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VEGAN WAFFLE PARTY – Three words, all excellent by themselves, together at last in delicious, cruelty-free, fun loving unison!
Add to this that the waffles at this particular party are FREE and you’ve got yourself a sure fire winner of an idea for something to do on Sunday the 16th May! 🙂
Just what is a Vegan Waffle party?
A waffle party is a festive and stomach-filling social event where waffles are served, preferably hot off the iron, with delicious toppings. It can be a relatively simple gathering with just a few friends, or it can be an extravagant production with dozens of guests.
(For more info check out the Waffle Party Site!)

Cruelty Free WA, the gracious hosts of the Perth event
(Following taken from the Perth Global Vegan Waffle Party Facebook Event Page)
We want to show everybody that being vegan is not about sacrifice and denial and there is no need to miss out on the things you enjoy.
Help us celebrate all things vegan by coming along to our vegan waffle party for free waffles hot off the iron and complete with yummy toppings. Everybody is invited, so why not bring along your steadfast meat eating friends and show them how delicious cruelty free food can be.
Not vegan? It doesn’t matter, come along anyway we would love to see you. The Global Vegan Waffle Party is a worldwide event so help us put Australia on the map. This is one time WA won’t be behind the rest of the country when it comes to good veg*n food.
When: Sunday May 16th 11:00am – 3:00pm
Where: Cruelty Free WA
Shop 28A Queen Street, Fremantle
(opposite Myer)
Contact: info@crueltyfreewa.com.au
or phone the store on 9335 7039
Cost: FREE! (So awesome!)
Be well,
Thanks so much for representing the continent (perhaps others will follow your lead and join in the future!), and I look very forward to hearing how your event goes.
Hi Dave!
Thanks for stopping by… it’s a wonderful & tasty premise, I’ll do another post after the event with some photos so you can check it out! 🙂