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You know we love you, right? To further prove this love, we’ve teamed up with the guys at Akin & Al’Chemy so that we can give one lucky reader a box full of hair goodies and stalk her/his postie until they arrive. Postie wont mind, they get lonely sometimes.
The prize pack contains the following…
♥ Al’chemy Rosemary Shampoo
♥ Al’chemy Mandarin Shampoo
♥ Al’chemy Rice Aminos & Wheat Protein Shampoo
♥ Al’chemy Jojoba Conditioner
♥ Al’chemy Avocado & Calendula Conditioner
♥ Al’chemy Intensive Vitamin Masque
Valued at a grand total of $90.
You wont have to worry about buying shampoo and conditioner for a little while!
The Al’chemy range is free from: parabens, mineral oils, silicones, sulfates, synthetic fragrances, artificial colours and many more nasties so if you want a healthy head, this is the stuff to go for!
Competition Rules: To enter, tell us Why this prize would make your hair happy?
The best answer will win the prize!
One entry per person. Western Australian entrants only. Competition runs for two weeks, winner drawn on Tuesday 31st August Current contributors to Wellness WA are not permitted to enter (sorry guys!).
Enter now!
Be well,
My hair has the very arduous task of being my best feature so I tend to have it on show in order to hide my less redeeming features!
Anything that makes that job easier would be welcomed by my hair! As this range is free from all sorts of nasties, it will leave my hair free to shine with healthiness and happiness, and hopefully be an example for the rest of me, to shine with health and happiness!
These products would make my hair happy by making it shiny and healthy. Happy hair is fabulous hair. And we all need to have fabulous hair.
This would make my hair happy because Al’chemy are vegan and I am switching all my cosmetic and health products to vegan and cruelty free. I want to be as kind to the animals (and myself) as I can! Also my birthday is 31 August, this would be a great present (hint hint)! 😉
This prize would make my hair happy because my hair and scalp tend to rebel against any shampoo / conditioner I use after a month or so and I’ve never tried anything that sounds as awesome as this brand.
I’m trying to focus on getting as much healthy nutrients into my body as possible and my hair wants to join the party!
A healthy me is a happy me
Already love this brand so I want to win it all for my long locks, to keep them silky, soft and shiny *shiny happy hair* sounds like a great title for a song yes?
This would make my hair happy since I already use Al’chemy products, and my hair is silkier, thicker and healthier than I can remember it being since I was a child. Plus, friends are always commenting that it smells delicious! And having happy hair makes the rest of me happier too 🙂 I am, however, a poor, struggling student, so getting my good & healthy hair fix for free for a while would be awesome!
Wholesome, natural, cruelty free yummy food makes me happy and healthy 🙂 I have no reason to think that my hair and skin are any different 🙂 gotta be good on the inside to look good on the outside – but the reverse is also true: gotta be healthy and wholesome on the outside to be healthy and happy on the inside 🙂 xx
I’m growing my hair for my wedding (in November) and it’s not happy about it! I’m stressed and I’ve never had so many split ends in my life! I can’t have bad hair on my big day – the Al’chemy pack would be an absolute lifesaver.
Al’chemy products would make my hair happy as i’ve always struggled to tame it. It’s frizzy & dry, but when i use normal conditioners, it becomes limp and flat. My hair hasn’t responded well to most off-the-shelf brands either. Terrible as i’m getting married in December, and would love to get it in shape before then! I definitely need this Al’chemy pack! 🙂
So, I tried to ask my hair why this prize would make it happy, but it turns out it’s not talking to me at the moment. It just mumbled something about supermarket products and not remembering to use my heat protectant spray and then huffed a bit. We used to be on such good terms, and I think it’s going to take something pretty special to rekindle our relationship. This Al’chemy loveliness would surely do the trick. It might even persuade it to stop turning so prematurely grey (eek!).
My hair would be VERY happy using these products! Currently it is dry and limp and in need of some love and attention. What better way to restore and nourish my hair than to use high quality products that are pure, natural and free from toxic preservatives?!
