Posts belonging to Category 'Other'

Wellness Event: Who Do You Think You Are? Finding Your Life Purpose Through Yoga, Mar 15-17, 2013.

If you’ve ever questioned ‘Who am I?' and ‘What is my life purpose?’, or wanted to know how to apply the practise of yoga beyond the mat, then this rare three day workshop is for you. It is suitable for everyone, from those with no yoga experience to advanced practitioners, there will be a mix of asanas to help release tension, meditation techniques, and philosophy to help with self-enquiry. If you're wondering what you're doing with your life, feeling stuck, wanting to learn how to slow down and find time to do the things you love, learn to find balance or how to live a more fulfilling life – then this is the workshop for you!

Join Stephan Kahlert as he takes you on a journey to discover your authentic self and dharma, or ‘life purpose’. When we are in tune with our dharma, we live a fulfilled life with more joy and less struggle.

Stephan’s way of explaining even the most difficult philosophical riddles is fun and easy to understand. You’ll be inspired, entertained and leave with a new sense of purpose in life.

Take a journey inwards and learn how yoga can illuminate your path by understanding:

* Obstacles on the path to freedom
* The ethical framework of a yogic lifestyle
* Breath and meditation, the gateway to higher consciousness
* What is karma and how does it impact your path?

Stephan Kahlert, is a respected philosophy and meditation teacher, therapist, counsellor and a lover of life. He met his first teacher, the late Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh known world-wide as Osho in 1980 and was initiated in Poona, India. Stephan's passion is Jnana yoga and the path of knowledge. His motivation is to communicate, inspire and mentor students in discovering the silence and bliss hidden within each of us.
Visit for more details.

Stephan has an amazing way of helping people who are wanting to make changes in their lives so they are living fully and with joy – Bookings for this unmissable three day event (you can choose to book in for one day, or all three) based at Twisting Fish Yoga Studio in Claremont, are available by contacting Erica:

* Email
* Call Erica on 0406 278 248

Mention Wellness WA when booking to receive a 15% discount!

Check out the Facebook event page for more details!

I hope to see you there! 🙂

This is a sponsored post, as always though, we will only bring you posts with content we think you will find relevant & inspiring!

Be well,




Win Win Win: 3 x March Notox Boxes Up For Grabs!

Notox box is a monthly box filled with handpicked natural, organic and eco products! It allows us wellness lovers to spoil ourselves with a box full of goodies delivered right to the doorstep every month. The products are all natural, safe & eco conscious. Notox box does the research for you, so you can sit back and enjoy!

Wellness WA has teamed up with Notox box this month to offer three super lucky readers the opportunity to experience the gorgeous March box pictured above – you'll be thrilled with the assortment of conscious goodies, including…

Clay Mask
Weleda Almond Soothing Cleansing Lotion
Soap nuts!
Raw Acai Bar
Cute biodegradable foodware
Biodynamic brown rice

This goodie box will delight any wellness fan! To be in with a chance to win, just do the following:

1. Like Notox box on Facebook. Entrants will also be added to the Notox Box mailing list.

2. Leave a comment on this post with your best tip for starting a non toxic day!

3. Keep your fingers crossed 🙂

Good luck! Winners will be drawn on Monday 18 March 2013!

Be well,



Win Big with Lilly Jack & Wellness WA: $350 of Luxurious Dead Sea Skincare Could Be Yours!

If you're in need of a skincare routine overhaul to start the new year off right then you are in great luck today! Wellness WA has teamed up with the fabulous folk at Lilly Jack to offer one incredibly lucky reader the gift of glorious skin with a whopping $350 prize pack of luxurious Guy De On skincare and body products!!!

how can i get my ex girlfriend back

Up for grabs is:

♥ Purifying Cleanser
♥ Clarifying Toner
♥ Multi-active Hydrating Day Cream
♥ Regenerating Night Cream
♥ Texturising Eye Cream
♥ Regenerating Serum
♥ Cool It Shower Gel
♥ Skin Wonder Mud Treatment
♥ Reviver Bath Salts

To win, all you need to do is head to the Wellness WA Facebook page and enter your details to be in with a chance to win, takes 10 seconds and couldn't be easier! Excellent skin awaits you, good luck!!

Be well,




How Comfort Eating Is A Reflection Of Your Soulʼs Health.

If how and what you eat was a reflection of your soul then what story would it tell you? Would the story read something like…“I love my body and enjoy nourishing it” Or “My life fulfills and nourishes me”? Or would it say something more along the lines of “I neglect my needs and stuff down feelings” or perhaps “I am unhappy and need some love and nurturing”?

There are many reasons for comfort eating that range from emotional to physical causes and even spiritual needs. I dont want to run through any of these with you right now, nor do I want to talk about how or why you should stop comfort eating, to be honest, it has many good sides to it too.

