantly amazed me with the new and unique opportunities and good times that were frequently presented, here's a tiny rundown of my year: ♥ Took a promotion at work, and from all accounts did pretty good in the new role ♥...
Wrap up of the past week: Outdoor cinema picnics, Christmas, Holidays!
♥ Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! I hope you had an amazing time with family, friends or yourself, and that your wellbeing hasn't suffered toooo much over the silly season 🙂 ♥ Outdoor Cinema Picnics Behold above, a little picnic feast that I took to...
Lush Giveaway WINNERS!
♥ It's time to announce the winners of our super, duper, ultra, mega, giveaway! We have 10 lucky winners who will each be taking home one of two fantastic prize packs, 'Christmas Tweets' or 'A Few of My Favourite Things' from our generous sponsors Lush! And the...
Lush Divine Whale Soap – Raising Money for the Sea Shepherds.
♥ Whales are pretty sweet. They're beautiful, graceful sea wanderers and can even help us chill out (cue hippie whalesong CD). While Wellness WA is mostly concerned with the wellbeing of people, we also like to take care of our animal friends too. That's why I...