Wellness Recipe: A Healthy Snack to Beat Sweet Cravings!
Apr 3, 2013 | Food, Recipes, Wellness Tips | 2 Comments
♥ I’m trying to improve my health through diet and exercise, it's easy enough to find recipes for healthy eating, my biggest problem so far has been snacks and sweet treats... As part of my journey to healthier living, I recently purchased Janella...
Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Karen Then, Bikram Yoga Teacher & Director of Bikram Yoga Victoria Park!
Apr 1, 2013 | Interviews | 3 Comments
♥ ♥ First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself! A yogi who had another life as a corporate tax manager for 15 years before deciding to pursue her dream of teaching yoga full time and then opening up a yoga studio - Bikram Yoga Victoria Park -...
Beauty & Wellbeing Crushes: Michelle Bridges Program, Zevia, Natural Lip Glosses & Sweet Rose Tea!
Mar 28, 2013 | Wellness Tips | 0 Comments
cheap internet security software ♥ 1. Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation Have you noticed Michelle Bridges is everywhere at the moment? There’s good reason for it. This woman is making a big difference to waistlines around the country, including mine!...
You Can Change Your Life: How I Lost 20 Kilos By Eating Clean & Exercising.
Mar 26, 2013 | Exercise, Other, Wellness Tips | 3 Comments
♥ Hi I'm Lauren and I'm from Perth. At the end of 2011, at age 22, I had been eating whatever the hell I wanted for a very long time. I did very little physical activity. I had atrocious skin, no energy, no confidence and could be pretty damn negative...
Healthy Yummy Recipe: Cauliflower Cous Cous!
Mar 25, 2013 | Food, Recipes | 1 Comment
custom essay writing ♥ Hello! I have been making this cauliflower cous cous in my kitchen, at least once a week for a while now. Why? It provides a decent serving of vegetables, thanks to cauliflower being the main ingredient, the dish makes a perfect light...
Beauty & Wellbeing Crushes: Dunsborough Living, La Mav Skincare, Apteka Haircare & Cookbooks!
Mar 22, 2013 | Wellness Tips | 0 Comments
♥ A new year, a new home in sunny Dunsborough (yes Samudra calls my name even more regularly now), a new favourite coffee place (that know my name and coffee already, yes local status!), a new beachside jogging track and a new list of crushes that are at the...

Hey there, I'm Annette!
Welcome to Wellness WA – come journey through Perth, WA & beyond with me in search of the best in natural beauty, fitness & fun, and the experience of ultimate wellness.
I search high & low to find the best local wellness-y gems so you know where to go to get a deluxe massage, the most zen inspiring yoga class, the best acai bowl in town… and so much more.
Can’t wait for you to join me! xo
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