Instead I want to invite you to simply explore, with playful curiosity, your reasons for comfort eating, what makes you reach for certain foods and why. This is an exploration of you, of your soul.

First up, its important to know that there is no right or wrong here, that whether you do or don't, how and why you comfort eat does not matter. For the sake of this exploration, lets pretend comfort eating is perfectly okay, you have full permission to just do what you feel.

To help you write your soulʼs story from a comfort eating session, here are a few questions to ask your self (remember…you have full permission to reach for it this time!):

♥ What was I feeling and thinking just before making the decision to get some comfort food?
♥ Why did I choose this particular food? What does it mean to me?
♥ How is this food serving me? What is the payoff for eating it?
♥ How is this food NOT serving me? ie: weight, food coma, no nutritional value etc…
♥ What deep need did I have when reaching for this?
♥ How do I feel physically and emotionally AFTER eating this?

Now sum up in one sentence or paragraph, what this tells you about yourself? What needs is your soul reaching out for? Then think about how else you could meet these needs. This could be physical, nutritional, emotional, mental or spiritual.

Put pen to paper with this one, as there really is power in the written word. What comes out onto paper can give you the power of insight and clarity on the gorgeous soul that is you.

Are you a comfort eater? What comfort foods do you love? Are you trying to break the habit or perfectly happy comforting yourself with food? Lets talk below!

Michelle Sims is a Body & Soul Coach for women who are ready to unveil the real them with a radiant body to match. Michelle is an empathic and intuitive coach who is passionate about helping women to nourish their body, nurture their soul and ultimately energize their life. Before turning to her own business, Michelle had a successful career as a formally qualified Chef before completing a Bachelor of Food Science and Technology. It was Michelle’s keen interest in health and personal development, along with her own personal story of healing that inspired her to create her own business in order to share this with other women.

More Information:

Be well,



Top Ten Posts for 2012!

Hi everyone! As we all know, 2013 is just around the corner. When the clock strikes midnight we’ll be transported into a brand new year – how exciting is that?! A brand new year to look after yourself, strive to feel as healthy as possible, reach towards your biggest goals and dreams & live the life you’ve always wanted to. Every day is a chance to take a step closer to it. You can do it!

Instead of a resolution this year, I’m adopting a mantra for 2013:

There is no limit to how radiant, alive & irresistible I can be

The amazing Marie Forleo said this, and it’s already helping me stay on track – whenever I have a decision to make I think of this mantra and whether my actions are going to work towards radiance, or detract from it. Powerful stuff!

I’m also going to be doing the following: drinking water, eating veggies, sleeping, breathing, and moving. No pressure though, just doing the best I can.

So without further chit-chat I present to you the most read articles* of 2012 on Wellness WA!

1. Wellness WA Green Smoothie Database – seems a lot of people were getting in on the green drink action this year, something I hope to continue exploring and experimenting with in 2013!

2. Where Can I Get a Fish Pedicure in Perth? – great question, check out my answer in the post!

3. Health Food Focus: Natvia Natural Sweetener – with the surge in people interested in quitting sugar thanks to Sarah Wilson’s fantastic “I Quit Sugar” E-book, this recipe post about sugar alternative Natvia was a raging success!

4. The Wonders of Pomegranates: A Three Way Pomegranate Ritual – a fantastic article on how drinking, eating, and using pomegranates on your skin is wonderful for your wellbeing and beauty!

5. Product Review: Nature’s Botox Alternative – nuff said! People want the results of medical skincare, without the needles.

6. Perth Market Review: Stirling Farmers Market – a new trial farmers market popped up in Stirling this year, and thanks to the support of local residents it got the go ahead from the council to keep running. Yippee!

7. Quinoa and Where to Buy it in Perth – it’s been a good year for quinoa, this post will let you know where to pick up this super healthy superfood!

8. Wellness Recipe: Superfood Raw Fudge Balls – I can personally attest to the yumminess of these, in fact I just whipped up a batch as I was writing this post!

9. Perth’s Newest Deluxe Day Spa: Endota, Perth CBD – this new spa in the heart of our beautiful city caused quite a whirlwind of excitement when it launched in March. If you’ve not been yet you should certainly do yourself a favour in the New Year.

10. Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Emma Smyth, Model – Nutrition Student – Wellness Blogger – local beauty & blogger Emma caused traffic numbers to spike dramatically in the day we posted her interview (and ever since!). A combination of her gorgeous looks, holistic approach to nutrition and exercise and her bubbly personality made this one of the top interviews we’ve done so far. Check her out!

* Some of them may not have been written in 2012, but have resonated with people this year.