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Lush Giveaway WINNERS!

It’s time to announce the winners of our super, duper, ultra, mega, giveaway! We have 10 lucky winners who will each be taking home one of two fantastic prize packs, ‘Christmas Tweets‘ or ‘A Few of My Favourite Things‘ from our generous sponsors Lush!

And the lucky winners are…

♥ 1. Alexandra Zhu
♥ 2. Anneke de Rooij
♥ 3. Julie Wakely
♥ 4. Jenny B
♥ 5. Bekah Hocking
♥ 6. Natalie Brewer
♥ 7. Verity Wallace
♥ 8. Hayley White
♥ 9. Maria Adele
♥ 10. Amy Mitchell

Congratulations ladies! I will send you an email soon, please reply within 48 hours to claim your prize 🙂

Thank you to everyone who entered, we had a whopping 80 entries and I wish I could give you ALL a prize, but rest assured we’ve got many more fab competitions coming up in the next year, so stay tuned! 🙂

Be well,



Wellness Recipe: Stuart Watkins’ Favourite Smoothie.

I used to think that having a large meal for breakfast would give me the most energy for an enthusiastic and energetic day, but for the last 2 years or so my breakfast has pretty much always been a smoothie. I feel lighter, more focused and full of calm vitality rather than bogged down looking for that caffeine kick which I used to.

If my body isn’t working hard to digest a big, dense meal, then that energy can be put towards living an amazing life. The amount of vitamins and minerals, good quality omega 3 fats, easily absorbable sprouted proteins and just enough low glycemic index carbs in this smoothie keeps me full, yet light and energetic for hours.

I’m not saying I don’t like a delicious meal. I love to eat! But after playing with different ways to start the day, this definitely works best for me. Imagine trying to get all of this goodness in solid food form as you get ready for work in the morning! It would be like having a huge bowl of greens, a hand full of olives, a whole bunch of sprouted seeds and nuts, mushrooms, herbs etc. If you down this smoothie all that goodness is straight into your system.

♥ Stu’s Smoothie

The recipe!

♥ However big you want your smoothie, put that much water in the blender.
♥ A serving of Sunwarrior protein which I get at Prana Healthfoods


♥ A serving of Garden of Life Raw Protein
♥ 1 teaspoon of Spirulina and 1 teaspoon of Chlorella, both which I get at Prana or Organic on Charles.
♥ About 1 teaspoon of Himalayan Crystal Salt, which I get at Prana.
♥ 1 teaspoon of maca root
♥ 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper if you like a little kick.
** ♥ ½ teaspoon of ashwagandha
** ♥ ½ teaspoon of triphala
** ♥ 1 teaspoon of reishi mushrooms, all of which I often get directly from India or from or

** With these herbs, do your research or see an ayurvedic practitioner and/or naturopath to find out if these herbs are suited to you. Every body is different. As for the rest of the herbs they’re suited to most people.

Blend all of this up and add 1 tablespoon of olive oil or coconut oil and 1 tablespoon of either agave nectar or honey for sweetness and if you want extra thickness and carbs add a banana.

Next step; enjoy!

Stu’s smoothie will give you enough energy for THIS!

Stuart is a yoga teacher and holistic life coach based in Perth, Western Australia. He is known for his unique, heart-felt self expression and inspirational style of teaching. Stuart’s classes incorporate Vinyasa Flow Asana and Akhanda Yoga with most of the emphasis being on transformation and healing.

He teaches with raw yet compassionate honesty which helps his students and clients bring the qualities practiced on the mat into daily life. 

The combination of the ancient wisdom of yoga coupled with Western approaches to wellness, such as life coaching and fitness training has allowed Stuart to form a highly effective and unique approach to wellness and to life itself.

Pics by

What do you think of this super smoothie?

Be well,


Product Review: Brauer’s Paw Paw All Natural Lip Butter.

The long search for the perfect lip balm is well and truly over! Hooraay! You can thank me later…

After over 10 years, my search for the perfect lip balm came to a very welcomed screeching halt as of Monday this week. If the idea of slathering your pout with carcinogenic petrochemicals and other nasties found in 99% of balms out there (yes, including the so called ‘natural’ ones) doesn’t really float your boat, then you best be sitting down with pen and paper and writing the name of this product down.

Brauer’s new PawPaw All Natural Lip Butter – and it’s made right here in Australia… Bingo!

My new fave pot full of goodness! It has been a long time coming!!!

This compares to some luxury cosmetics’ companies balms … Trust me I worked in the industry for 10 years, and I am happy to announce that this is right up there with the best of them, better for you and your wallet… Wait for it RRP$ 4.99 yes, no typo here.

Now down to business:

Paw Paw- Fermented and known for its healing and antibacterial properties.
Certified Organic Beeswax- used to seal in hydration…read plump and baby soft!
Vitamin E & Shea Butter
Carrot Oil- to rejuvenate, rehydrate and packed full of vitamins… yes please!
Stevia- a natural herb, 300x sweeter than sugar, minus the calories… Yum!!! Lick away ladies!!

