Posts belonging to Category 'Interviews'

Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Bethany Cecins, Ksubi Store Manager.

Bethany Cecins

First up tell us a little about yourself.

I am from Perth and have spent the last year managing the Subway DC shops (Perth, Claremont and Fremantle) and assisted in their buying for both mens and womens. My fashion experience also extends to New York as I lived and worked there for a year (08-09) interning in various PR Houses whilst managing at American Apparel and W!NK NYC. Gaining a lot of knowledge in the Australian Fashion Industry, the move to Sydney seemed like the next step and when offered the job to manage Ksubi’s new flagship shop in the Pitt St in Sydney I jumped at the chance.

Tell us about your daily beauty routine!

Cleanse and moisturize! I use Cetaphil for both. I have tried more expensive ones but as my skin can be sensitive I find that Cetaphil cleans without stripping my skin. Every morning every night. I try to remember sunscreen every day as I am pale and fluoro red burns tend to look very unattractive. Mecca has a fantastic one that goes under make up really well and comes in a Tinted version also.

Whats the one beauty treatment you can’t live without?
Eyebrow grooming and maintaining! So important! The girls at Serene Day Spa in Scarborough are awesome.

* Who do you trust with your hair in Perth, and why?

Head Studio, Head Studio, Head Studio. The whole team there are just fantastic and its such a fun place. The listen to what you want and offer great ideas that I would never have thought of.

Favourite budget / at home beauty treatment?
Lucas’ Papaw Ointment. Great for lips, dry skin…. Practically everything. $5!!!

Nars Orgasm

Your three absolutely cannot live without favourite products?

Yves Saint Laurent Touche Eclat, Nars Orgasm Blush and Nars Laguna Bronzer.

Do you have any secret tips you use to keep looking / feeling great?

Sleep and water. Common sense but so hard to follow sometimes.

What beauty treatment/ wellbeing activity would you love to try but haven’t yet? (Due to time, money, scared etc!)

I would love to do an intense detox for about a month but my lack of willpower and love of food just keeps getting in the way.

Describe a typical day of eating for you?

Breakfast is really important as I feel half alive until I eat in the morning, but after that I just eat when I am hungry. I try and eat well as it makes me feel better but don’t base my life around food.

Describe your fitness routine.

I love walking as it gives me time to relax and just listen to music, but its hardly fitness. Bikram Yoga is amazing, both physically and mentally. Almost an addiction!

Do you take part in any alternative therapies or take supplements? If so, discuss.

Not really, too confusing. A multivitamin is as far as I go.

Be well,


Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Conor Mines, Perth Food Blogger.

Conor runs the successful food blog

First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself!

I’m in my mid-late twenties (some may argue the “mid-“ is stretching it a bit these days), completing the final year of my PhD in environmental engineering, and these days find myself spending most of what time I have left over in the day either talking about, reading about or writing about food.

Although I love to bag it, I love living in Perth but regular travel is necessary for my mental health.

Tell us about your daily beauty routine.

It’s really very basic, and sometimes I wonder when I’ll become a proper grownup and start wearing makeup to work and using night creams. I cleanse, tone and moisturise in the morning, then normally wear a SPF-ed tinted moisturiser through the day.

I’d love to say I drink gallons of water a day and always get at least 8 hours of restful sleep but this is rarely the case! Herbal teas keep my water intake at somewhat acceptable levels and coffee keeps my body from punishing me too much about the amount of sleep I let it have.

What’s the one beauty treatment you can’t live without? And your favourite place to have it done?

After discovering its joys about a year ago, I am an IPL convert. It’s like magic. Smooth, smooth magic. I was getting it done at Erazer in Claremont and found them to be really good, but my last treatment was done at Hairfree Centre in Booragoon after seeing it promoted on Wellness WA.

Who do you trust with your hair in Perth, and why?

I go to Steve at LASH in Inglewood. He always does a great job, is really affordable, is fun to talk to, never berates me for how long I leave it between visits and he makes decent coffee. He also keeps his magazines up to date, and I never have to resort to reading about Simone Warne or Bec Hewitt.

Favourite budget / at home beauty treatment?

I bought an epilator on eBay a few years ago and have found it to be a great way to save money on leg waxes without having to resort to shaving. It’s a bit old and only works when plugged into the wall, but it’s not like I’d want to go do it down at the park or something anyway.

Natio Tinted Moisturiser RRP $17.23

Your three, absolutely cannot live without, favourite products?

Toothpicks – my teeth gaps are on a constant mission to embarrass me, and I always have toothpicks on hand to thwart their plans.

Natio Tinted Moisturiser – it adds a bit of colour to my face while protecting me from the sun.

Facial Wipes – these are perfect for lazy people who want to keep their face clean, and are a godsend at the end of a big night out.

Do you have any secret tips you use to keep looking / feeling great?

Smile 🙂

What beauty treatment/ wellbeing activity would you love to try but haven’t yet? (Due to time, money, scared etc!)

I’m curious to see how my body and mind would respond to being in an Isolation tank. While I’m not overly afraid of suffering from claustrophobia inside one, I am apprehensive about paying good money to potentially spend an hour being bored and trying to stop thinking about what I need to buy at the supermarket, how badly I need a haircut, how I really should book myself in for another IPL treatment etc.

