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Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Megan Larsen, Founder of Sodashi.

First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself!

I’ve always had a passion for natural therapies, particularly aromatherapy. After completing an advanced course in aromatherapy in Provence in the late 90’s I was inspired to create chemical-free skin care products for my own sensitive skin, as I couldn’t find any natural skincare on the market that was effective. Word spread and I was met with such a demand from my products that I started to build a business and Sodashi was born.

Tell us about your daily beauty routine.

I love to do it all, every morning and every night. Starting with cleansing (I use the Clay Cleanser with Sandalwood), followed by compressing with Rejuvenating Concentrate which is amazing for retexturising and balancing the skin, then the Rejuvenating Skin Boost which is very firming and either the Rejuvenating Moisturiser, Samadara Ultimate Age-Defying Crème or Balancing Serum. I always apply Eye Lifting Gel and Eye and Lip Smoother and love to moisturise my body with Vanilla Body Butter.

♥ Spa @ the Four Seasons in Paris… bliss!

What’s the one beauty treatment you can’t live without? And your favourite place to have it done?

The Samadara Ultimate Age-Defying Facial Treatment is my favourite and I make sure I have one monthly. It uses our most powerful anti-ageing product Samadara Crème and a thermal mask that heats to body temperature to infuse the product into your skin. The treatment involves a series of signature Sodashi facial massages with Rose Quartz Crystals to de-stress the skin; it visibly turns back the hands of time and leaves my skin looking radiant. When in Europe I always have a Samadara treatment at the beautiful spa at Four Seasons George V in Paris.

Who do you trust with your hair in Perth, and why?

I’m between hairdressers at the moment. (ED: Maybe check out our hairdressers review section!)

Favourite budget / at home beauty treatment?

Sleep! While you are asleep your skin is repairing and rejuvenating. To maximize your shut-eye time apply good quality skin care products to nourish your skin with the nutrients and anti-oxidants it needs to renew itself.

Your three, absolutely cannot live without, favourite products?

Samadara Ultimate Age-Defying Crème, Sodashi Rejuvenating Serum and our new Eye Mask.

♥ Antioxidant rich foods

Do you have any secret tips you use to keep looking / feeling great?

Using high quality chemical-free skincare! I also believe in a holistic approach when it comes to my overall wellbeing. I eat a healthy balanced diet, exercise, take antioxidants, drink plenty of water and make sure I take time out to relax and unwind.

What beauty treatment/ wellbeing activity would you love to try but haven’t yet? (Due to time, money, scared etc!)

A health retreat!

Describe a typical day of eating for you.

I don’t eat red meats and try to stay away from processed foods. My fridge usually contains fresh organic vegetables, biodynamic eggs, biodynamic tofu, goat and sheep cheese. And I indulge in a bit of dark chocolate every now and then! I always make sure I eat my meals in a quiet settled environment to maximise nutritional uptake.

♥ The Eye of Revelation – the source of the Five Tibetan Rites

Describe your fitness routine.

Every morning I perform the Five Tibetan Rites, a series of exercises for healing, rejuvenation and longevity. I also spend a minimum of 20 minutes on my cross trainer.

Do you take part in any alternative therapies or take supplements? If so, discuss.

I have monthly Bowen Therapy, Reflexology and Acupuncture treatments.

How do you like to relax? What are your favourite ways to de-stress?

I meditate twice a day, every day. It gives me such mental clarity and it is a wonderful tool for managing stressful situations, or stress in general. Its main benefit though is that is makes me feel and be happy.
I’m always most relaxed when I’m with family and friends. It’s my favourite way to unwind!

Thanks so much to Megan for sharing her wellness routine with us, I feel very privileged to have her complete it and very much hope that you all enjoyed reading it! 🙂

If you have any questions or comments for Megan please leave them below!

Be well,


Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Ali Sims, Blogger at Creatures of Commonplace and Sales & Marketing Coordinator at Sodashi.

First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself!

I’m the Sales and Marketing Coordinator for the chemical-free luxury skin care brand Sodashi. I studied Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations at Curtin University, Bentley and I was very lucky to be offered an opportunity with such a great company. I am also the editor for Creatures of Commonplace, a website devoted to current fashion and beauty trends.

Tell us about your daily beauty routine.

My beauty routine is a definite highlight for me because I use some of the most amazing products. Here goes:

1. Cleanser: I use the Sodashi Clay Cleanser with Sandalwood first thing in the morning. The cleanser is great to clean away any leftover residue from night products.

