Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Sarah Rowbottam, Curator and Perth Organic Food Blogger!

Lovely Sarah.

First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself!

I spend most of my days working with independent artists at Performing Lines WA doing all kinds of things – directing photoshoots, editing grant applications, organising press, marketing shows, designing flyers, managing events and documenting lots of creative developments or artworks. I also just curated my first major show at PICA last year called Rounds and co-published a book.

I really love cooking and spending time at local farmers markets. I just started a website called Organic Hunter that documents recipes, produce, cafes, markets, juicing and general thoughts about everything organic in Western Australia.

I can also fold my thumb behind my index finger.

Trilogy Cream Cleanser – RRP $36.95

Tell us about your daily beauty routine.

I have a very simple routine. I wash my face with water, or if I can be bothered, Trilogy Cream Cleanser followed by Trilogy moisturiser. I use Trilogy body wash daily and depending on my mood, I might use Australian Bush Flower Woman Essence. If I go to the beach I’ll use Wotnot 30+ organic sunscreen.

What’s the one beauty treatment you can’t live without? And your favourite place to have it done?

Because I work in an office during the week I am starting to get some serious back and neck problems. I just started getting regular deep tissue / remedial massages by my friend Nisha Ariyaratne who is studying Mind-Body Medicine at the Life Academy. Nisha uses Native West Australian Flower Essences instead of oils, which work vibrationally to help move stress and blockages. She is the best!

Aveda Blue Oil Balancing Concentrate.

Who do you trust with your hair in Perth, and why?

Rory at emm Aveda Concept Salon. emm salon only uses Aveda products, a company who live by organic and plant-based ingredients. They also start the session by offering a free de-stress massage using Aveda’s Blue Oil Balancing Concentrate which has this amazing ability to calm your mind and body. Powerful stuff.

Favourite budget / at home beauty treatment? 

Delicious honeyface – cleansing scrub and then Elixir raw jarrah honey facemask.

Your three, absolutely cannot live without, favourite products? 

1. Trilogy body wash
2. Biologika Lemon Kiss Deodorant
3. Aveda’s Blue Oil Balancing Concentrate (unavailable to buy online, but you can find it at any Aveda Salon.)

Delicious lookin’ juices made by Sarah.

Do you have any secret tips you use to keep looking / feeling great?

I exercise daily, even if it’s walking an hour to and from work. I juice like crazy because it makes me feel like gold in the morning. I don’t eat red meat or poultry and I tend to only eat organic food. I drink lots of water, I sleep at least 8 hours a day and I don’t wear makeup.

What beauty treatment/ wellbeing activity would you love to try but haven’t yet? (Due to time, money, scared etc!)

Shiatsu massage.

Salad & juice made by Sarah.

Describe a typical day of eating for you.

I grew up with a family full of foodies so I tend to base my day around cooking and eating. I probably spend more time than your average person preparing food everyday because I only like to eat organic produce. My most typical day consists of…

Morning – Freshly squeezed vegetable & fruit juice (I use an OSCAR VitalMax juicer), eggs and soldiers (still as good as when you were a child).
Morning tea – Coffee (from Lowdown) & fruit salad (always with raspberries)
Lunch – I usually make a salad in the morning or take left over’s from dinner. The past two days I have eaten a salad with: Greens, sprouts, grilled carrots + zucchini + eggplant, toasted pine nuts, goats cheese, balsamic dressing
Afternoon Tea – Fruit and usually some kind of cake or dark chocolate (because I crave sugar all the time)
Dinner – Fish with some kind of salad concoction.

Describe your fitness routine.

Walking an hour a day. Or if I make it to the gym I will ride for 15 minutes, go on the cross trainer for 30 minutes, and do 10 minutes weights and 10 minutes stretching.

Do you take part in any alternative therapies or take supplements? If so, discuss.

Not anything on a daily basis. I might use tissue salts or flower essences.


How do you like to relax? What are your favourite ways to de-stress?

If I can – I will go straight down south to Augusta and walk in the bush or swim lots. If not – massage or watch classic TV series which don’t make me think too hard.

Thanks Sarah, check out Organic Hunter for more chemical free love.

Be well,



  1. Francesca says:

    So great to read about a fellow organic enthusiast and foodie. Sometimes I am made to feel like a ‘freak’ for my love of all things natural and my refusal of chemicals and mass produced food. Thanks Sarah for showing me there are more of us out there. I’m off to take a look at your blog.

  2. kylie says:

    yah sister. its nice to read so much about you *grin*. when are you coming to make us juice and eggs with soldiers??