Describe a typical day of eating for you.

Eating is one of my main priorities in life, and there is some part of my brain that is constantly thinking about my next meal, even while I’m eating my current meal.

My typical day will start with breakfast of a bowl of steel cut oat porridge with assorted fresh fruits, natural yoghurt, stewed rhubarb and a sprinkling of dried fruits on top.

Lunch will be something like sushi, a wrap and salad, or an enormous chicken or tuna salad.

My standard boring dinner is some sort of embarrassingly large stir fry with a huge amount of vegetables and a protein such as chicken, tofu or fish. I am also constantly snacking throughout the day, and can fade pretty quickly if I have to go very long without sustenance.

Describe your fitness routine.

Given that one of my favourite pastimes is eating, and I am not blessed with magical genes, I maintain a decent fitness routine in order to fit into my clothes and also to keep myself strong and healthy.

Despite the mostly horrendous music, I’m a big fan of the Les Mills group fitness classes. I do Body Pump three times a week and Body Step twice a week when it suits my schedule. I’ve also recently set myself the potentially ridiculous goal of running the half marathon component of the Busselton Half Ironman in May of next year, so have just started doing interval training once a week, and a “long run” once a week. So far my definition of “long” is 10km, which isn’t even half a half marathon. I’m glad May is a long way off, and that Busselton is nice and flat.

Do you take part in any alternative therapies or take supplements? If so, discuss.

Although I have a good diet, I take a daily multivitamin and fish oil supplements in case I’m somehow missing any vital nutrients. I went through a sustained period of getting regular acupuncture, and found it very beneficial for many reasons, but have fallen out of the habit at the moment. I also can’t go long without a neck/shoulder massage and treat myself whenever I can, which is never often enough.

Any questions for Conor?!

Be well,


Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Adriane Daff, Actress.

Welcome to our BRAND NEW segment, where we will uncover for you all the secret tips & tricks that well-known and upcoming “Perthonalities” employ to keep them looking and feeling on top of the world (or Kings Park)!

If you have any suggestions for Perth based darlings you’d like us to interview, send through an e-mail and we’ll try and get them to shed some light on their health and beauty routines.

First up is Adriane Daff, actress and local pretty Perthie, she has worked in films, television and most recently two plays that received rave reviews, including “The Pride“.

Read on to see how she keeps looking great…

Tell us about your daily beauty routine!

Trying to remember to cleanse, tone and moisturize. Trying to remember to put on sunscreen. Trying not to touch my face throughout the day. Trying to do at least some sort of exercise. Trying to drink as much water as I can. Trying to get at least 7 hours of sleep. Trying to eat apples. I would describe the whole routine as ‘trying’.

Whats the one beauty treatment you can’t live without? And your favourite place to have it done?

IPL at The Beauty Gallery is pretty damn amazing. Mircrodermabrasion at the same place is also really good. And I like facials.

The best facials I’ve ever had in my life were at a place in the West Village in New York that I went to regularly up until about a year ago when I left America. My therapist was a very stern Eastern European lady (called something like Olga) and told me if I just drank more water and slept more it would make a huge difference. I wish I could go to her regularly. She was so matronly and matter of fact. I miss her.

Who do you trust with your hair in Perth, and why?

I trust anyone and everyone. I’m not too prescious about my hair (and maybe not too kind) but I feel like it’s the one thing that no matter what you do to it, it’ll always grow back. So you should dye it, cut it, do whatever you like to it because it’s only temporary. In saying that though nine times out of ten when I say to someone I love your hair they tell me they got it done at Head Studio.

Favourite budget / at home beauty treatment?

Visine eye drops. Eight dollars!

Juicy Tubes!

Your three, absolutely cannot live without, favourite products?

Lancome juicy tubes, Aesop sunscreen, Dior Diorshow mascara.

Do you have any secret tips you use to keep looking / feeling great?

Sleep and water drinking! Just like Olga said! Boring. But it works, I think.

What beauty treatment/ wellbeing activity would you love to try but haven’t yet? (Due to time, money, scared etc!)

One day I would like to go to a really intense day spa that lasts for maybe a week and is in a really remote part of the world and you do things like immerse yourself in snow/steam in a sauna/roll around in honey/get blasted with a high pressure hose and eat only rice two times a day. Something really harsh, just to see if it works.

Describe a typical day of eating for you?

I’m not so good with routine, I find it really hard to get into good habits. Food both bores me and overwhelms me. I try to eat things that I know are good for me but more often than not I don’t care enough. I’m working on it.

Describe your fitness routine.

Again I’m really bad with routine so I go through phases of exercise but things I always find myself going back to are walking (because it doesn’t feel like you are exercising) swimming and yoga. I recently started Bikram Yoga which I like because its mental and physical. And very challenging.

Do you take part in any alternative therapies or take supplements? If so, discuss.

Not really, I’m pretty cynical and ignorant when it comes to alternative therapies (I’m sorry to say). I try to remember to take calcium tablets but that’s about it!

Thanks Adriane!

Do you like our new section?

Who would you most like to have reveal their beauty / health secrets?

Any questions for our actress friend?

Be well,
