A slightly more relaxing portrayal of Omnilux.
I’ve been intrigued with Omnilux for quite a while now, but nothing quite cemented the interest like hero dream-bebe Zoe Foster and her unforgettable words at the PRIMPED look book event last year:
Well then. We by no means suggest you do such a thing, but it’s good to know the option is there.
With this little thought wailing around in my brain for the past 12 months, along with some unshakable pimples and a desire for clearer skin – I bit the light therapy bullet and booked in for a sesh of Omnilux at Skin Deep Medi Spa in the CBD.

A photo of me having my Visia Analysis done… 😉
First up though, I had my skin analysed by Lauren, the spa manager, with a Visia Skin Analysis machine. For those of you who hate close-ups, you’re not going to like this! However I see it as a necessary evil to help uncover what the main areas of skin concern are. So a bunch of photos are taken from all angles with your head in the machine and once finished you’re shown the pics and talked through the problem zones.
My personal areas of concern were dehyrdation around the eyes, uneven skin tone and acne bacteria, mostly on the chin 🙁
A regime of both Omnilux red (collagen & lymphatic stimulating & healing) and Omnilux blue (acne bacteria destroying, pow pow) is recommended, as well as some light chemical peels and exfoliation suggested (but I don’t think I’m quite ready for the peels yet!)
Twenty four hours pass and I’m back in the medi-spa for my first Omnilux treatment (the red one to start with)…gulp!
A hop, skip and a double-cleanse later, I’m lying on the treatment bed with my hair in a disposable cap waiting to make friends with this piece of machinery that is promising me pretty skin.
The first thing to note is that the lights sit just a couple of centimeters above your skin, unlike in the image above where it’s shown to be about 30 centimeters away. I’m a bit claustrophobic so I asked the therapist to stay with me during my first treatment and she was more than happy to do so. As it turns out, if you feel that it’s too close they can move it back a bit, or you can wiggle down out of it for a minute.
Secondly, even with little goggles on and my eyes closed – THE LIGHT IS SO BRIGHT! It gets better after a few minutes but I hadn’t read about that anywhere so was surprised.
Throughout the treatment I’m aware of a slight warmth, but it doesn’t feel hot.
The twenty minutes pass pretty quickly with chatting, and you can probably bring in your iPod if you like, or just relax to the peaceful music that is piping through the spa.
A vitamin B serum is applied to my skin, which apparently helps, as well as a moisturiser. For Omnilux to be most successful, you need to have two treatments a week for a month, and then you can dial it back to once a month. It takes a few sessions to really start seeing a difference, but today I’ve felt that my skin might just be looking that little bit better already…

Time will tell though, and I’m excited to continue on my journey to Zoe Foster worthy skin.
Omnilux revive (red) is $95 a pop & Omnilux blue $75, they’re not cheap, but if they do as promised I’ll be more than happy to keep making the room in my budget.
I went to the Skin Deep Medi-Spa located at:
Shop 4 Central Park Building
777 Hay Street, Perth
Western Australia 6000
T. (08) 9226 2997
Or you can find another salon in Perth that provides Omnilux here!
Have you tried Omnilux yet? Would you? Do you have any other questions for me? Comment below!
Be well,
lol, good pics mate.
Thank you 🙂 hehe.
Let us know if it clears up your chin! I am struggling with some horrible hormonal breakouts around my chin lately and am keen to give this a go…..
Hey Coco!
Sounds like we are having the exact same problem. It hasn’t cleared it up totally yet which is disappointing 🙁 I’ll let you know when the sessions finish though!
Keen to know how the treatments turned out for you on this one?
Hi Annette, how did you go with your treatments did it get rid of your acne in the end?
I’ve suffered for nearly 10 years now and have tried so many facials except this one.
Hi Becky and Stephanie,
I will email you both! xx
Hi Annette,
Also curious to know how your treatments went. I’m thinking of giving this a try – does it really help with acne?
Hi Annette,
Also curious to know how your treatments went. I’m thinking of giving this a try – does it really help with acne?
Can you please let me know too? 🙂 Did it help it clear up?