Posts belonging to Category 'Other'

Win Big with Almond Breeze & Wellness WA: 5 x Almond Milk Hampers Valued at $100 Each!

We are super, duper excited to bring to you this FANTASTIC competition, with $500 worth of prizes all up – one of our biggest yet! At Wellness WA we looooove the yummy goodness of almonds, and almond milk is one of our favourite dairy-alternatives, it can be a little time consuming to make from scratch though, so the clever people at Almond Breeze have taken the hard work out of all this & provide cartons of delicious all-natural, delicious almond milk to the people of Australia. Nice one guys, and the best part is that the Original & Unsweetened varieties retail between $2.80 – $3.29 in supermarkets, PLUS there's a new chocolate version coming soon, they're all vegan, nutritious, easy to digest, and the unsweetened version is suitable for diabetics. Winners!

Almond Breeze and their gorgeous spokesperson, renowned Aussie nutritionist and all round cutie, Lola Berry, is a huge fan of almond milk & her fantastic book “The 20/20 Diet” is also part of the prize!

Okay, so here's what's up for grabs:

♥ A copy of Lola Berry's (awesome) book “The 20/20 Diet” – I've personally read this and LOVED her down to earth style & yummy recipes!
♥ 1 carton of Original Almond Breeze
♥ 1 carton of Unsweetened Almond Breeze
♥ Almond Breeze mug
♥ Salt & vinegar almonds to snack on!
♥ An Almond Breeze beach towel
♥ A digital recipe book

For your chance to win, make sure you ‘like’ the Almond Breeze Facebook page, and leave a comment below letting us know your best idea for using almond milk! You can even link to a recipe if you want… be creative!

Winner will be drawn on 22nd April 2013, entry into the competition also opts you in to our e-newsletter! Full terms & conditions are available here.

Good luck!

Be well,


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You Can Change Your Life: How I Lost 20 Kilos By Eating Clean & Exercising.

Hi I'm Lauren and I'm from Perth.

At the end of 2011, at age 22, I had been eating whatever the hell I wanted for a very long time. I did very little physical activity. I had atrocious skin, no energy, no confidence and could be pretty damn negative about life more often than not. I had very high blood pressure – somewhere around 150/110. My Doctor suggested I go on blood pressure medication for the REST OF MY LIFE.

I decided that being on that medication was pretty silly as a young person who had a long life still to live (if lucky!). I was convinced that diet and lack of exercise was my problem – I thought if I really tried hard to sort this issue out by changing my life, then there would be no need for medication. If it didn't work, then at least I tried. At least I had taken control of the situation, rather than letting life happen to me. We have so much more power than we think we do!

I got a personal trainer (Chris Vavakis from Mobile Trainer) for a few sessions, so that I could start somewhere. I increased the amount of vegetables I had in my diet, decreased the sugar and salt and ate only lean protein with my meals. It was hard and I slipped up a lot. Every time I slipped, I remembered why I was doing what I was doing and I KNEW that it was worth all the hard work. I got back on that wagon.

Results came slow but I grew to love the feeling of burning muscles. I knew that meant that my muscles were repairing themselves much stronger than they were before. I loved all the changes I began to see in my body and delighted in the knowledge that I was getting stronger! I became an exerciser and enjoyed the activity in itself! I used to hate cooking but grew to love the challenge of using spices instead of ready-made sauces and trying a difficult dish. Everything tasted so much better and I felt better about myself ten fold because I was doing this all for myself!

My skin improved, I slept better, I felt more positive about EVERYTHING. I became more confident in all aspects of my life. People started asking me for advice about exercise and healthy eating. I lost 20 kilos.

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I cannot describe to you the absolute feeling of euphoria and sense of accomplishment I felt when I first learned just how far I had come. After 9 months to 1 year of hard work, my blood pressure was a perfect 120/80. I went home and cried and laughed and screamed. I fist pumped in the car! I was on top of the world – I had changed my life. I am convinced there is nothing in life that feels as good as knowing that you have achieved something so incredible as changing your future – I could have easily taken that medication, but instead I changed my physical situation and I changed how healthy I was. Just me – I did that!

I'm an ordinary girl. I have 24 hours in a day. I went to university, I work full time. I have loads of awesome friends and a kickass family. I'm lazy and stubborn sometimes, I like to eat sweet things. I bet we're pretty similar.

Why does it matter how similar we are? Because there is nothing that I have, that you don't! Where I succeeded, it was because I didn't give up. I don't have any special knowledge or training. I'm not better at exercising – I started out at the bottom, just like everyone else and learnt along the way. I didn't let my brain tell me that I needed to be at any particular level before I started trying. All champions of anything start out failing, again and again and don't stop until they get there.

There is no secret. You CAN do it, you just have to try. You are stronger than you think you are. Do it for you.

Have you ever wanted to change your life? Do you have an inspiring story as well? Leave a comment in the below as we'd LOVE to hear from you!

Article by the incredibly inspiring Lauren Foreman, life changer and health & fitness lover.

Be well,



New Year, New You: Win the Entire "The Good Vitamin" Range, Valued at $90!

March is still the new year, right?! If you're needing a little boost to your New Year's Resolutions to be healthier, happier and make 2013 the best year of your life – then we're here to help. We've teamed up with the lovely folk at The Good Vitamin to give one VERY lucky reader the ENTIRE RANGE – which is 16 products all up, valued at over $90.

