Hello! It’s been a little while between green drinks, I’ve been busy working on Wellness WA’s new look & layout, plus hitting up LOADS of cool new (and old favourite) wellness options that are popping up around Perth.
Coming right up are 4 things that I have been LOVING lately.
♥ Spray-On Aloe Vera
Being ultra fair skinned, I was raised to fear the sun above all else. I’ve now arrived at the age of 32 with zero tan to speak of, a bunch of freckles & am often mistaken for 8-10 years younger (thanks, kind pals!). While I can’t necessarily put the last one down to just hiding from the sun – #babyfacegenetics – there’s a lot to be said for maximising your pre & post-sun exposure routines to prevent skin damage. I recently wrote an article on what I recommend pre-beach, which can be applied to any sunshiny activity.

Post-sun, and particularly if I happen to get slightly more pink than expected, the best bets I’ve found are: 1) A cold shower for as long as possible to counteract the burn, similar to if you burn yourself in any other way! 5 minutes plus is recommended to take some of the heat out. 2) Two to three cups of green tea to boost antioxidants. I’m not a medical professional but the personal research I’ve done on antioxidants is enough to make this a consistent habit for me. 3) Aloe Vera! It’s known as the “burn plant” for a reason. Applying aloe ASAP after sun exposure promotes skin healing & relieves stinging and itching, my current favourite is this Surf Life Saving spray on mist which makes applying it a breeze. I spray it on every couple of hours and before bed + after my shower in the morning if I’ve been burnt and it really does the trick!

♥ Homemade Healthy Choc Smoothies!
Due to an upcoming retreat (hellooooo Sri Lanka!), I’ve been trying to save some money by making more smoothies at home, and saving brunch splurges for things that there’s no way I’d ever be able to make at home (cue, Flora & Fauna). With this in mind I set out to create my own version of a cacao, banana & peanut butter smoothie – the bonus being I can use all my favourite brands, additional supplements & get it tasting exactly how I like it.
After many trials I’ve come up with my favourite recipe, give it a whirl! It gets my morning started in the best possible way, after this I’m loving life, full of energy and prepared for whatever the day throws at me.
Choc Bliss Morning Smoothie
♥ 1 x cup of frozen banana chunks (if you’re lazy like me, Creative Gourmet now sells packets of pre-chopped, frozen banana at Woolies & Coles – life changing!)
♥ 1-1.5 x cups of coconut water (depending on how thick you want it… 1 cup is more of an icecream texture, 1.5 cups is a smoothie texture)
♥ 1-2 x tsp cacao, or more if you prefer. I like a gentle buzz.
♥ 1/2-1 x tsp peanut butter, I use Mother Earth Smooth variety
♥ 1/2 x tsp local honey
♥ 1/2 x tsp organic sesame seeds
♥ 1/4 x tsp ground vanilla
♥ 1/2 x sachet of Juice Plus chocolate protein powder, or other protein powder
♥ Quick grind of himalayan pink salt
Method: Place ingredients in blender in above order and blitz on high + pulse for 30 seconds. I use a Froothie which is similar to a Vitamix and it works really well, but any high-speed blender will work.
Makes 1.5 – 2 cups depending on how much liquid you use, and will put you in the best mood for the rest of the day. Let me know what you think if you try it!

Twisting Peacock Yoga Studio, Osborne Park
My latest obsession. The yin classes at Twisting Peacock are out of this world, and SOMETIMES a tiny hound called Potato pitter patters around as well! #mustlovedogs obviously, which I do with all my heart. The studio owner and totally lovely human babe, Melissa Howard, exudes ease & grace, and her classes are an incredible mix of soulful yogic philosophy interwoven with meditation, restoration and thoughtful sequencing. I leave every class on a high. The other teachers are fantastic as well and I can’t wait to explore more of the classes & very well-priced events that they run regularly.

Z’kin Brightening & Hydrating Masque
One for the chocolate lovers. This Zkin masque smells EXACTLY like chocolate mousse/chico baby lollies and it’s taken everything in my power to not squeeze the tube directly into my mouth. This has become my go-to mask pre-event or if my skin just needs a little boost. I haven’t found it to make much difference on small pimples, but it’s not really designed for that – so I spread this over my entire face but skip any areas with a pimple, where I’ll apply a separate mask which is specifically designed to dry those out. I’d suggest using this one anytime you feel a choccy craving coming on, but want to brighten your skin whilst indulging – delicious.
Let me know if you have any questions or comments below! x
Be well,