2. Exfoliate: I like to use Sodashi’s Rejuvenating Concentrate which is a liquid exfoliant made up of plant essences. You basically add 10 drops to a bowl of warm water, immerse your face cloth, rinse, and compress to the face. I love that it is so aromatic, almost like a mini aromatherapy session in your bathroom.

3. Boost: Next I apply my Sodashi Calming Skin Boost which is basically a leave on gel mask with amazing nutritional benefits for the skin. I leave it to deeply penetrate my skin while I brush my teeth. It also makes for a great primer before makeup!

4. Eye Lifting Gel: At the same time as the boost I apply my Sodashi Eye Lifting Gel which is great to reduce puffiness and dark circles around the eye area. A life saver in the morning!

5. Moisturiser: Finally I apply my Calming Face and Neck Moisturiser by gently massaging it into my skin in an uplifting motion – it’s never too early to start practicing these anti-ageing techniques!

During the day at the office I have a bottle of Sodashi Calming Rose Mist and Burt’s Bees Lip Balm to keep my skin and lips hydrated.

What’s the one beauty treatment you can’t live without? And your favourite place to have it done?

I love going to Annasha Day Spa in Gooseberry Hill for a Sodashi Pure Radiance Facial or the Thermal Infusing Facial Treatment. It is such a beautiful getaway just 40 minutes outside Perth CBD.

Who do you trust with your hair in Perth, and why?

I am absolutely in love with Lee Preston Hair in South Perth. They do an amazing job and I can always trust them to try new styles or colours. I have had major trust issues with hairdressers in the past, so going to Lee Preston makes it a very pleasant and stress free experience!

Favourite budget / at home beauty treatment?

I always do my own manicure and pedicure. My favourite colours at the moment are the Butter London ‘The Full Monty’ and Chanel ‘Peridot.’

Your three, absolutely cannot live without, favourite products?

Only three!?

Sodashi Clay Cleanser with Sandalwood
Rejuvenating Concentrate
Calming Face and Neck Moisturiser (and Eye Lifting Gel).

ED: That’s 4! 😉

Do you have any secret tips you use to keep looking / feeling great?

I always find that I feel my best when I go to the gym regularly, drink lots of water and meditate daily.

What beauty treatment/ wellbeing activity would you love to try but haven’t yet? (Due to time, money, scared etc!)

It would be amazing to go on a wellness retreat.

Describe a typical day of eating for you.

Breakfast: A regular day would be a banana smoothie or All Bran with Almond and Honey.

Lunch: I usually take a boiled egg, crackers, a carrot and fruit, or if I manage to be organised in the morning a chicken wrap with avocado and cucumber. I LOVE Nudies and Emma and Toms juice and drink several cups of English Breakfast Tea a day.

Night time: I can be a little slack when it comes to nutritional value but we usually cook marinated chicken or roast chicken with vegetables. We also rarely have sweet biscuits, chocolate or icecream anywhere in the house otherwise it is too tempting! We always indulge in a once a week burger or Indian dinner (usually on the weekends).

Describe your fitness routine.

I usually try to get to the gym 3 times a week for an hour workout; 10mins warm up on the elliptical followed by 20mins of squats and weights and I usually finish with 20mins cardio (10mins on the bike and 10mins on the elliptical). I wind down with 10mins of stretching. I also like to get outside for a beach walk with friends.

Do you take part in any alternative therapies or take supplements? If so, discuss.

I take 3 x a day HGC+ (horseradish, garlic and vitamin C), Olive Leaf and Elderberry and Pau D’arco (for cleansing and strengthening) and once a day Fish Oil.

At work we are very lucky to receive Bowen, Reflexology and Indian Head Massage’s once a month.

How do you like to relax? What are your favourite ways to de-stress?

I love to read, right now I am absorbed in Jessica Rudd’s books (Kevin Rudd’s daughter) and I occasionally go to my holiday house in Ledge Point to relax. We also meditate every day at work which is a great way to de-stress.

Thanks to lovely Ali for sharing her beauty & wellbeing routine with us!

If you have any questions or comments for Ali, share em below 🙂

Be well,


Bali Day Spa Review: Kush Day Spa @ The Yoga Barn, Ubud.

When planning my trip to Bali in November last year, I wanted it to be truly rejuvenating and relaxing, a real treat for the end of the year. Needless to say, this is exactly the experience I encountered at KUSH Day Spa in Ubud.

KUSH is part of the Yoga Barn in Ubud and their treatments are based on Ayurveda – a system of traditional medicine native to India. Ayurveda is based on a life force and the pursuit of balance between the body, mind and nature; its emphasis being on preventing disease and maintaining good health.

