Posts belonging to Category 'Yoga'

Sunday Morning Deep Stretch Yoga Class @ Sun Salute Yoga, Claremont.


As most of you know, I love yoga. The feeling of peace and serenity afterwards can’t be beaten, and the ongoing changes that it makes to your mind and body are incredible. I ride a wave between doing 2-3 classes a week for a while, beginning to feel amazing, then falling off the wagon for a few weeks in which time my mood and general wellbeing are noticeably worse.

So many of us struggle with this, even as the owner of Wellness WA I still really need to work on making sure I do the best things for myself and my body whenever I can (and I do slip up!). But that’s cool, because it’s a journey, just “do your best, and your best will get better”.

So, back on the wagon lately and last Sunday morning a friend and I partook in a 9:30am Sunday restorative yoga class at a new school in Claremont that I’d been wanting to check out for AGES – Sun Salute Yoga.

The studio has an amazing feel, all beech-y wooden floors, high ceilings, candles & space. What I can only imagine a studio in New York might look and feel like.

A gently spoken English lass with the tell-tale glowing skin and calm presence of a seasoned yoga teacher led the ‘Deep Stretch Restorative Class‘. The Sun Salute website states that “This restorative class is the best in Perth” – quite a claim, and one I was keen to put to the test as I have a few favourites around the place!

This is an Ashtanga Yoga school, and even the restorative class has elements of the staple pose (and namesake), the sun salute. Personally I have low blood pressure which can make me feel a little dizzy when going from floor to standing poses, so if you’re in the same boat make sure you let the teacher know before class and they will happily accommodate you by providing alternative postures.

My friend was unable to do one of the other poses, and our teacher Louise made sure she was looked after and helped her find another way she could do the stretch. Personalised attention and care is one of the many benefits of small class sizes at dedicated yoga schools, as opposed to large classes at the gym.

The class lives up to its name of being a deep stretch, and many of the poses really get into the hips – which I found out today are the deepest joints in the body and hold a lot of tension and emotion, something I’m happy to get rid of!

Overall it was a very enjoyable class and we both left feeling happy and calm, ready to tackle a crazy morning of Christmas shopping. My friend who is a total yoga newbie loved it too, so it’s suitable for all levels. Is it the best in Perth? It’s definitely up there. I’m undecided as to a clear winner just yet, as I’m pretty in love with a few other classes too, but it’s definitely a very high-quality class and one I would recommend to anyone who needs a little extra zen in their life. I’ll be back for sure!

Ps. Check out their FAQ page for some great info, and some light-hearted-yet-serious answers to common questions, including:

My boyfriend dumped me for a woman with a flat stomach and a tight bum. I think she had breast implants too. Will yoga help me look more like her?

The deets:

Length: 75 minute class
Cost: $20 casual rate. See website for package deals.

SunSalute Yoga
12 Stirling Road
Claremont WA 6010

Ph: (08) 9448-8179
Facebook: Sun Salute Yoga FB
Twitter: @yogasunsalute

Have you done yoga on Sundays, the traditional day of rest, before? Heard of this new school?

Be well,

