Posts belonging to Category 'Alternative Therapy'

Chinese Massage Price List: Li’s Massage, Various Suburbs.

Li’s Massage

“Member of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Association”

Opening Hours:

Mon-Wed 9:00am-5:30pm
Thur 9:00am-9:00pm
Fri 9:00am-5:30pm
Sat 9:00am-5:00pm


Centro Galleria

Shop 127
Level 1 (Next to Myer)
Tel: 9375 5288


46 Market Street (Next to Warrens)
Tel: 9335 5889

Midland Gate Shopping Centre
Shop 101A (Next to K-Mart)
Tel: 9250 2838

Rockingham City Shopping Centre
Shop G53 (Near ANZ)
Tel: 9529 1888

Westfield Whitford City
Shop 12 (Opposite JB Hi-Fi)
Tel: 08 9307 2888

Westfield Carousel
Shop 1088 (Near Woolworths)
Tel: 08 9258 8376

Download Li’s Massage Brochure!

Exercise Review: Iyengar Yoga Centre of Rossmoyne.

Like any exercise, I imagine that the contemplation of doing yoga for the uninitiated may seem a little daunting…

Cries of “I’m not flexible enough!“, “It’s not a real workout , it’s just stretching and lying down a lot!“, “Everyone that does yoga has a perfect figure, and I’m far from perfect“, “Yoga? That’s for hippies!” and “My body is NOT a pretzel!” can be heard ringing through the households of those who would like to try something new, but just aren’t sure about it yet.

There are many, many forms of yoga (Hatha, Ashtanga, Iyengar, Bikram, Vinyasa…the list goes on) and they all have their subtle intricacies – you may find that you prefer one type to another, but how do you even get started?

An excellent way is through a beginners course. Today I’m going to enlighten you on an Iyengar Yoga beginners class that I take at the Yoga Centre of Rossmoyne.

What is Iyengar Yoga?

“Iyengar Yoga is characterized by great attention to detail and precise focus on body alignment. Iyengar pioneered the use of “props” such as cushions, benches, blocks, straps, and even sand bags, which function as aids allowing beginners to experience asanas (yoga body positions) more easily and fully than might otherwise be possible without several years of practice.”

When is it?

The beginners classes take place on Monday and Tuesday nights (7:00pm), which is great because there is plenty of time to get home from work and attend a class. There is also a beginners class on Monday morning at 9:30am for those with a more flexible schedule. All run for 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Who runs the classes?

The Monday night class is run by Anne Horsley, an accredited Iyengar Yoga teacher who has been teaching for nearly 30 years! Along with Anne running the session there are 2-3 ‘helpers’, who I believe are undertaking yoga training with Anne.

During the class they act as roaming help; since Iyengar is so focused on correct positioning of the body, it’s very common to feel a little tap on your shoulder and someone there to guide you into the right pose. I find this excellent, especially for beginners, because some of the positions can be a little challenging at first, knowing that there is always someone to offer assistance if needed is very comforting.

You may also hear your name called out with instructions on how to better your pose, while that may sound intimidating it really isn’t, it’s great to know the teachers are looking out for you (and remember your name!).

What happens in class?

The class starts out lying on your back on a yoga mat with a variety of props supporting you, and a tiny bag of rice placed on your eyelids – this blocks out light and is very soothing. We then take time to begin to breathe deeply and start to relax.

Throughout the class a large variety of exercises and poses of varying difficulty are performed. It would be remiss of me to describe them all specifically because each week focuses on a different part of the body, so the class is ever-changing. Sometimes we work on backbends or core strength, another week is more meditative, you can always be sure you’re going to get something a little different!

The teachers take into account any personal health issues and sore spots you may have too, so let them know beforehand and you will be accommodated!

As the class winds down we get to my absolute favourite part of yoga – MEDITATION! This generally involves putting on a light sweater or blanket to keep warm and lying in a relaxing pose, such as savasana (lying on the back, legs and arms fully extended) or with the legs up the wall to promote easy, nourishing blood flow to the brain.

These 10-15 minutes are pure BLISS! Many students actually fall asleep and little snores can sometimes be heard, cute! I have never fallen asleep but have attained deep relaxation in these moments.

When relaxation time is over (noooo!), we roll over and do a little bow to honour the spirit within, whatever that may mean to us and the class ends.

Who does yoga?

Getting back to the type of people who attend this yoga class, it really is EXTREMELY varied. There are men and women from the ages of roughly 16-70 of ALL shapes and sizes, many of them have specific health issues. Yoga has been recommended to lower blood pressure, reduce stress, depression and anxiety, improve flexibility and joint mobility, improve digestion… the list is almost endless, so throw out your perception of the hippies and the models (although they do practice yoga too!), you’re most likely to find regular people like you or I at a class. And everyone is accommodated warmly.