I had been recommended the Yoga Barn by a friend and had planned to drop in to a class upon a day trip to Ubud from Seminyak. We ran out of time to attend a Yoga class, so decided on a massage at KUSH – I have been a long sufferer of daily headaches so chose the Ayuverdic Crown Massage.

The Yoga Barn is tucked away off the busy Jalan Hanoman. As we arrived, we were greeted by the friendly reception staff who were able to fit my boyfriend and I in straight away for our massages.

♥ Statues of Ganesha at Kush, known to Hindu’s as “Remover of Obstacles”

We were led upstairs to a beautiful balcony overlooking rice paddies where we were seated for our treatment. After a refreshing cup of iced lemongrass tea and filling in some information about our health history, the massages began. The experience was out of this world – the heat and humidity (and my mind numbing headache) disappeared, as the healing hands of the massage therapist completely melted all my tension away.

My favourite part of the massage was having my hair wrapped in these beautiful, cooling hibiscus leaves, where we were left to relax in the serene setting. After having our hair washed with some delicious smelling products, we were whisked back to our chairs for another cup of tea and the treatment was over. This 60-minute treatment went too quickly, but I felt so rejuvenated and calm afterwards – I may or may not have been in a bliss-induced-coma for the rest of the week!

Ayurvedic Crown Massage (60 Minutes)
180, 000 Rupiah (Approximately $20 AUD – amazing!)
Spa Treatment Menu: Kush Menu.pdf


Have you had any Ayuverda treatments? Was your experience as heavenly as this?!

Review by Lucy, Wellness WA‘s newest reviewer!

Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Rachel Magahy, Blogger @ In Spaces Between.

First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself!

I’m a 29 year old PR/ Digital Comms Exec by day, and I write about inspiration and living a big, beautiful life on my blog In Spaces Between in my spare time (or “in the spaces between.”)

I’m Sagittarian to the core, adore reading, have an addiction to lip gloss, am always looking for my next adventure and get high on excitable chats with inspiring women. I’m a passionate believer in the power of positivity and creating your own magnificent reality.

Tell us about your daily beauty routine.

In the mornings, I use Nivea Light 30+ sunscreen and the glorious Sodashi Rejuvenating Face and Neck Moisturiser, followed by my make-up.

At night, I cleanse with Sodashi Clay Cleanser with Lime, then give myself a mini face massage with Trilogy Rosehip Oil, and finish it all off with my Sodashi Moisturiser and a dab of Priori Eye Cream.

What’s the one beauty treatment you can’t live without? And your favourite place to have it done?

Getting my hair done! My stylist Alisha from Mods Hair at Circle on Cavill on the Gold Coast is an absolute gem.

Favourite budget / at home beauty treatment?

Hair masks made from organic coconut oil. YUM!

1. Wash hair and remove moisture with towel.
2. Apply virgin coconut oil (10 cent piece amount) to your hands and rub hands together to melt the coconut oil. If it’s already melted, just use the rubbing motion to heat it up.
3. Rub fingers through hair – I concentrate on the ends, and try and avoid putting too much oil through the top part of my hair.
4. Pop on a shower cap for about and hour, then rinse hair thoroughly and it should feel super soft and silky! If it feels too oily, give it a shampoo to remove excess oil.

Your three, absolutely cannot live without, favourite products?

I couldn’t live without sunscreen, my Holy Grail mascara – Giorgio Armani Eyes to Kill – and NARS Orgasm blush.

Do you have any secret tips you use to keep looking / feeling great?

Sweating it out! Everything looks better when I exercise regularly – I find my skin looks really dull if I don’t and I feel super sluggish and flat. I’m an early riser so my favourite time of the day to exercise is 5:30/ 6am so I can reap the rewards of high-octane energy all day!

Six Senses Yao Noi

What beauty treatment/ wellbeing activity would you love to try but haven’t yet? (Due to time, money, scared etc!)

I’d love to go to an amazing detox retreat overseas – 7 days of juices, meditation and yoga. I plan on making that happen one day very soon.

Pic from

Describe a typical day of eating for you.

Breakfast: Hard boiled or baked eggs with spinach and mushrooms.

Morning snack: A homemade raw bliss ball, or bowl of mixed berries/chopped up fruit.

Lunch: My gorgeous fiancé makes me a big salad with tuna or chicken most days. He generally throws in lots of random bits and pieces such as leftover roast pumpkin, toasted tamari almonds or low fat fetta to keep it interesting. Failing that, I grab sushi on the run.

Afternoon snack: It used to be something naughty like chocolate, but as part of my 2012 goals, I’m mending my sneaky sugary ways and I’m trying to eat filling snacks like cheese on Rice Thins or fruit with natural yoghurt and nuts.