The other night i was out to dinner with a friend. Leaning over the table, my hair dangled in one of the candles on the table. All of a sudden i could smell burning hair and looked down to see the right side of my head on fire. I luckily put it out, but a lot of my poor hair was singed. This prize would make my hair very happy because needless to say my ends are very dry and brittle and in need of some TLC! Plus i would like to stay as chemical free as possible from now on. i swear it was the hairspray that help set my hair alight!
Considering that WASHING my hair is the only attention it really gets (apart form the occassional trip to the hairdresser), I’m sure that my hair would appreciate a little bit of TLC with the Al’Chemy products. Who knows, it may even encourage me to pick up the hairdryer myself………
I’m always looking for something new that makes my hair and I happy too!
My friends have been telling me how dry and brittle my hair has been after the cold hard winter and I really would love to change their opinions about that! I’ve just started getting the alchemy hair products and are exploring options right now so winning this gift pack would definitely aid me in trying out various Alchemy hair products and know which would be the best for me! and i would definitely love to bear the testimony (plus spread the love!) to my friends! <3
I can remember Alchemy tubes and bottles in our family bathroom from a very young age, my mom loved them (the were her special ‘mum only’ shampoo and conditioner) and I would always be squeezing out a secret dollop for myself, hoping she wouldnt notice! I adored (and still do!) the botanical-esque pictures on the labels, and soon found myself identifying the featured plants and flowers in our garden… but mostly it was the amazing smell that I fell in love with, and still love to this day.. Every product I have ever used from Alchemy and Akin has been simply sublime to the senses, and the products never over-foam or strip my hair/skin . There are no hidden nasties, no unnessecary scents and no overthe-top claims that this product with change your life.. I find that these products always do what they claim to do in a no-fuss understated yet totally fullfilling manner.. And so you ask why this prize would make my hair happy??? Well, having my bathroom fully stocked with these gorgeous products would be like waking up everyday in heaven! Winter always sends my tresses into a lil limp-dry depressed mess…. Waking up every morning to the sight of those familiar black tubes and bottles with the endearing little botanical pictures and then squeezing a portion into my hand, to then massage through my depressed locks, my shower stall steaming up and filling my senses with the beautiful out-of this world scents…!!! That is heaven to me!
This prize would make my hair happy for that reason and If my hair had the ability to smile it would be walking around all day with a 10,000 mega watt smile, bursting with happiness.
My hair is neglected and needs a big pick-me-up. I need something that will make it smooth and shiny and actually look healthy as well as smelling lovely. At the moment I cant do anything with it and I need Al’chemy to revive my hair and give my self esteem a boost in the process.
My hair goes to my waist and I wish it was as nice as it was long. Natural products like avocado would be bliss.
This prize would make my hair happy because it truly is the simple things in life that bring me happiness.. Alchemy products are simple and understated, but they actually work! A wise person once said “the happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have” This prize would most definately help me make the most of my somewhat winter neglected hair.
I have been dying, chemically straightening and perming my hair for the last 10 years and my hair is beyond damaged! I have tried a load of treatments and agents to fix my hair but I’ve just ended up wasting money. I tried Alchemy from my friend’s referral and my hair immediately became healthy after using it for a month. I am a changed woman and I firmly believe in Alchemy’s products as they use natural ingredients that really help nourish your hair. Since Alchemy has changed my life not only would I use this prize to pamper myself but also give some to my girlfriends to spread the word!
Unfinished Fairytale
The bristles of my brush are cursed
It does not care for the tangles it creates
For what is there to take care of?
Nothing but a brittle dry mess…
That stupid prince Charming
Climbing my golden brown rope
To rescue me from the evil witch
Causing it to break under his heavy weight.
We went and tried every remedy between white walls that promised hope
But they did nothing but destroy,
So I lay on my pillow and ask
What can be done?
The brittle strands whisper hoarsely
”‘Go back to nature
What you need
To restore your hairs chemistry:
Mandarin to make it smell like heaven
Avocado to nourish and restore glow
Rosemary to make it grow
Wheat protein to restore what has been taken
All this you can get from Alchemy by Akin
Now we can end the story
With your crowning glory. “