I did a quick head count and noted about 35 students, which is a large number for a yoga class and yet there is enough personal attention to go around.

The Iyengar Yoga Centre of Rossmoyne also have ‘General’ yoga classes for those who have completed a beginners course and you can also book private teaching.

I highly recommend this beginners yoga class, the personal benefits I’ve received from yoga are very far reaching in terms of reducing stress, anxiety & improving motivation.

Iyengar Yoga Centre of Rossmoyne

po box 748
western australia 6955
phone +61 8 9354 2221

If you have any more questions don’t hesitate to leave a comment!

Be well,


Treatment and Price List: Health Point Massage.

Health Point Massage

“One massage a week, keeps the doctor away – Feel great and get health”

4 Locations:

Garden City

Shop 6 (close to Woolworths)
Garden City Shopping Centre

Ph: (08) 9364 6591

Kiosk (close to Freedom)
Garden City Shopping Centre

Westfield Carousel

Shop 1049A (close to JB Hi-Fi)
Westfield Carousel Shopping Centre

Ph: (08) 9356 2633

Victoria Park

Shop 7
Park Centre

Normal Trading Hours

Mon-Wed 9:00am-5:30pm
Thurs 9:00am-9:00pm
Fri 9:00am-5:30pm
Sat 9:00am-5:00pm

Download Health Point Massage Brochure!

Treatment and Price List: Zubias Threading.

Zubias Threading

“WA’s first and only professional hair threading salon”

4 Locations (with more coming soon):

Piccadilly Arcade
Hay Street Mall
Open 7 days
(08) 6106 1212

Hillarys Boat Harbour
86 Southside Drive
7 Days
0421 574 786

Southlands Boulevarde
Shopping Centre
Burrendah Blv
Mon to Sat
(08) 6540 0464

E-shed Markets
Victoria Quay
Fri to Sun
0432 051 193


Download Zubias Threading Brochure!

Raw Food in Perth: The Raw Kitchen!

As previously mentioned, Raw Food is slowly starting to make it big, even in our little city more and more people are discovering the health and beauty benefits of eating a non-processed, fresh and organic based diet.

One company that I’ve happened upon recently is The Raw Kitchen, run by Heath and Emma, and after e-mailing with Emma for a while, it’s hard not to get excited about their business because she is so full of information and passion for all the different and healthy ways of eating and existing.

Taken from their website:

“The raw kitchen is a Perth based company offering community classes and workshops teaching the benefits and power of raw, whole, real, nourishing food. In addition, we also offer raw catering, kids and school parties and raw health product supply.
Our classes offer simple, practical, hands-on, applicable ways to incorporate raw food, to whatever degree, into your lifestyle.”

Their cooking, or un-cooking as it’s commonly referred to as, classes include something for everyone!

From an “Intro to Raw” class to find out what the heck Raw Food is, how a meal made just of fruit and vegetables can be filling and ways to incorporate more fresh foods into your diet, with tastings of raw goodies in a non-judgemental setting – you aren’t going to be crucified for being an omnivore. It’s not about being militant and critical of your diet, but showing you how to slowly increase your intake of healthful, wellbeing inducing, life-giving foods!

Other workshops include such treats as; Mains Made Easy (plenty of ideas for delicious dinners), Raw Lunchbox (tips on making great food to bring to school or the office), Decadent Desserts (need I say anything else?) and more!

Photo borrowed from Hold the Beef

Aside from the un-cooking classes, they also have a cute smoothie stall every week at the brand new Subiaco Farmers Market!

There are a few types of smoothies available, all at the reasonable price of $6:

Green Smoothie – baby spinach, frozen banana and water. Great introductory smoothie as it’s a classic and there’s an option to add mango or strawberry for $1.

Strawberry Sip – strawberry, banana, almond milk, vanilla. YUM! Can’t wait to try this!

Choc It To Mecacao (raw chocolate), agave, almond milk.

King Hit: Choc Chilli – cacao, cayenne pepper, almond milk. A real kick!

There’s also a range of supplements you can add too and they use 100% biodegradable and compostable cups and straws. Very eco-friendly.

They also stock many, many raw essentials such as food stuffs, blenders, books and dvds.

In summary, if you can get down to see these guys and try a smoothie then you wont be disappointed! You can find out more information about the classes and catering there, or you can join the Raw Kitchen Mailing List:!

Three cheers for innovative companies who are bringing us new ways to be happy, healthy & leave our taste buds satisfied.

Ps. Here is a fabulous book on raw smoothies (which I admittedly haven’t read but would love to): Green Smoothie Revolution: The Radical Leap Toward Natural Health

Urban Spoon rating: The Raw Kitchen on Urbanspoon

Be well,