Texture– Check

Perfect Not too heavy not too light, not a greasy pout in sight! This was really the selling point for me and where this balm is up above the rest, many natural ones I have tried just totally failed on the texture front…Too grease ball and gone in 60 seconds!

Flavour – Check

Natural Stevia makes this oh so yummy and sweet!

Price – Check

$4.99 per pot… I pay more for my soy flat white… I rest my case. I’ll take 10 please!

I found mine at Chemist Warehouse North Perth… Run in before everyone else catches on!!!

Did you know that the popular Lucas Papaw Balm is petrochemical based? How about trying a natural alternative? Let us know what you think!

Review by Martina…Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined!

Product Review: Revitanail Collection.

Lately I have been going through some kind of nail-painting mania, so I was excited when asked to review a range of products by Revitanail. The pack consisted of nail strengthener, ridge filler, base coat, hand and nail cream, cuticle remover gel and a French manicure kit.

I decided to try the nail strengthener first. I am constantly washing my hands throughout the day due to my job, and as a result have weakened nails that tend to peel at the ends. The first thing I noticed about this product was the overwhelmingly strong smell, and the message ‘CONTAINS FORMALDEHYDE’ on the bottle. I decided it was worth smelling like a mummy if I was going to have long, strong nails – and within a week the peeling was no more! I was definitely happy with the nail strengthener.

After a few months of neglect my cuticles had grown quite long and shaggy, so the cuticle remover gel was a godsend. You apply it to the nail beds, leave for 3-5 minutes and wash it off. The gel made them very easy to push back and they looked great!

Onto the French manicure set. This consisted of a cream coloured polish, pale pink polish, a top coat and stencil-type stickers to place on your nails to get the perfect white-tip. It was so easy to do and they looked amazing, better than a professional in my opinion! Due to my careless and sometimes clumsy ways I tend to chip my nail polish within a day of putting it on, but the top coat that came with this kit kept my nails looking good as new for at least four days.

After using many a cheap $2 bottle of red nail polish I did have a slight yellow tinge to my nails. Ew! After trialling the base coat in this pack for a few weeks I no longer have tobacco coloured nails, and I have decided to make it a rule – if I’m going to continue to use $2 polish always base coat it first!

At first I wasn’t too impressed with the hand and nail cream, I didn’t find that my hands felt any less dry (due to constant washing). However after about a week of using the cream the skin around my nails was no longer dry and peeling like before, hurrah! Although they still felt dry, my hands and nails definitely looked better.

All in all the Revitanail range that I trialled was great, all the products did their job (except the ridge filler which I didn’t try as I don’t have any ridges in my nails). I will definitely continue to use them and can recommend them to anybody with weak nails or dry hands. Or just for a great-looking DIY French manicure!

Review by Katy Lock, proud owner of pretty nails and the best DIY French Mani I’ve ever seen! – Ed.

Be well,


Product Review: Skin Virtue Pure Nourish Range.

If Skin Virtue was a person, a girl let’s say, even a friend of yours- she would be the kind of girl who looks better without makeup, the kind of girl who really does make it work in just a t-shirt and jeans (it’s a myth that this is easy), she would have that kind of hair that always sits just right with a slightly windblown look and when you ask who her hairdresser is, she says ‘oh I don’t really have one, I don’t even dye it’.

When you visit her apartment it’s minimalist in a way that makes you want to go home and burn all your things so you can start again. She serves you vanilla ice cream and it is the simplest, best thing you have ever eaten.

♥ Skin Virtue reminds me of Girls like THIS!

Simple and effective. Skin Virtue is one of those no fuss brands of skincare that I think would appeal to the people out there that just aren’t interested in trawling through all the fads and trends and BS.

There are two ranges; the ‘Super Clear’ Range for acne-prone skin and the ‘Pure Nourish’ Range for anti-ageing. Easy, aint it?

I trialed the ‘Pure Nourish’ Range designed to help combat changes associated with ageing, environmental damage and even social stresses (like me trying to make a t-shirt and jeans look good maybe?) There are five products in the range, Pure Cleanse, Pure Resurface, Pure Protect Fluid, Pure Nourish Cream and Pure Line Repair, one range with all the products that you could possibly need to protect your skin cells and help reduce the signs of ageing. But how?

Well…by eliminating the appearance of wrinkles, under-eye circles, and discolouration of course! The blend of natural active ingredients including your usual suspects of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants combines with botanical and marine extracts to lock in moisture and support your skins natural tissue reconstruction process all leading to skin with improved appearance, tone and texture, lucky you.

My favourite was the Pure Resurface, a beautiful exfoliator in the lightest of pinks with only a hint of a floral bouquet in the scent that is gentle enough to use as often as you like. Superb.

I’m not going to claim that Skin Virtue are doing anything especially new or with ingredients that you’ve never heard of but they are taking the modern classics and they are doing them well at an affordable price and in a decent size. And who doesn’t want to be that effortless?

For more info visit:
Stockists, buy online.

Review by Adriane Daff, who is in fact selling herself short. I bet the little fox looks fabulous in jeans and a white tee – ED.

Be well,