Dinner: My man has been a vegetarian his whole life so most of our dinners are veggie based, with tofu or a nice piece of Snapper added in for some protein. We eat a lot of Asian-inspired meals so things like lime, chilli, mint and coriander (from our herb garden) feature heavily!

Describe your fitness routine.

I do group training – encompassing everything from hill sprints to resistance exercises and soft sand running – 3 days a week; go to the gym once a week (weights session or Body Attack) and run 2 – 3 times a week. I’ve got a goal to run 500km before 1 June, so I’m definitely ramping up my running at the moment!

♥ Chia seeds

Do you take part in any alternative therapies or take supplements? If so, discuss.

• I take a bunch of vitamins daily (B, Magnesium, Iron, Omega 3’s) and add MOR Life Alkalising Greens to fresh fruit/ vege juices for energy.
• I throw chia seeds into whatever I can (smoothies, date balls and salads).
• When I’m feeling super frazzled, acupuncture always gets me back on track. Love it.

How do you like to relax? What are your favourite ways to de-stress?

I’m not sure I’m familiar with that word? Haha!

I’m sure my loved ones would beg to differ because they don’t think I actually know how to sit still and relax, but snuggling up with a great book on our daybed, stretching out in a pilates class, meditating (before bed so I can drift into a beautiful deep sleep) or spending time with my girlfriends, laughing and chatting for hours is my idea of bliss.

Thanks so much to the lovely Rachel for taking time out from blogging and her busy schedule to share her beautiful routine with us!

If you have any questions for her, please leave them below 🙂

Be well,


Deluxe Competition: Pevonia Facial, Spa at Home Gift Pack & Dry Body Oil Giveaway!

We’ve teamed up with prestigious organic beauty range, Pevonia Botanica, and award winning day spa Keturah to bring you our biggest and most frenzy inducing competition YET!

If you’re in need of some indulgent pampering and ‘me time’, then look no further as you could be on your way to enjoying one of three absolutely ahhhhhmazing prizes (including the particularly jaw-dropping first prize!)…

Major Prize

A Pevonia facial @ Keturah to the value of $200! (Bookings only available Monday-Friday)

There are four to choose from:

Pevonia Age Defying Facial

$199 ~ 1h 15min
The most advanced defence against ageing skin. This opulent anti-ageing treatment lavishes your skin with pure Caviar Extract, Pearl Extract and performance Escutox™. Improving elasticity this luxurious mask increases oxygenation and suppleness. Promoting rejuvenation, it visibly resurfaces and dramatically reduces facial expression lines and wrinkles.

Pevonia High Performance Facial
$190 ~ 1h 15min
Discover your skin’s true potential as we target specific concerns with customised, concentrated extracts infused with the aid of thermal and cooling lift-off masks. Scientifically formulated to counteract skin problems and concerns. A spectacular spa facial that delivers noticeable visible results!

Pevonia Lumafirm Lift & Glow Facial
$180 ~ 1h
This outstanding facial treatment renders your skin ultra-luminous with a firmer, tighter and more youthfully defined appearance. Exclusively formulated with the latest in freeze dried technology, this remarkable treatment with cumulative benefits is ideal for any skin type showing signs of aging, or works as the perfect instant repair boost when your skin needs the ultimate ‘pick-me-up’.

Pevonia Signature Facial
$135 ~ 1h
This holistic facial with pure essential oils and blended plant extracts combine to improve both your skin type and current emotional state. Powerful natural ingredients that provide visible results.

2nd Prize

For the complete spa experience in your own home, one lucky pampered duck will be taking home a Pevonia Spa-at-home Essentials pack (RRP: $126.00). This includes;

♥ Silky Skin Body Scrub 50 ml Tube
♥ Bath Salts with Essential Oil Anti-Stress 60g
♥ Anti-Stress Bath & Shower Gel 50 ml Bottle
♥ Preserve Body Moisturizer 50 ml Bottle
♥ Lavender Votive 120 g
♥ Pevonia Skincare Pouch

3rd Prize

Absolutely luscious, this Dry Oil Body Moisturizer indulges your skin in aromatic glory without an oily or greasy feeling. Immediately absorbed, it revitalizes and nourishes every inch of skin. RRP $73.

To be in the running for one of these spa-tastic prizes, all you need to do is:

♥ Like Wellness WA on Facebook
♥ Like Pevonia Botanica Australia on Facebook
♥ Leave a comment below, letting us know which facial you’d most like to win!

Entries close on the 5th of March, winners will be notified on Facebook & via email. GOOD LUCK! 🙂

Be well,

