♥ First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself!
Vanessa and Fabrice are the creators of The Health Collective here in WA! Vanessa is a passionate Personal-Trainer, Massage-therapist at Silq Medi-Spa in Nedlands and a raw fresh food enthusiast. Fabrice is a runner and offers one-to-one life coaching sessions for those who need the clarity and the motivation to achieve their goals (weight and health wise).
Together we share raw and vegan cooking classes from the “Newbie” to the more educated. We like to keep it simple and accessible to all. Our classes include step by step information to transition your lifestyle, from the “standard Australian diet” to a healthier one.

At The Health Collective, we are sharing our knowledge about true health, fitness, food and nutrition. Our vision is to get people healthier, to assist them in reconnecting with planet earth, and ultimately raise the global consciousness.

♥ Tell us about your daily beauty routine.
I lightly scrub my face each morning with a bamboo fibre mitten, under lukewarm water, and apply some Tinderbox Day Cream. That's it! Because of my lifestyle, my skin remains clear and healthy so I don't need anything else. 😉

♥ What's the one beauty treatment you can't live without? And your favourite place to have it done?
I like to get my eyebrows threaded, as I think eyebrows give a defining look to the face.
♥ Who do you trust with your hair in Perth, and why?
I am currently having my hair cut at “Renos on St Quentin” in Claremont Quarter, with a hairdresser named Edward (not scissors- hands hahah!) he is good at style cutting long hair.

♥ Favourite budget / at home beauty treatment?
I love Puresource Rotorua Thermal Mud Mask, I use this once a week. It is a natural smooth mud mask, loaded with mineral that comes from New Zealand …and it only costs $12.00 online! I always recommend this to anyone.

Watermelon, mint & lime juice!
♥ Your three, absolutely cannot live without, favourite products?
I have no products that I can't live without, my lifestyle really supports the healthy glow to my skin, so I guess I would say I would not give up my love of eating fresh fruits, veg and natural oils like coconut, hemp, avocado and olive oil.

♥ Do you have any secret tips you use to keep looking / feeling great?
In one word: LIFESTYLE! 😀
Healthy lifestyle (raw organic/bio dynamic fruits and veg), good water, exercise and happiness – Your mindset is truly important too, and can be improved easily, with meditation, laughing and socializing.
♥ What beauty treatment/ wellbeing activity would you love to try but haven't yet?
I have heard there is an Indian “hot oil hair treatment” (ED: Shirodhara!) that is meant to be amazing… I would like to try that. I totally believe though, that beauty comes from inside out, and not the other way around.

♥ Describe a typical day of eating for you.
I always eat local and seasonal;
Breakfast start with a high carb smoothie (usually bananas, dates, fresh coconut water or high PH water)
For brunch, if I have been to the gym I will make a young coconut vanilla-pod smoothie (this provides all the natural amino acids for the body after a workout) otherwise fresh fruits.

Lunch will be a huge green salad, and I am talking huuuge ! Haha …like a bucket.. variety is essential.
Afternoon Snacking will be some kind of nuts (macadamia , walnuts, etc.. )

Dinner will either be mono-fruit eating, so at the moment persimmons are in season ,so I would eat between 6-8 of them, or a raw homemade dish like raw pasta. By eating light at night, you will find your sleep will improve greatly and you will feel much more refreshed in the morning.
♥ Describe your fitness routine.
1 hour cycling followed with 3 weight training exercises for either upper or lower body then 20min stretching, 4 to 5 days a week. However I listen to my body if it needs a rest.
♥ Do you take part in any alternative therapies or take supplements? If so, discuss.
A good massage does have an outstanding effect on the human body and mind, being a massage therapist myself I consistently see great improvement with my clients. Now and then, I have massage treatment done, from a great therapist from “Perfect Posture”. I take one plant-based supplement called Neuropathy Support Formula for B1 & 12 to support my nervous system and B vitamins intake, mainly because the modern world that we live in does not provide the same quality regarding the fruits and vegetables as it was 50 years ago.
♥ How many hours sleep do you usually get each night? Do you have any bedtime rituals or tips to help you get a great nights sleep?
I sleep around 8 to 9 hours per night. I go to bed early, as most of the the body's cleansing, healing and hormonal processes operate between 10.00pm and 6.00am. I also use a sleeping mask to block out any light, because the pineal gland will only release melatonin (regulating female reproductive system) and many other hormones in the pitch black. I have noticed a real improvement in the quality of my sleep.

♥ How do you like to relax? What are your favourite ways to de-stress?
Meditation and stretching with candle light.
If you have any questions or comments on Vee’s gorgeous routine, please leave them below!
Be well,
Beautiful interview!
It is so fascinating how every body is so different! Vanessa is clearly glowing and flourishing under a high carb, high raw diet whereas someone else would not have the same result. The human body is incredible!
Phwoar that salad looks excellent! The smoothie too… hungry now!
I love these beauty & wellbeing routine posts!! they always inspire me to eat healthier (hopefully I stick to my plans this time…) Keep up the great work 🙂 x
Love it! Thanks for so many great tips and health inspiration.