The Good Vitamin is an affordable & Australian made vitamin brand, with pretty cute packaging too.

The prize includes the following products…


♥ Multivitamin
♥ Children's Multivitamin
♥ 55 Plus Multivitamin

Joints, Bone & Muscle

♥ Vitamin D3
♥ Glucosamine
♥ Magnesium
♥ Calcium + D

Body & Beauty

♥ Nails, Skin & Hair Care
♥ Iron
♥ Vitamin C

Mind Health

♥ Mega B Energy
♥ Sleep Well
♥ Mega B Complex

Heart & Inner Health

♥ Fish Oil
♥ CoEnzyme Q10
♥ Liver Cleanse

It's time to start…. New Year, New You– enter for your chance to WIN a The Good Vitmain pack valued at RRP$90.00 and kick start 2013 on the right track !

To enter, all you need to do is is leave a comment below letting us know which vitamin supplement would be most useful for you right now – and you're in with a chance!

Best of luck, competition drawn on 3rd April 2013!

Be well,




Beauty & Wellbeing Crushes: Acupuncture, Beatty Park Pool, Exfoliation & At-Home Mani-Pedis!


I've used acupuncture a couple of times before and always found it helpful. My digestion has been a bit sluggish lately, so I decided to see Jacinta at the Perth Natural Medical Centre. I find the sessions extremely relaxing and always leave with a gentle buzz of energy and feeling really refreshed. The dietary advice has been so interesting and also counter-intuitive. Apparently my system works best without cold and raw foods according to Traditional Chinese Medicine. I'm not sure where that leaves my green smoothie habit, but it's worth a go!

Swimming at the new Beatty Park Pool

I started to swim regularly in my teens and it's the one aspect of my exercise routine that has stuck. I've tried many types of exercise but, for me, nothing beats the soothing, meditative effects of lap swimming. I absolutely love it and always sleep so well after a long swim. I'm feeling very lucky that my local newly renovated pool at Beatty Park is so lovely. The works haven't been totally finished yet but it looks like the centre will be amazing when it's all done.

Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate

This is my new mantra! There's nothing like summer to make you more body conscious. I've been using the 'hot towel scrub' method lately to make my skin silky smooth. Just grab a flannel, warm water and soap or shower gel, lather up and scrub away! For my face I'm enjoying a lovely scrub from the Smitten Organic skin care range. My skin tends to be quite dry so I avoid harsh scrubs, but this one is a very gentle, creamy and really effective.

Hands and Feet Pampering

I'm loving Burts Bees Tips and Toes Kit at the moment. I'm pretty busy, so find it hard to fit in a mani-pedi and I also find them pretty boring treatments. This kit is great for some quality at-home pampering.The hand creams are also the perfect size to throw into a handbag or purse. They've thrown a yummy pomegranate lip balm into the kit too! All of their products are 'earth friendly' in fact they were one of the pioneer natural skin care brands as they started in 1984. It's a pretty affordable range too.

What are your favourite budget and at-home pampering tips?

Article by Karen, who's certain she was a fish in a previous life!

Be well,



What is a Positive Affirmation?

What exactly is a positive affirmation? An affirmation is a positive statement used to bring about a desired situation.

Let’s not over complicate it, that’s all it is. It’s something that we say to ourselves to create what we want. “But I’d feel silly talking to myself” I hear you say. Have you noticed that voice in your head though that does talk to you? Usually in a negative way?

So, if you’re going to talk to yourself anyway, why not say good things, nurturing things, things that will change your life for the better?!

There is a cafe in San Francisco that has made affirmations a major part of their theme, the menu at The Gratitude Cafe is in the form of affirmations such as:


Caesar salad with romaine lettuce, avocado, Caesar dressing, capers and Brazil nut Parmesan


Mediterranean plate with almond hummus, olive tapenade, live falafels, cucumber tzatziki salad and a live cracker 



Cold-processed espresso milkshake ( I think this may be my favourite 🙂 )

How awesome is that! Fabulous food and the opportunity to set up your day in a powerful, positive manner.

There are countless stories of people who've healed themselves and changed their lives through affirmations, from Louise Hay who cured herself of cancer to Australian Denise Duffield-Thomas who created her dream job through affirmations and visualisation, as well as using the Law of Attraction.

Add to that the fact that they're an inexpensive (can't get better than free) thing to add to your routine – why not give them a try yourself?

The best affirmations are simple and easy to remember and repeat, “Every day in every way I'm getting better and better” is an oldie but a goodie, and if it's good enough for Tony Robbins who am I to argue.

Make sure to say them in the positive, present tense for example, “I am the perfect weight for me” rather than, “I will lose weight” which implies at some time in the future you will lose some weight.

Affirmations can be used for any area of life you can think of, and Tony Robbins (yes again) even talks about a couple who used affirmations to win the lottery.

What will you use affirmations for?

On a side note I've found these amazing people who also add your own personal affirmations to meditation music to make them even more powerful, these are awesome if you want to take it to the next level.

I'd love for you to choose just one affirmation and use it in as many ways as possible, say it out loud, say it to yourself while looking in the mirror, write it down ten times a day.

In the comment box below I'd love to hear about your results!

Bubbles of Love from me to you!

Written by Chizelle, leading The Ultimate Self-love Revolution, writer, speaker and hostess of Chizelle TV

Be well,

