Kate Bevilaqua!
♥ First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself!
– Completed a Bachelor of Physical and Health Education at UWA followed by a Diploma of Education
– Began teaching PE and Health to year 8 – 12s at Christ Church my first year out and remained there for 8 years
– During that time I played netball and was determined to take that as far as I could despite the constant reminders that I was too short!
– During my netball off season my cousin Wesley convinced me to try a triathlon as a means to keep fit!
– Eventually enjoyed triathlon so much more and quit netball! The culmination of 3 different sports, swimming, cycling and running keeps it interesting and it also has a great social/community feel about it!
– After a few years of short course racing, my coach eventually convinced me to give an Ironman a go and after qualifying for the Hawaii Ironman, my first 2 attempts and finishing 3rd as an amateur at the World Champs I obtained my Pro license and have not looked back since!
– 4 years later I have quit my job and am a full time professional triathlete who spends 6 months of the year in Perth, and the other 6 months in Boise, Idaho in the USA
– Most recently I finally won my first Ironman in Busselton, Western Australia and it will be a moment I will never ever forget!!

♥ Tell us about your daily beauty routine.
– First thing in the morning I am usually swimming biking or running, I will never leave the house without moisturiser, followed by Zinc on my face and lip balm on my lips.
– Zinc I either use Invisible Zinc or the skin coloured Sun Zapper Zinc stick you can get in Coles. It is perfect for those long, long days out in the sun.
– Moisturiser I use L’oreal day cream with suncream and an age perfect night cream.
– Lip Balm, every type of Blistex you will find in my drawer.
– Cause of all the swimming I have a leave in oil treatment for my hair because I don’t like to wash it every day!! I love to use Moroccan Oil.
♥ What’s the one beauty treatment you can’t live without? And your favourite place to have it done?
Massage (if you can call this a beauty treatment!) Once a week! My masseuse, Mark Eden, definitely knows how to keep me going strong! But otherwise i recently had a facial with my mother which I hadn’t done in years and was amazed how great my skin felt afterwards. Would like to make this a regular part of my beauty routine!
♥ Who do you trust with your hair in Perth, and why?
I have a local hairdresser, Avant Garde in South Perth that I have been going to for years and it is so easy when they know you and your hair and I don’t have to always explain why my hair is in such bad condition after all the swimming and sweaty training! I can just sit there and relax and she knows exactly what I want!
♥ Favourite budget / at home beauty treatment?
A good facial mask or scrub! Once every week or 10 days! Gets rid of that dead skin and makes my face feel fresh again at least for a little while! I use Anew Clinical Micro – exfoliant.

So many to love!
♥ Your three, absolutely cannot live without, favourite products?
– Blistex Lip Balm
– Sun Zapper Zinc Stick
– Maybelline Dream Smooth Mousse
♥ Do you have any secret tips you use to keep looking / feeling great?
Sleep!! I think sleep is highly underrated! Let’s be honest! How great do we feel and look (no bags under the eyes!) when we have a good night’s sleep! Lucky for me sneaking in an afternoon nap is something I try and do as much as can!
♥ What beauty treatment/ wellbeing activity would you love to try but haven’t yet? (Due to time, money, scared etc!)
Bikram yoga, I have heard so much about it but haven’t found the time yet to do it! Definitely on the “to do” list!

♥ Describe a typical day of eating for you.
I will usually eat a couple of pieces of toast with peanut butter before swimming training in the morning. This lasts a few hours and by the time I get home I am ready for my real breakfast of oatmeal with cinnamon, blueberries, banana, and maybe some more peanut butter and almond milk. This fills me up for the rest of the morning and I don’t need to snack. Lunch is usually a roll/sandwich of chicken or egg and salad. Otherwise sushi is also a popular choice. After snack varies between an apple, yoghurt, muesli/protein bar depending what is on the training schedule. Dinner is a protein (chicken, steak and salmon are my favourites) and salad or vegetables.
♥ Describe your fitness routine.
Well fitness is my life so there is not a day that goes by (well very few anyway!) when I am not swimming, cycling or running! I usually have a day off every 10 days and a sleep in is absolute bliss!! Generally I will swim 6 times a week, run 5 times a week and cycle 4 or 5 times a week. If I am feeling up to it and try and get some core and strength work in but if I am tired they are the sessions that I will skip for a nap instead!

Fish oil!
♥ Do you take part in any alternative therapies or take supplements? If so, discuss.
Besides massage I am strong believer in Acupuncture/dry needling. I will have a session every couple of weeks if time permits to get rid of that tension in certain areas. With all the exercise and training I do I have been taking iron supplements to help prevent feeling too fatigued but also religiously take garlic and fish oil tablets so I don’t get sick!!
Thanks so much to Kate for taking time out of her very busy schedule to share her routine with us! Please leave any questions and comments below.
Be well,